William’s Identification Problem, June 11, 2015

Guess he doesn’t think I’m Patrick Grady now, does he? Oh and look! He recycled the whole “daddy touched you” thing again yesterday. How special.


Forgot about these two. You just can’t talk to women, can you Bill? SMH

About The Dread Pirate Zombie

Member of the Zombie Horde and Lickspittle Minion. Out to eat your brainnnsssss. And a few other sweetbreads because they are so nomm-y. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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56 Responses to William’s Identification Problem, June 11, 2015

  1. Sam says:

    As I said, he had better hope no females are on any jury. He clearly has no clue on how this looks to normal people.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rob Crawford says:

    He’s seriously butthurt over your ‘shop of him as Pinocchio? Considering the pics he’s made, he should be relieved to get away that easy.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Neal N. Bob says:

    To be fair, William’s really into child abuse. It usually doesn’t involve girls, though.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Charles Hudson says:

    Hmm… So if a hit-man receives incorrect information and kills the wrong target, in Schmalfeldt’s world the hit-man is off the hook?

    Liked by 7 people

  5. Dianna says:

    Ash, that photoshop is…you know, it’s things like that which make sane people recoil in disgust.

    You have my sympathies. That’s so far over the line I don’t know where to begin.

    Now, just wait. He’ll show up to bluster about how all of us have done worse.

    Which, of course, we have not.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    In my 60-years on this planet the only people I have had trouble communicating with are stupid people who think they are smart. Oh, God… is Nancy a WEEEEEETCH?

    How do we feel about photoshops of a person’s beloved wife made to look like she’s been rotting in the earth for months? I haven’t done anything NEAR what has been done to me, but it’s in my capability to do so.

    If you think it’s a fair representation to quote me out of context in 140-character chunks, then you should not complain when I use my skills to represent you however I choose.

    When you stop, I will stop. But not until.


    • Dianna says:

      I repeat my personal conviction that no such photoshop was ever sent to you.

      Liked by 6 people

    • Rob Crawford says:

      I recall you sent a ‘shop of someone’s child with a skull in place of their face.

      And, Bill, YOU chose to make your statements on Twitter. YOU break your statements into 140-char chunks.

      Why do you keep blaming others for YOUR actions?

      Liked by 7 people

    • Toastrider says:

      If Nancy was a witch, you’d be a newt. And you wouldn’t be getting better.

      Say, aren’t you the same mouth breather who posted a pic of gay buttsex with Hoge’s face photoshopped clumsily onto one of the participants?

      Now I understand that things have taken a hard turn. You might even say your life’s been flipped, turned upside down. And maybe you just need to sell the tincasa and move to Bel Air.

      Liked by 8 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Nope. There was no buttsex. It was an r-rated picture. And I’ve had far worse sent to me. I know it doesn’t matter. but if you prefer lies to the truth you just roll with that.


    • BusPassOffice says:


      So you were thinking of Andrews kids when you made the dead Breitbart site? The Book or Album cover? The dead Andrew twitter account? Really, and did Andrew “make you do these things”. Also the dead skull over a newborn baby or the as it continues today – the harassment of the Stranahans.

      Yeah, you’re a victim – all anyone has to do is point out that they were fighting your absurdity for doing these things with absurdity that hits you back.

      Gail is gone, and for that I am sad for your loss and her families – but for you to even think that you are NOT totally responsible for the pushback for your evil capricious deeds is going to cost you very expensively for the rest of your life

      You are not judgment proof as long as anything over 1500 a month hits your bank account

      Prepare to start writing checks

      Liked by 6 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Fuck Breitbart. He made millions off the suffering of others. Who is harassing the Stranahans? Not me. I correct the lies being told, that’s it. I am not evil, I am not capricious, I don’t lie about people being child pornographers and when served with a summons, I sign it like a man. Can you say the same, Eric?


      • Dr_Mike says:

        Out of curiosity, when did you ever mail service to Eric?

        Asking for a friend.


      • So according to Bill, it’s fair to upset Breitbart’s wife and kids because Bill thinks he was a bad person. So that would mean that it would be fair to upset Bill if one thinks he is a bad person.

        And he tries to claim he’s smarter than any lickspittle? LOL.

        Liked by 2 people

      • popcornseller says:

        Blob, you already admitted yourself your fear pee when a sheriff came a callin’. You wrote it.

        What suffering did Breitbart cause others? If it happened, don’t just say it, prove it.
        What lies are being told re the Stranahans? If it happened, don’t just say it, prove it.
        Who is a child pornographer? If it happened, don’t just say it, prove it.
        If you are not evil or capricious, can you demonstrate impulse control? Prove it.
        It’s time to man the f*ck up Blob and prove your accusations. Now, as you like to say, “GO.”


    • howarddearl says:

      Hug a root, Schmalfeldt.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Your hurt feelz are the only hurt feelz in the whole, wide world, Bill. Message received!

