Staff has taken another unplanned day off while DPMZ has carried the whole, err… load that is mocking educating folks about…

…in a non-libelous, non-harassing manner, of course…

Bill Schmalfeldt.

Playtime is just about over, though, for Bill and me both.

Keep that F5 key warmed up, big guy.

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244 Responses to BiLLSHiT AHEAD

  1. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    Good. I got something for you, too!

    Did someone say “Beetlejuice?” Ahh, Bill, we just can’t wait. Oh, and it’s “I’ve got…” or I have got…”. “I got” makes you sound just like the playground bully that you are. -the Staff


    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      I hope you’re that amusing in person.

      Some would say yes, some no, Bill. It all depends (no pun intended) on your point of view, I guess. I’m the humor guy here, though. DPMZ is serious as a heart attack, as you’ve found out. -D. Edgren

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      That’s me being nice. Pack up your tent and steal away into the night, Edgren. Being a former lawyer (but not a very good one from the reviews I’ve read), you should have an inkling what will happen if you cross the line.

      Oh, I’m here to stay. And opinions are like a particular body part. Everyone has one (or at least started out with one). I dealt with a couple of thousand clients over a quarter century of practicing law. You can’t please all the people all of the time, but I think I did a pretty good job overall. -D. Edgren


      • Rob Crawford says:

        You’ll step on your crank again? Or email out the picture you took of your wife’s corpse? You know, the one you “threatened” to take — while planning today’s subtle plot to get Hoge?

        Bad news, Bill — Baldrick is better at recognizing subtle plots than you are.

        Perhaps we should give you his first name?

        Sod Off Schmalfeldt… has a ring to it…

        Liked by 4 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          Shut your fucking yap before someone slaps it to the back of your head, punk.

          That sounds pretty angry, Bill. Can we have Rational Bill back, please? -the Staff

          Notice number one to you Bill. You don’t get to tell my posters what to do. – TDPZ

          Liked by 2 people

      • howarddearl says:

        You’ll deny medical care to Shilo?

        Liked by 6 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        “Shut your fucking yap before someone slaps it to the back of your head, punk.”

        That a threat?

        Liked by 5 people

      • Pablo says:

        You know, for a @MerryWidower, you’re pretty fucking hostile, Blob. It really reflects badly on your relations. It seems to me that someone should tell Jim Rice what you’ve been up to the last couple of days.

        Does anyone here have his email address?

        Liked by 3 people

      • SammyD says:

        Just so you know, all of your threats have been forward to the appropriate people in Howard and Carroll counties.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Dianna says:

        Oh, shut up.

        You’re not scary. You’re just tiresome and pathetic. Your lawsuits are bathetic. Your notion of insult, puerile.

        Save yourself some humiliation, and get off the internet.

        Liked by 2 people

      • howarddearl says:

        It’s a good thing your “beloved” made you a better man.
        You must’ve been a real asshole before your renaissance.

        Liked by 5 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Final words of advice. Do not let the yapping fools goad you into doing something you will regret the rest of your life.

      Final final? Or just preliminary final? Time will tell. -the Staff

      Liked by 1 person

      • Rob Crawford says:

        Well, our host is letting you comment here. I understand that’s usually just a decade or two of regrets, though. XM and twitter and Daily Kos and more are still feeling those regrets.

        Liked by 4 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          Did someone read those to you, sonny? Piss off, clown.

          “Piss off, clown.” So it was preliminary final. Is there more? -the Staff


      • Rob Crawford says:

        I’m not your “sonny”, pal.

        Liked by 5 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          Then piss off, Bitch.

          You obviously have trouble with women, Bill. Most normal people use “bitch” or “son-of-a-bitch” as a significant expletive every so often, usually out of anger. You use these terms like punctuation. You really are an angry guy, aren’t you? -the Staff


      • sharky says:

        You mean like emailing an embarrassing photo of your sick wife taken two weeks before she died?

        That kind of regret?


      • Grace says:

        Oooh. Big, bad Biwwy. Skeery.


        Liked by 4 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        Looks like at least three other people got the reference — is *South Park* too intellectual for you? Not enough fart jokes or butt stuff? Jealous of how Mr. Slave took out Paris Hilton?

        Liked by 4 people

      • Dr_Mike says:

        Doing something like sending an email to six uninterested observers, plus someone with an outstanding “do not contact” request that, after the many many succesful, unsuccesful, and currently subject to appeal protection orders by which the Commonwealth (no mere State) of Maryland has said “DO NOT CONTACT” in which you include a photo you took that you claim is unpublished, and if it gets loose on the nets you will know that THIS one of seven people you emailed it to is the guilty party.

        Oh and something else one might regret: sending the same photo to an uninterested third party, a mere twenty minutes after sending the email to local LE saying the picture had not been published and (assuming none of them sent it onward) if it went live HOGE!!!! was to blame. Gee, we can document that you sent it to a third party _after_ making the quasi-criminal complaint. We can document that the email “Krendler” (I know you read that as “Grady” but proof is in the pudding) was sent from an email that there is a great reason to believe is one of your dirty socks. If not, either _HOGE_ or _ONE OF THE EIGHT OTHERS_ you know to have received this photo sent it onwards. If you didn’t from alternate means. Given that it was only 20 minutes from you telling LE “I only sent this to you and him” to you sending it to reporting, hostile to you third parties, raises the question of who did you tell in between?

        Brett? Neil? Matt? Why should we believe you did not get clearance from ALL of them before you went on? The documented cases of your “friends” laughing at you in court while you “stumble in and F*ck myself” might be a bit of a clue. To anyone smarter than you. And why should we believe, if you yourself were not dumb enough to send the email to AD’s wife, that it wasn’t one of your “friends” that sent the pic onward?

        Really, we know you sent it to seven people other than Hoge. If they didn’t send it onward, why should we believe you did not?

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    But I’ll wait to see what delightful entertainment you have for us. Be warned. There is a certain photo being passed around by people who will rue the day they publish it. Because I haven’t even been mildly annoyed yet. That photo was intended to show that I am a human being — not a fictitious villain — who is going through a human tragedy. I’ve lost my wife, and you people think this is a joke. It was not meant to bring out the inhuman behavior of scumbags who — mark me — will be very, very sorry if they cross that line.

    The “certain photo” has nothing to do with Billy Sez. Your warnings are falling on deaf ears here. And you, a “fictitious villain?” Oh no, Bill, au contraire. You are a very real villain, as evidenced by your past, as well as current, villainous actions. We believe, because you do so much of it, that you like to bully and hurt people. And you are unfair to Billy Sez when you say we take your loss of your wife as a joke. There’s a feature post coming up in that vein that you’ll be interested in. We have posted nothing “inhuman” here, and we control our commenters very carefully along that line. So go bark at someone else that you really might have a beef with, eh?