      For someone who claims to have been an investigative reporter, you sure don’t understand how reporters condense down long, rambling speeches. They use pull quotes. And then describe the rest. I think I’m quoting you far, far more extensively than your average print reporter ever would. Actually, you might come off better if I only used pull quotes.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        My feelz are not hurt. And Jesus, Sarah, you’re almost as old as I am. Could we act like an adult for a moment? Get over yourself. Try to find something to do. Call your daughter. Work on that divorce. There are more important things in your life than hating me. Get on with it for God’s sake! And as far as your little glee club of pinheads, I would not trade my life for any one of theirs. Still, the only reason this nonsense continues is because I won’t lay there and take it, and you won’t just realize that and stop with the provocation. Go away. I have things to do and people to sue, Gotta find out who Howard Earl is, see to his castration, then tan his tiny scrote to use as a change purse. Really, Sarah, if you want this thing to continue, you haven’t seen anything yet. I don’t really have the heart for it right now, still feeling somewhat empty and lost, but if I really apply myself to the task I can make your name practically as infamous as Squeaky Fromme — another failure.

        Tell the turdettes floating in your feculent toilet that I am only responding to YOU henceforth, and all this wound up anger will be directed at YOU henceforth.

        Well, you and Grady. If you want some, you know where it is.

        And Dianna? Really? In your position you want to be linked to a group that is willfully tormenting a recently-widowed disabled person? You can stop now and never find out.


      • Rob Crawford says:

        “Go away.”

        Oh, my.

        Keep flogging that corpse! Someday you’ll find someone who doesn’t know your history and will feel the sad for you.


      • Dianna says:

        Only if you limited it to, “Be well.”


      • Dianna says:

        Bill –

        My Trustees know all about you. Further, they know me quite well. Please, keep trying that on for size.

        I do not intimidate worth a damn.

        I am on vacation this week, so I have time to watch you spew in real-time. It does not impress. If you persist in your threats to trouble my Trustees, I will forward them every scrap of yours I can find.

        They are decent people. You do not want them to become acquainted with you.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Somehow I think you are the one who needs to get over yourself, Bill. You keep saying this is all about defaming and profaning your wife’s memory. News flash! It’s about you and your behavior, not in the slightest about her. Which is why I hardly ever mention her, come to think about it. And your schtick? The one where you cry that you are the poor, beleaguered widowed disabled hurt feelz 60 year old man? Yeah, it doesn’t go over so well, now does it?

        As to my life, well, you occupy my down time. I am a pin with which to prick at thee, hoping that you will gain some self-awareness at some point in time. I’m probably doomed to failure, but I’m okay with that. At least I’m trying.

        And I’m not really all that close to your age Bill. I’m a member of Generation X, you see. But you are convinced otherwise, so. . .

        Oh wait. What do I see there? Oh, there it is! You are going to blame others’ behavior on me! How special. I don’t care. Once again it shows who and what you are. And as for making me as infamous as Squeaky Frome? You’ve been trying for over a year or two to do the same for WJJ Hoge and Paul Krendler. Somehow I don’t think you will succeed either with me.

        Be well.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Gus Bailey says:

        Oh, look! It’s “Above It All Bill”.


        Liked by 1 person

      • Russ says:

        Oooo, a threat. Going to make someone “infamous,” eh?

        Well, BS has certainly managed to do that to himself.

        (Someone please remind me… what results do you get when you Google “Bill Schmalfeldt” – anything positive?)

        Liked by 2 people

      • “Bill Schmalfeldt says: July 21, 2015 at 4:19 pm My feelz are not hurt.”

        Ok, then. Shut the fuck up about IIED, then, because you have to actually feel some emotional distress, and prove that you do so, to make that stick. Time for you to amend your complaint(s), or face sanctions for pleading in bad faith.

        ” I would not trade my life for any one of theirs.”

        So you prefer having failed at every job you ever held? You prefer having no contact with most of your children, and all of your grandchildren? You prefer being a widower?
        Yeah, we know. Times have changed, and its not like you need a beard nowadays. You’re footloose [so to speak] and fancy-free. So you go away. Like you said you would, when you were lying about it right here on this website and multiple others. Go have nothing to do with us, since we don’t hang in the Balmer gay bars anyway. Some nice fella is bound to have a thing for physically-challenged soft-boys, and there you’ll be. All set.

        If you don’t like that idea, there’s always fire to think about.

        Liked by 2 people

      • howarddearl says:

        Still trying, Shakey?

        You have a better chance of snaking your old lady again than you’ll ever have of bringing any smoke on me, asswipe.


      • Joe Smirnoff says:

        Well Fucknuts is playing the violin this evening…the piece of shit will never change and is permitted to act like an asshole…shithead’s time will come!