    Oh, and kind of hard to get the word out with Twitter, eh? We’re sure we’ll see the @MerryWidower soon enough. Since Twitter seems to be way more on top of your accounts than in the past, we’ll probably see the end of the @MerryWidower, too. -the Staff

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rob Crawford says:

      You took a ghoulish photo to “prove” your humanity?

      You really are a sociopath.

      Liked by 11 people

    • sharky says:

      “Lost your wife?”

      She’s hiding with the rest of your family…in shame.


    • Paul Krendler says:

      “Rue the day?”

      “Who talks like that anymore?”

      Points to anyone who knows the movie.

      *Raises hand* Ummm, me? – TDPZ

      Liked by 5 people

      • lorddewclaw says:

        Real Genius

        Starring a very young Val Kilmer.

        Awesome movie! 🙂

        Liked by 4 people

      • Of course Real Genius with a young Val Kilmer. A classic.

        [Chris Knight is trying to hit on Susan, a beautiful woman he finds in Professor Hathaway’s house]
        Chris Knight: So, if there’s anything I can do for you – or, more to the point, *to* you – just let me know.
        Susan: Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?
        Chris Knight: Not right now.
        Susan: A girl’s gotta have her standards.
        [She walks out]

        Liked by 1 person

        • Paul Krendler says:

          My favorite line is Chris sitting on the ledge after learning Hathaway is going to flunk him out…

          “I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, when he said…’I drank what?'”

          Liked by 3 people

    • howarddearl says:

      Already published, Shakes.

      Liked by 3 people

    • evilwillie00 says:

      Hey DipShit– can you show us an example of someone who didn’t heed your warnings and suffered a Bill consequence ? With all your threats of XXXXXX action if YYYYYYY doesn’t happen by ELENENTYOCLOCK, you should have many victims to parade around.
      But since everyone knows what a complete joke you are, your threats are just laughed at and mocked. All we have is FUN!!!!

      Liked by 7 people

    • Grace says:

      Nice try, dumbass. No one’s biting.

      Take your disgusting photo back to your little, sweaty-palmed, happy place and GFY.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Minemyown says:

      BE a god-dam man and let it go, you should have never shared that photo–in fact why the hell did you not just delete it if you did not want it to see the light of day. Again be a MAN it is you own fault if a photo you took, and sent into the wild shows up any where.

      By the way I only wear this layer of civilization as a very thin veneer.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Dr_Mike says:

      So Bill took a very personal, very private photo of his wife before she died.

      Bill then sent that photo to at least eight uninterested parties (Hoge (NO CONTACT REQUEST) six cops and AD’s wife) and at LEAST one of them (AD’s wife) shared it with someone else (AD). None of which is a crime, except Bill’s crimes against huge manatees in (a) taking and (b) sending the photos.

      Someone, wearing a stinky, Bill-flavored sock sent the pic on to Krendler. Which is also distasteful, and also not a crime.

      Krendler gave a very tasteful description of said distasteful pic. And did not show it. And gave a _very_ sanitized version.

      Therefore Hoge = Krendler = AgileDog and his wife = Grady = wait, what? I think the law stopped thinking those “equals signs” mean what you “think” they mean a while back.

      Sorry Bill, dox me (it could happen) and I’ll swear the truth in court: I know you published that picture (you sent it to 8 people I know of). I know Hoge redacted that picture.

      I will NOT get from (a) to (b) to “Hoge is mocking my wife.” You are missing a step or two. Or fifty.

      Liked by 6 people

    • Dianna says:

      You incompetent nincompoop, no one – except you – is going to publish that photo. For one thing, to us, she was a human being. You? You just regard her as a tool.

      Which makes me shudder to contemplate how you regarded her in life.

      Disgusting ghoul that you are.

      Liked by 9 people

  3. this latin f*cker says:

    Keep that F5 key warmed up, big guy.

    As if he had to be told…

    Liked by 3 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      The grownups are talking. I believe Mr. Hoge bunghole could use a cleansing, so hop to it.

      Oh goody, it’s anus and genital time, you big bad homophobe. -the Staff


      • this latin f*cker says:

        I’ll let you handle that, big guy. After all, we know you loooooooooooooove the butt stuff! Though I suspect Mr. Hoge might object, seeing as how you’re forbidden from contacting him and all…

        Liked by 6 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        I’ve been reading some rather juvenile books featuring a character who lacks social graces all the way down to bowel control… and he comes across more likable than you.


        Liked by 7 people

      • Pablo says:

        I believe Mr. Hoge bunghole could use a cleansing,

        Like Ahab had his white whale…

        That would be “flensing,” Pablo. -the Staff

        Liked by 2 people

      • Dianna says:

        Another homosexually themed insult?


        Liked by 2 people

  4. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    Edgren. Adult male to adult male. I am going to ignore the yammering fools and address myself to you. I take it that as an attorney, you’re smart enough to know the fresh can of hell you are apparently considering opening. Have you ever fucked with a heartbroken man with nothing but time on his hands to wreak vengeance on those who smear the memory of the love of his life? Mocking me in one thing. I bring that on myself and I can handle it. But MY WIFE IS DEAD and I will never see her again. Enough. I am asking you, not telling you. Please. Shut down this blog. You know that libel is libel whether or not I read it. If it’s seen by a third person, it’s false and defamatory, it’s libel. So please. Let me live in peace.

    Let me get this straight. You come to MY site, where *I* control the content. Where Mr. Edgren and I *specifically* have put your dearly beloved off limits, and you DARE tell me to shut down my blog because you are heartbroken over the loss of her? When we *specifically* have a policy that she is not allowed to be denegrated? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. It is not and never has been libel to accurately quote someone. And that is precisely what we do here. You would be able to “live in peace” if you would cease going to websites where people do not like you. Get over yourself, and get down off your cross. It’s tiresome. – TDPZ

    What TDPZ said. -the Staff


    • Toastrider says:

      I imagine you have some understanding of this, considering how you fucked with Lee Stranahan’s family in the wake of his daughter’s passing.

      Liked by 7 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        There is no similarity whatsoever. I never published pictures of his dead baby as a corpse, I didn’t even know about it until a year after it happened, and I did not mock the child. But you know that.

        Not our ballpark. We’ve not said a word about Lee Stranahan or his family here. But we can look into it if you want to push us, Bill. -the Staff


      • Nobody but you said it was “similar”.

        No, what you did, and continue to do, was far worse.

        And flipping crap at you online is the least you can expect from those who know of you.

        Liked by 9 people

      • Paul Krendler says:

        You didn’t know?

        How could you not know, a great Poolicker Prize winning intrepid investigative online journomalist like yourself?

        Didn’t Stranahan live-blog it for you?

        Liked by 6 people

      • Pablo says:

        I never published pictures of his dead baby as a corpse,

        They never sent such around the internet. You, otoh…

        Liked by 7 people

    • sharky says:

      Not if you’re dead, it isn’t.

      And as for “adult male…” Tell me, in the last five years, have you ever plucked your own waste out of the toilet, rolled it into a ball and sniffed it?

      You know you’re not supposed to do that, right?

      Liked by 3 people

    • This Other Latin F*cker says:

      “Mocking me in one thing. I bring that on myself and I can handle it.” Is that why you have filed multiple lawsuits for people doing nothing more than mocking you? Your lies are getting really pathetic. I toddler could do better.

      Liked by 8 people

    • Pinwheel says:

      Objection. BS is hardly an adult (not in maturity, mindfulness, or sentiment), and not the best example of a functioning male (IYKWIMAITYD).

      Liked by 6 people

    • Pablo says:

      Hey asshole! This blog has been enormously deferential to the memory of your wife. Your fat, psychotic ass is fair game, though.

      You’re not the fucking bride, Shakey. Nut up or shut up. The latter is your best bet.

      Liked by 7 people

    • Kyle Kiernan says:

      I wish she was still alive (or at least en trailure) because it looks like she did all his damn editing.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Pablo says:

      Get over yourself, and get down off your cross. It’s tiresome. – TDPZ

      And how do you think the cross feels?

      Liked by 4 people

    • Dianna says:

      You’re not a adult.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Fuck you, Bill.

    Liked by 7 people

  6. You’ll get no peace in this life, as karma circles back.

    And you’ll find no peace in Hell, either.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      There is no hell. And unless you’re gonna follow me to the Midwest — buh bye!

      I grew up in the Midwest. I’ve been to places in the Midwest that were hell. Hell, Michigan, for example. The south side of Chicago. Manitowish Lake when the mosquitoes are at their peak. I-465 at rush hour. So hell does exist, and in the Midwest to boot.

      Buh bye? Is that a promise? -D. Edgren


      • So…

        Not a Christian, eh?

        We knew you were lying.

        Liked by 7 people

      • Bullshit, you supperating hemoroid of a sad excuse for a sack of shit.

        You raped someone I loved, and for that, you are going to hell.

        Liked by 11 people

        • gmhowell says:

          I must say, things just turned a helluva lot darker…

          On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 8:51 PM, Billy Sez – Adventures in the Billogicalness of being Bill Schmalfeldt wrote:

          > Roy Schmalfeldt commented: “Bullshit, you supperating hemoroid of a sad > excuse for a sack of shit. You raped someone I loved, and for that, you are > going to hell.”

          Liked by 2 people

      • Why am I not surprised.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        On my parents’ grave.

        Bill, didn’t you say “buh-bye” about 10 comments ago? -the Staff


      • “On my parents’ grave.”

        Mmkay, I’ll wait here for the pictures.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Father Paul Lemmen says:

        Bill: Just for you!
        Repentance and Confession

        Awareness of our sins and hypocrisy, our short comings and falls, leads us to repentance and the transformation of our life. Repentance, conversion, the transformation of our mind and our life, is the core of the Christian life. Repentance does not mean to beat ourselves up for our sins, or to dwell in a state of guilt and morose self condemnation. Rather, it means to confront our sins, and reject and renounce them, and confess them, trying not to do them again. What this does is, that to the extent we renounce and confess our sins, they no longer generate thoughts, which accuse us or spur passionate reactions.

        Sometimes we have to confess things several times, because we only repent of, or are even conscious of, aspects of the sin. Things that make us feel guilty, provoke our conscience, or that we know are acts of disobedience all should be confessed. We have to train our conscience, not by memorizing lists of sins, but by becoming aware of what breaks our relationship with God and other people. We need to be conscious of God’s presence, and realize what distracts us from it. These things are sins. Of course, we are experts at deluding ourselves, when we really want to do something, and we know that it is not blessable.

        Confession is not only Christ’s first gift to the Church, the authority to forgive sins in His Name; but is one of the most important means of healing our souls. Sins are not sins because they are listed in a book somewhere. They are sins because they break our relationship with God, other people, and distort our true self. Sins are sins because they hurt us and other people. We need to heal that hurt, and revealing the act or thought or attitude takes away the shame that keeps it concealed, and prevents healing.

        We need to confess the things that we are the most ashamed of, the secret sins, which we know are betrayals of our true self. If we don’t confess them, they fester and generate all sorts of despondency, depression and guilt, shame and despair. The result of that is that we identify ourselves with our sins. For example, same-sex attraction becomes gay identity. Failure in some area becomes a general self-identification with being a failure.

        What is critically important is that we are not our sins, thoughts or actions. These things happen, we sin, have bad thoughts and do wicked and evil things. But we are not our thoughts or actions. Repentance means to stop and renounce not only the actions, but to renounce the identity that goes with it. Thoughts are going to come. But we can learn, through practicing inner stillness, to let our thoughts go. They will still be there, but we can learn to not react to them, and eventually, simply to ignore them.

        The process of purifying our self is hard and painful, at first; but becomes the source of great joy. The more we confess, honestly and nakedly, the more we open ourselves to God’s grace, and the lighter we feel. Truly the angels in heaven (and the priest standing before you bearing witness to the confession) rejoice immensely when a person truly repents and confesses their sins, no matter how dark and heinous. There is no sin so grievous that it cannot be forgiven. NOTHING! The only sin not forgiven is thinking that God cannot forgive our sin. He forgives. We have to forgive our self, and accept His forgiveness.

        Preparing for confession is an important process. It means to take stock of our life, and to recognize where we have fallen, and that we need to repent. The following should help to prepare for confession, but it is not a laundry list. Rather, it should help to spur our memory, so that we can bring things to consciousness that we have forgotten. It is more of an examination of conscience.

        The Passions


        Liked by 5 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          I buy the concept of confession, Paul. I buy the concept of redemption. But I am not a rapist and I want to know who called me one and why he did it. If you know who Roy Schmalfeldt is, I appeal to you to turn his name and address over to me so I can hold him responsible for this horrible libel.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Dianna says:

        Oh, a consumption most devoutly to be desired!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Joe Smirnoff says:

        Not gonna happen DUMBFUCK!

        Liked by 2 people

  7. D. Edgren says:

    Dave Alexander gives his usual great advice over at his blog in the post: So You’ve Been Doxxed by Bill Schmalfeldt, What’s Next?

    Important and timely reading. Highly recommended.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Bill commented over there, but I’ll paraphrase: “Leave me alone.”

      The most interesting thing about these dust-ups is that each side is absolutely convinced of the fact that they stand on the moral high ground. Every brief moment of empathy is drowned out by a “yeah, but Stranahan…” or “I just lost my wife.”

      Dave, that is an issue shared by a lot of folks here, I’d agree with that. I will note, though, that Billy Sez claims no high ground, and in fact expressly cedes it to anyone who wants it. -D. Edgren

      Liked by 3 people

  8. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    You’re gonna find out what’s next.

    Nothing is next, Bill. Just another lap on the same-old same-old. -the Staff


    • Yes, and then we will laugh and point, just like always, you big slimy mangina.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Toastrider says:

      Butt stuff, erroneous conclusions, and F5ing like the Fist of the North Star?

      Liked by 4 people

    • jamesawolf says:

      Odds are more bluster.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Rob Crawford says:

      I had a Sonic Oreo Blast is what came next. It was wonderful.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Grace says:

      “You’re gonna find out what’s next.”


      Liked by 5 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Keep telling yourself that, Ed.


    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Let me put this as delicately as I can. I give a FUCK about the old liar. He should dry up, crumble and blow away in the wind. If he wasn’t constantly inventing reasons to haul my ass into court, and then lying to me about not pursuing a peace order, and lying to a judge about the difficulty of blocking a person on Twitter, charging me for pingbacks, fabricating forged evidence, suing me with a fatally flawed copyright infringement suit, I’d never even see the guy. BTW: The lying. Is that OK with you? Are you down with that, telling someone you aren’t gonna pursue an appeal, thereby saving him a painful day of riding in a car to and from Elkridge to Westminster? Believing him? And then with no indication that he changed his mind, he trots off to court knowing he will have an uncontested PO? You think that’s honorable? Forging a letter that I KNOW I NEITHER WROTE, SIGNED OR SENT to make it appear as if I wrote him a letter in violation of his peace order? That’s the act of a man of honor? And now this appeal. He argued in Howard County that I could not file a civil action against him there because he lives in Carroll County. Now, on August 7, he intends to argue the other side of the coin. That even though I live in Howard County and could not sue him there, I do not live in Carroll County but now, magically, he CAN file a civil action THERE? Are you BLIND? Can you not SEE this man for what he is and what he’s doing? And why just me? Because I live in Maryland? You excuse his every crime. His every lie. His arrogant boasting. You kiss his ass and fluff up his pillows for him.

      What’s the end game here? You’re not going to put me in jail. You’re not going to win the Peace Order hearing, I am not “forbidden” to contact Hoge as long as I have a peaceable and legal reason to do so. On person outside of the color of law cannot deny another his constitutional right to freedom of speech. If he doesn’t want to see my messages, he can block them He doesn’t want to read my e-mails, he can delete them. And it’s not like I e-mail him every day because, frankly, I find the twisted old popcorn fart to be disgusting. The sound of his voice makes my hands ball into fists. I never want to see or hear from him again. But HE makes it necessary because no common Judge gets to tell John Hoge “NO!”

      Read this with an open mind if you are capable. See it from my side.


      • Rob Crawford says:

        Wow. You need help. Seriously, try some counseling for anger management.

        And Hoge didn’t lie to you. He didn’t forge anything. He didn’t lie about your habit of rotating Twitter accounts to get around blocks — you’ve had over 120 documented accounts! You say you never want to hear from him again, yet you insist on injecting yourself into his life: “I am not “forbidden” to contact Hoge as long as I have a peaceable and legal reason to do so” — how about just NOT CONTACTING HIM?

        Don’t copy other people’s stuff without permission — no copyright suits.

        Don’t harass people — no one will seek a peace order.

        Don’t sue people for butthurt — they won’t arm themselves with the facts about your life.

        “And it’s not like I e-mail him every day…” A quick bit of investigation turns up a day when you sent Hoge 40+ tweets in a day (September 18th, 2013). ISTR your record is obscenely higher than that, but I don’t have the data at hand. What you should do is NEVER email him again, NEVER write a tweet directed at him, NEVER call him again, NEVER email his wife or their employers every again. That’s not an infringement on your 1st Amendment rights — you can write and even publish anything that’s not libelous or copied without permission — but a restriction on how you can interfere with another’s life.

        Liked by 8 people

      • MD law says if someone asks you to refrain from contact, and you persist, they are entitled to seek a peace order, and LE is obligated to enforce that, you you continue to contact. So yeah, John has no obligation to play whack a troll with your infinite accounts. Not only because you live in MD, but also because you are insanely persistent in violating MD law.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Dianna says:

        Whine, lie, whine.

        God, but you are a monomaniac. Not one word you say is true, but you keep whining and lying.

        Liked by 3 people

      • evilwillie00 says:

        Begin sincere voice:

        If this is truly your view of recent events between you & Mr Hoge, you are a more mentally challenged than I previously believed. And that is saying something because you are fucking cray-cray. I’m virtually speechless as I contemplate the thoughts running through your head. The one word that keeps popping up is …………delusional.

        I say this as serious and nonjudgemental as I can…. you need help. I’m not joking or fucking with you, but Bill, you really need some mental help. I beg you to seek some type professional assistance because you are not a mentally stable person right now. I’m sure you could round up some funds from Team Kimberlin to pay the cab ride, co-pays and deductible. If they come up $hort, then come back here and ask for some financial assistance. I’m sure you know how well the Lickspittle Army can fundraise. Mr Schmalfeldt, please get yourself some help. Because the road you are driving on only goes one way. It’s not happiness or joy.

        End sincere voice:

        I’m sure I’ll catch some shit for this post, but this man is very sick.

        Liked by 11 people

      • Evilwillie, you’re absolutely right, the man is seriously sick. Sadly, I’m pretty sure that sickness is even more of the soul than of the mind. Either way, he’s not going to admit that it’s there, and certainly not going to seek help for it, no matter who offers.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Dianna says:

      Oh, dear lord, please just shut up!

      We’re going to find out, all right.

      We’re going to discover new depths of your humiliating failures.

      We despise you, but we still cringe, watching you cover yourself in yet more trash and offal. Please, just stop. Go away. Get off the internet. Become a hermit and contemplate your sins. Maybe you might improve your character.

      Liked by 4 people

  9. Sam says:

    It’s impossible to follow the events of the last few weeks and not come to the conclusion that Bill Schmalfeldt has used and continues to use the death of his wife for his own weird idea of personal gain. Nothing can dissuade him from this. I honestly thought he might take the opportunity to act like a human being but after trying (and failing) to enlist Gail’s family in his personal rage-wars…and now this…well.

    It’s an awful thing to think of someone, but he’s, by his own words and actions, an awful person. Didn’t have to be this way.

    Liked by 8 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Yes. Trying to stop people from posting filthy avatars of my wife, claiming she was a truck stop whore and an alcoholic,, claiming i am faking her death, Sure sounds like I’m using it for personal gain.


      • Sam says:

        You tried to get her grieving family to fight your battles. Does the fact that they declined (and, in fact, only came here to demonstrate a degree of class you would do well to emulate) not tell you something? Anything?

        Do you have any idea how that episode looks to anyone looking in? Apparently not.

        Liked by 6 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          I didn’t ask anyone to fight my battles. I asked for some backup and got none. I will take that up with them. It’s none of your business.


      • Sam says:

        Taking a picture of your dying wife, sending it to your sworn enemies, demanding that they not post it…I am speaking to you as man to man. That. Is. Crazy. I think 99/100 people looking at that will have a view of you that ranges from negative to “oh my God, is he insane?”.

        If you can;t see that, I doubt this can possibly end well for you.

        Liked by 6 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          I did not send it to my sworn enemies as I do not HAVE “sworn enemies.” Despite all this, I have not developed a capacity for hatred. I feel if I start hating people, that would dishonor Gail’s memory. I sent the photos to the wife of a guy tormenting me. I sent the other to the Caroll County Cops and copied Hoge because I thought it was the fair thing to do since he was the subject. It honestly did not occur to me that either Hinckley or Hoge would be scumbag enough to send the photo to Grady. Now, how many times today have I had to repeat that story?


      • Rob Crawford says:

        “I do not HAVE “sworn enemies.””

        You’ve repeatedly sworn to “destroy” Hoge. You can’t leave him alone. You make threats against people who have never said a word to you.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        No clue — I’ve never said you did. Is this an admission? Who did you rape?

        Liked by 4 people

      • Dianna says:

        Just shut up.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dianna says:

        Salt Monster from Star Trek. Zombies from The Walking Dead. Not your unfortunate wife.

        You. Live blogging her every twitch, moan and cry I real time.

        Ask me which is an issue. Please. Ask me.

        Liked by 1 person

      • howarddearl says:

        “Who did I rape, Rob?”

        Probably some Cub Scout.

        Liked by 3 people

      • So, BS tried to enlist his wife’s family in his battles, they declined, and now he’s going
        “to take that up with them” for refusing to support him?

        If they are reading here at all now, they’ll see that her husbnad is the only one sending around photos of her on her death bed, or threatening to send folks pictures of her corpse. No wonder they didn’t want to help him in his personal vendetta which has nothing to do with his late wife.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Sam says:

        “Now, how many times today have I had to repeat that story?”

        As many times as it takes to make you believe it, I guess, but nobody else will. The fact that once somebody else claimed to have the photo you immediately sent a note to the cop insisting that Hoge sent it tells us all what your motives were. You can;t in any way prove that he did it since you were foolish enough to also send it to a stranger, now can you? So you lied to the cops, now didn’t you?

        Incompetence, dishonesty and…whatever it is that best describes a man who does that with. A picture. Of his. Dying wife. I’m…I’m not sure they have even come up with a word to describe a person like that, Diminished capacity would be the kindest thing one could say.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Sam says:

        I strongly suspect that when you “take that up with them. ” they will likely tell you to go piss up a rope and never darken their towels again. Because that’s how normal people would respond to something like you, in case you are not clear on it and that seems to be the case.

        Be sure to tell them of your great plan of sending Hoge and a complete stranger a photo of Gail and then assuming on the basis of 0.0% evidence, that Hoge spread it around the internet. Bet they will be deeply impressed, you wily coyote.

        Liked by 3 people

  10. Sam says:

    “Rue the day?”

    “Who talks like that anymore?”

    Would that be Real Genius? Or Invader Zim?

    Liked by 4 people

    • Rob Crawford says:

      Sounds like Real Genius.

      But it does make me realize something… Anyone else fans of the “Venture Brothers”? Schmalfeldt is henching for Kimberland! It makes perfect sense now!

      Liked by 3 people

      • gmhowell says:

        I wouldn’t wish him on Girl Hitler or Catclops.

        On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 9:24 PM, Billy Sez – Adventures in the

        Liked by 2 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Sure. Make up your own storyline. The truth is HARD and COMPLICATED.


      • Rob Crawford says:

        Dude, YOU are the one who said you’d leave everyone alone if they just “forgot about Kimberland”. You coordinated with him to release court documents before they were published and published other documents that were sealed.

        But maybe your relationship with him is like Pete White and Master Billy Quizboy — henching for each other…

        Liked by 3 people

  11. evilwillie00 says:

    Fat Willie is just making the case stronger & stronger for a visit from Maryland Adult Mental Health Association. His behavior from the time he brought his wife home until today, has steadily declined. He desperately needs a mental health evaluation from qualified medical professionals.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Grace says:

      Fat Willie is just making the case stronger & stronger for…

      … the need for Peace/Restraining Orders against a deranged sociopath such as himself.

      “Shut your fucking yap before someone slaps it to the back of your head, punk.”

      Doesn’t someone have a Peace Order Appeal Hearing coming up soon?

      Liked by 5 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        I’ve seen your picture, Chunky. You got a lotta nerve calling me Fat Willie. Jeanette Jelly Belly. And how can you live in that skin of yours with that horrible avatar staring back at you. Is there any decency in you at all?


      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Unless I get it dismissed.


      • Grace says:

        I’m not Jeanette Runyon, dumbass.

        But, by all means… continue to harass her. Toss in one of your nice extortionate threats for good measure. Do it, blob.

        Liked by 6 people

      • Jeanette Victoria says:

        Hey dim wad I’m not grace I have always posted on these blog in my real name!

        Liked by 2 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      And you base that diagnosis on what, doctor?

      Bill, listen carefully. Nobody here is qualified to diagnose you. People are just saying the equivalent of the old “you’re nuts” line used in an argument with someone they think is off the deep end. It means nada, zip, niente- nothing. Why do you take it so seriously? -the Staff


      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Dave, because THEY BELIEVE IT! It’s demeaning, it’s dehumanizing and it’s unfair.

        So, basically, you want to control what others think of you. How about you try persuading them instead of relying on the terroristic tactics that you’ve been using ever so ineffectively up until now? – TDPZ

        Liked by 1 person

      • Grace says:


        What a little bitch boy.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Grace says:

        Still not Jeanette, Blob.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        “Dave, because THEY BELIEVE IT! It’s demeaning, it’s dehumanizing and it’s unfair.”

        While your shenanigans are cheeky and fun?

        And, really, “unfair”? Did you stop maturing at age six?

        Liked by 7 people

  12. Neal N. Bob says:

    Pardon me, but what kind of a twisted animal sees its spouse dying and immediately thinks “Picture time!”?

    Liked by 13 people

    • Better yet, then send it off in an email to a dozen strangers.

      Liked by 6 people

      • This is what truly boggles the mind. I can understand the desire to have a photograph of a loved one, even when they are in dire straits. But to SEND IT TO STRANGERS FOR NO LOGICAL REASON? The hell? (Well, other than he wanted to honeypot John Hoge so that he could beat his drum about it forevermore, and there again, WHO DOES THAT?)

        Liked by 7 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        1 stranger. Just 1. I have met and know the upper echelon of the Carroll County Sheriff’s department and I have seen Hoge more than I care to for the rest of my life. Please, let’s not create new narrative when reality will work just fine.

        One stranger, given the situation as we’ve heard it described, was one too many. You seem to be deliberately setting yourself up to suffer this pain following the loss of your wife that you keep carping about. So go suffer by yourself, or with whoever is willing to voluntarily suffer with you. Don’t come over here and look for sympathy, or space to suffer. When you do, you know in advance what the outcome will be. You have a history with the people here, Bill. You are simply trying to incite people to make yourself look sad. -the Staff

        Liked by 1 person

      • You know what he did, don’t you? He encoded the pic with Digimarc or SignMyImage, and did a unique ID for each one. That way, when it pops up, he can triumphantly proclaim “PROOF!!!” for who distributed the image. Just make sure you run it through a filter like KU does. Should strip the ID right out.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Pinwheel says:

      To be fair, he HAS referred to himself deranged and suggested that no one trust his retelling of events due to PD-related dementia. So given that, I’d be more surprised if he didn’t think (and impulsively act on) it.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        No. I have never referred to myself as deranged. I am not deranged. I am showing preliminary signs of PD-Dementia. At it’s worst, PD-Dementia means I get up, go to a room, forgot what I went in there for, I loose my train of thought, it’s not Alzheimer’s.

        “Lose,” not “loose,” Bill. And aren’t you splitting hairs with a bunch of lay people? Folks here are describing the way they see you act, not diagnosing you. -the Staff


      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Also, I did not say no one could trust my retelling of events. I said that I no longer had the ability to focus and catch errors like typos and minor things like forgetting the close quote on a quotation. See, that’s part of the problem, You create these narratives, declare them true, and nothing will shake you from YOUR version of the truth.

        No, Bill. You created the narrative- wrote virtually every word of it- vomiting all over the Internet for more than a decade. Wherever you’ve been, back to your XMFan days and before, a group seems to just come together to point out your basic inhumanity and other failings. Coincidence? We think not. -the Staff


      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Does Sarah get to decide my reasons for doing things? How does she know what my logic for sending the photo was? She assumes she knows, and that’s all she needs. And that is the part of the problem that drives me nuts. I sent it to Hinckley’s wife in the hopes of getting her to see what her husband was doing. I sent it to the department heads of the Carroll County Police and copied Hoge out of fairness since I was referring to him in my message. “Honeypotting” Hoge didn’t even enter my mind because I don’t think along those lines. I honestly believed that neither Hinckley or Hoge would sink to the level of sending it to Grady, who we all know is nuttier than a box fulla snickers bars. You do not know my mind, you do not know my heart. You’re just not all that clairvoyant. You’re wrong about me, and you can’t handle it. I do not, nor have I ever, gotten orders from Kimberlin. When’s the last time I wrote about his cases? Well? Sometime early last year? but you all have decided that I’m a paid shill. I wish I WAS a paid shill for SOMEBODY. I’ve never gotten a nickel from Kimberlin. He has helped me by driving me to court. I consider that the act of a friend. We talk about the normal stuff guys talk about when we talk. We are not plotting or planning anything, Your issues with Kimberlin are with Kimberlin. Not me. I have done nothing to harm a single one of you. If I have hurt you and just don’t remember, tell me so I can apologize. Please. Leave. Me. Alone.

        Bill. We are leaving you alone. You are coming here to talk to us. We are not going to you. I get to decide what to make of the things you do because I am an observer of the human condition – does that sound familiar? I get to have my own opinions and get to voice them. And if you don’t like them, so what? You have the same attitude when I disagree with your opinions about my actions and seem to think it’s just fine. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I could care less if you have gotten a dime from Kimberlin. What I care about is that you seem to think that you get to choose the boundaries of everything for everyone. Life doesn’t work that way. You are getting back exactly what you gave to others; you didn’t have a care for their feelings, only yours because you had a story to get and you thought the worst of the person you were after. And then you got butthurt over being called a clown. The rest, as they say, is history. But this is actually just history repeating itself. Because you do the same thing over and over and over again in different ways with different groups of people. You don’t have to come here. Really, you don’t. You choose this. You can end this. – TDPZ


      • this latin f*cker says:

        Billshit. These are your own words:

        I had to retire in 2011 because I was unable to manage the commute. But we also knew that my ability to process facts and keep them organized would eventually suffer from this condition. And I have certainly reached that point….

        As I have clearly been affected by the common late stage Parkinson’s “executive dysfunction” disorder, I issue you each a grain of salt for you to take whenever you read something I’ve written….

        I can no longer trust my own judgement on some of these matters….

        I have too much respect for journalism to willingly abuse it. I will continue to run my little Internet radio stations and write for entertainment purposes. But I can no longer expect, or ask, anyone to take what I write as fact.

        Liked by 8 people

      • You titled your blog “The Deranged Cyberstalker,” you idiotic walkinglurching cesspit.

        Liked by 7 people

      • Pinwheel says:

        Great stuff, BS. Better than your “comedy.” Stick with this, and you’ll go places, kid!

        Liked by 4 people

      • Tao says:


        No one wants you here or in any other forum. The final straw was your ghoulish treatment of your wife as she lay dying. Any real man would not have taken those pictures and certainly not have sent them anywhere. You did and now must accept the consequences of your extremely poor judgment.

        Just.go away.

        You are NOT welcome here!

        Liked by 4 people

      • this latin f*cker says:

        When’s the last time I wrote about his cases? Well? Sometime early last year?

        Really, Bill? Really? Why would you even attempt such an easily disproven lie? Or is your mind so bad that you’ve forgotten so soon?

        Liked by 6 people

      • Pablo says:

        Please. Leave. Me. Alone.

        No one is coming after you, dumbass. You could make your wish come true right now and you’ve been told a million times how to make it happen. But instead, you’re going to refresh the page and you’re going to get kicked in the teeth, because you’re an insufferable douchebag who just can’t help himself.

        Liked by 6 people

      • Grace says:

        Wow. That’s almost exactly like saying he no longer has the ability to catch typos and he forgets simple things like forgetting the close quote on a quotation. *eyeroll*

        What a freaking liar he is.

        Liked by 5 people

      • “We talk about the normal stuff guys talk about when we talk.”

        Like what, sex with teenage girls?

        Liked by 2 people

      • From

        Depression, anxiety, personality and behavior changes, sleep disturbances, and sexual problems are commonly associated with Parkinson’s disease. In many [note: notall – LG] cases, Parkinson’s disease does not affect a person’s ability to think, reason, learn, or remember (cognitive processes).

        In some people with Parkinson’s disease, however, one or more cognitive processes are impaired.

        So, contrary to Mr. NIH, Parkinsons and/or Parkinsons Dementia can affect a person’s cognitive functions and behaviour.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      A person who wants a visual record of how the woman he loved looked in her final days.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Lots of edits there, Chuck, Do you have the whole thing?


      • this latin f*cker says:

        Right in front of me. And who’s Chuck?

        Liked by 3 people

      • Why, did you assume you would forget? Why would that be a memory you need, other than to use it to paint yourself as the poor suffering victim?

        I prefer to remember my deceased loved ones as they lived, at their best. But then, I don’t need to use them a shield against my critics.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Dianna says:

        You would not send those pictures out to random strangers (such as some guy’s wife you aren’t even certain you’ve correctly identified (because you persistently faildox random strangers)), if you were trying to hold onto your loved one.


        Liked by 4 people

      • Neal N. Bob says:

        William is, once again, lying.

        ” When’s the last time I wrote about his cases? Well? Sometime early last year?”

        No, you made several libelous assertions regarding John Hoge in the Grace’s Law case that I suspect you’ll soon be answering for. Then there was the huge production you made about Patrick Frey being left in the rubble of the RICO suit. “The Big Fish,” I believe you called him. Oh, and you also opined – against all available evidence and common sense – that Hoge would “finally pay” in the laughable Team Themis lulzsuit.

        So William is either willfully lying, or the crazy is blocking his memory.

        ” But I can no longer expect, or ask, anyone to take what I write as fact.”

        Liked by 3 people

    • Dianna says:

      He’s a ghoul. He just stopped short of chowing down on the corpse because he realized that would definitely be a good reason to lock him up.

      I really am revolted by his behavior.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. Joe Smirnoff says:

    The Fat Bastard is rare form tonight….fuck him and the horse he rode in on!

    Liked by 5 people

    • Joe Smirnoff says:

      The turd doesn’t get the hint….you are deranged and a certified DUMBFUCK, so go away!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        When do I get my certificate?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Joe Smirnoff says:

        When you verify the origins of the horse shit you received…the make of the horse and country origins….Then you might get a piece of toilet paper as a certificate. You don’t deserve shit from a horse but you do deserve horse shit!

        Liked by 2 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Are you incapable of grasping the concept of sarcasm, Forny? It was the title of a blog, not a self diagnosis. Jesus, Why do they call it “The Daily Show” when it’s only on four days a week? Are there no shades of grey in your life? I suppose I could have called it “Old Bald Guy with Head Scars,” but then you would have bitched about me mentioning my PD.


      • Ah, Bill. I’m sorry to have to tell you, but there’s really no certificate. We can get you a nice coffee cup or t-shirt, but the DUMF–K thing is more honorary than official.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Are you incapable of grasping the concept of a colloquialism? You claim ‘deranged’ as libel, but you adopt it yourself, and call it sarcasm. I’d call it self-awareness, but that…doesn’t fit.

        It’s no more a mental diagnosis when I say it, than you, you tard. It’s a common descriptor for a person who acts strangely. It’s just about the most accurate and least insulting negative thing we say about you, you gormless putz.

        Liked by 5 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          When YOU call me deranged and state it as a fact of mental disease, that is defamation. When Frank Fontaine called his comedy character Crazy Guggenheim, he was not admitting that he was actually crazy. You have no idea how I act, and calling me a tard shows your level of couth. Gomless?


      • Pablo says:

        Cousin Roy just accused you of rape, Blob. I notice you’re not crying defamation about that.

        It was a young girl, wasn’t it?

        Liked by 4 people

        • gmhowell says:

          Dumb fuck is still trying to convince himself that he has identified Cousin Roy as someone who could not know his deep, dark shame.

          On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 10:44 PM, Billy Sez – Adventures in the

          Liked by 5 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          I must have missed that.


        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          I raped nobody, and I will write a check for $100 for whoever identifies Roy Schnmalfeldt by name and address and it pans out.

          Cash only, Bill. No checks. And none of these.

          -the Staff


      • Grace says:

        The Deranged Cyberstalker wrote: “I must have missed that.”

        Riiiiight. There is so a story here. And, the fact the Stalking Sociopath is attempting to dodge addressing it… *hmmm*

        Liked by 4 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          Fuck you. I have never raped anyone. This had better be cleared up quickly or I am suing everyone.


      • Grace says:

        Really and truly. A whole 100 dollars?! 😂

        What a pathetic creature.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Paul Krendler says:


        You see, we good and ethical young Internet cub reporters can’t simply take your word for it, good grief NO!!

        We just assume the accusations are true until someone proves otherwise. It doesn’t even have to be you. You just have to collect up all the girls and Boy Scouts and Japanese whatevers and jars of mayonnaise and peanut butter that you’ve ever stuck your pee stick into, and have them all swear affidavits of consent. Of course, the two women you’ve loved most often are no longer around, so there will always be that reasonable doubt to your bullshit side of the story…

        Liked by 8 people

      • Joe Smirnoff says:

        and fuck you, asshole….we didn’t ask you to come here, you invited yourself. FUCK OFF!

        Liked by 3 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        “When YOU call me deranged and state it as a fact of mental disease, that is defamation.”

        Nope. Protected speech. It’s 1) opinion, 2) supported by your own admissions (quoted above).

        Go to a lawyer, show him what was quoted above, and ask him if someone saying you’re not quite all there is defamation. Then tell him you tried to plead diminished capacity in court.

        Liked by 8 people

      • Dianna says:

        Well, you sure are unclear on a number of concepts.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Grace says:

        “Name your price, twat.”

        You can’t buy me, bitch. And, even if I had a price you couldn’t afford it, you poor son-of-a-whore. Keep this in mind: I wouldn’t give your demented, stalking, perverted ass anyone’s information if my life depended on it.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Betcha $5 you weigh more than I do.


    • Grace says:

      Poor horse.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. howarddearl says:

    I’m going to miss him when he also goes nipples north.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. kmbuchanan says:

    Why do you all interact with it? Sadly, no one anywhere else will have anything to do with it so it spews it’s crap here. Pathetic.

    Liked by 5 people

  16. Max says:

    “And that is the part of the problem that drives me nuts.”

    At least it’s not a very long drive.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. kmbuchanan says:

    Did I read correctly that it raped someone?? I didn’t believe it deserved to breathe the same air as other beings, but now I know it doesn’t deserve to breathe AT ALL! Rape and child abuse are two things that I believe warrant the death penalty. Before anyone starts with the death threat bullshit…. I would never risk my freedom for its sorry ass.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Who raped who?


      • Pablo says:

        At the very least, and by your own admission:

        How many heterosexual men reading this diary right now have never asked their wife or girlfriend to just take a deep breath, relax, “I’ll just put in the tip and we’ll see how it goes,” and then you ram it home like Captain Kidd jamming his sword back into his scabbard while she hollers “takeitouttakeitouttakeitout” and you tell her to just relax and it won’t hurt so bad and she starts kicking and screaming “takeitOUTtakeitOUTtakeitOUT youfuckingbastardpieceofshit” and you finally do (because the walls are thin and your neighbors just LOVE calling the cops) and you tell her she should have at least given herself a chance to relax and enjoy it and she (if she’s your wife) doesn’t let you anywhere near her with “that thing” for weeks and if she’s your girlfriend she stops returning your calls?

        Liked by 2 people

  18. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    Now, can we call it a night and start anew tomorrow. I kept my promise. Blogs? Gone. Podcast, nomore lickspittle talk. Leave me alone, I will leave you alone. Can we do that? Is it possible?


    • this latin f*cker says:

      You’ve got a bit more cleaning up to do at

      Liked by 1 person

    • Grace says:

      Bullshit. You are such a fucking liar. You say that crap now, but will do a complete 180 when it suits some sick-and-twisted purpose you’ve conjured up in that deranged mind.

      Drop your bullshit, lying lawsuits… NOW. NEVER contact WJJH nor ANYONE ELSE who has demanded you leave them alone EVER AGAIN. Stop stalking blogs. GFY.

      Liked by 7 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Who did I rape, Jeanette?


      • Grace says:

        How the hell would I know who, sociopath? But, I will say… with the way you talk about women and the perverted, sexual, creepy comments you insert into everything and the pure evil that defines you — I would have no problem believing it.

        Still not Jeanette. Still can’t add me to a LOLsuit. And, you just fucking HATE that! 😂

        Liked by 6 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        18 minutes from “I’ll leave you alone” to commenting again.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Father Paul Lemmen says:

      I don’t know Bill, can you? You keep coming to someone else’s blog and acting like it’s your home, ordering the other guests around and threatening nebulous things against the actual blog proprietors. Big clue Bill: This isn’t your blog. Nor is it mine, so I just ask a simple question and add an observation. No threats, no aggravation. Just a simple question.

      Liked by 4 people

  19. D. Edgren says:

    Folks, I’m at the store looking at the battlefield on an iPhone. Not that we do much moderation at Billy Sez, but I’m in no position to do anything other than turn comments off. I don’t want to do that, but Bill sort of looks like a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest and I don’t want “They piled on 50 to 1” added to his list of grievances (even though he could stop things by going to bed). Plus, we are starting to repeat ourselves, and that’s boring, not FUN.

    Can we all take a deep breath and let things level off a bit? I’ll be home in 20 minutes or so.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. kmbuchanan says:

    How about everyone stop talking to it. Talk about it sure but, talking to it is like trying to piss up a rope. Pointless, stupid and gets you nowhere.

    Liked by 4 people

  21. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    That shit is beyond the pale, Edgren, and you know it. Falsely accusing someone of RAPE and YOU LET IT ONTO YOUR BLOG??? I need to know Roy Schmalfeldt’s real name and address. I need to know who he says I raped, or I will bring down the thunder.

    First off, Bill, this is MY blog, not David’s, no matter what you think. Secondly, I am not responsible for the veracity of comments made on this blog. The commenter that made that comment is responsible for it. If you have an issue with that, take it up with the Supremes. Thirdly, WE DON’T KNOW Roy’s real name and address. Do you think we send each other electronic V-cards with all our personal information on them to become members of the zombie horde? Fourthly, we have no idea what Roy is referencing, but if we are to use your way of dealing with things, you have until X time to prove that what he said isn’t so… – TDPZ

    Liked by 1 person

  22. kmbuchanan says:

    Bwahahaha*snort*hahaha! Comedy gold!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Joe Smirnoff says:

    Bring it you Fat shitstain, we are waiting…so far the only we got is your bullshit!

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Grace says:

    “This had better be cleared up quickly or I am suing everyone.”


    Liked by 6 people

  25. SammyD says:

    Personally, I’ve never contacted Mort. Not even once. Talked ABOUT him, certainly, as that is a protected right. But never contacted him.

    Of course, Mort seems to think that he can sue someone for simply exercising a protected right. That’s why his lolsuits go nowhere. The sooner Mort realizes that fact, the better his life will be.

    Liked by 9 people

  26. Minemyown says:

    A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.—Robert A. Heinlein

    Liked by 5 people

  27. Hmmm. Without Gail around to enforce his bedtime, he just keeps going and going. Maybe we can make a roster and make sure someone is fisking him around the clock. His insane need to have the last word might keep him up for days at a time. That could be unhealthy:

    Liked by 6 people

  28. Paul Krendler says:


    I’m thinking another “Wow! Look at this Stats Page!” post is coming?

    Liked by 4 people

  29. Perry Mason says:

    Yes, yes, Sir William, you must give us all a good sueing!

    And after the sueing, the Oral Sex!

    Liked by 3 people

  30. JeffM says:

    I think you have a whole episode of Billogicalness coming up. You just have to find the quotes to support:

    Witless Willie’s rule is that family is off limits.

    Everyone!!!!!! is attacking Witless Willie’s dead wife and so violating the rule.

    Witless Willie sends a picture of his dying wife to some woman he does not know because she is the wife of someone Willie dislikes.

    Witless Willie complains because the recipient of this unsolicited message from an unknown creep is so soulless as to pass it on to her husband.

    Liked by 2 people

  31. Pingback: Remember That Post About Bill Leaving? | Dave Alexander (formerly ukuleledave)

  32. Pingback: Billy Sez Top Ten Posts of 2015 – #2 | Billy Sez – The Fevered Ravings of The Cry-Bully Cyberstalker Wm. Schmalfelddt

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