    • Monkeytoe says:


      As others below point out, you engaged in the exact conduct you complain about here (although I have still never seen any alleged picture of your wife). Your argument that a photo-shopped picture of your dead wife is wrong (which, if it actually exists, I agree would be cruel) is fine as far as it goes.

      But, how does that explain everything that went before or has happened since? How does that explain your communications to the Stranahan family? Or sending things to people’s wives or places of employment? Or the photoshop of Hoge? Or any of the other things that happened before that alleged photo?

      As far as “out of context” – you are free to explain the context in the comments. I, for one, would like to hear the context for some of the comments from you that are quoted and an explanation as to why they don’t say what they appear to say. I’m open to be persuaded.

      It appears that the argument between the two sides – at least here at Billysez – now appeaers to be “you were mean to me first”. The reality is, so what? The easiest way to stop the comments/posts on sites like this is to ignore them, not respond to them, let the various lawsuits die out, and the people here and at the other sites will lose interest.

      The argument here with Bill is not “you were mean to me first.” It was more along the lines of “Bill says that we lie about him all the time. How about we quote him accurately, with dates and everything, and see what happens.” So, really, no argument for our side of things. Although Bill has an argument with us and thinks he can threaten and intimidate us out of our position. We refuse. – TDPZ


      • Dianna says:

        You *did* note that little threat he threw at me?

        I am not “mean”. Bill is obscene, vile, disgusting, revolting, and ghoulish.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Toastrider says:

        I actually suggested this, Monkeytoe. More than one person has. If he turned his computer off and walked away, what would happen to him? Nothing. NOTHING. He could start a garden tomorrow. Pick up books from the library and get to reading. Donate to medical research in memory of his wife. Even do charity work. The blogs and comments would dissipate, much as a fire goes out without fuel. He’ll still have to deal with the legal actions, but the wisest thing to do would be to jettison his lawsuits, not contest any remaining POs, and simply depart the field. How is it going to hurt him if Hoge has a PO on him, if he’s moving to Wisconsin? He won’t cross paths with Hoge there.

        The sad part is this is all he has. I seriously doubt Team Kimberlin treats him like a friend; I wonder if they ever offered to help cook a meal while his wife was ill, or run some errands, or anything. His wife’s family has shown no real inclination to intervene on his behalf, perhaps perceiving that it’s a fool’s errand.

        So this is your life, Bill Schmalfeldt: screaming at strangers on the Internet for the high crime of making you feel unhappy.

        Now I can’t even hate him any more. Oh, I hate the things he does, the lies he tells himself to justify his rancid behavior. But I can’t hate him. I pity him, and his empty little life, lived as a minion for an adjudicated pedophile and convicted terrorist.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        No they won’t Cameltoe. I could bust up this computer into little pieces and months from now you clowns would still be making up shit about me.

        You don’t post stupid shit on the internet, I won’t quote it. – TDPZ


      • Techno Jinxx says:

        I guess it takes something, not balls or anything, but something to go to other people’s blogs and tell them and their comments to go away.

        Gee Stinky, maybe if you did first, but we all know you live for arguing with people who use your own words to show what a huge pile of FAILwhale shit you are.

        There is no need to make shit up about you Stinky, you’ve provide and continue to provide, in your own words, exactly who and what you are.

        Don’t like others commenting on it? Then stop spewing it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Monkeytoe says:


        [i]No they won’t Cameltoe. I could bust up this computer into little pieces and months from now you clowns would still be making up shit about me.[/i]

        What has been made up about you? Again, I am interested in actually knowing your side. What do you claim is false that people are saying?

        Regardless, what difference does it make if a blog read by maybe 100 different people (people I take it you do not know or interact with in real life in any way) says mean things about you? I could understand your concern if it was a significant publication read by thousands or more, but you aren’t going to change anyone’s mind here, just like they aren’t going to change your mind.

        And your threats have no apparent effect. Indeed, reading back in time, you have been making the same threats for years (I’m going to own your stuff, I can get more vicious, you don’t want to see me when I’m mad, I’ll sue you, you’re going to have to explain yourself in court, etc.) to no effect, so I’m unsure why you continue to make them as it has become cliched and tired. And your lawsuits have apparently gone nowhere. So what is the point of engaging the people who dislike you so much? Unless you enjoy the witty repartee and the trips to the courts?

        And, before you go off on me and ignore my points because you think I am a “lickspittle”, note that the “lickspittles” seem to like me about as much as they like you – they have gone off on me at a Ukelele Dave’s blog and Hoge’s blog for not being 100% on the same page as them. So take my questions and comments as from an independent 3rd party to this saga who is truly interested in the motivations and thought processes behind the various players.


      • Monkeytoe says:

        [i]The argument here with Bill is not “you were mean to me first.” It was more along the lines of “Bill says that we lie about him all the time. How about we quote him accurately, with dates and everything, and see what happens.” So, really, no argument for our side of things. Although Bill has an argument with us and thinks he can threaten and intimidate us out of our position. We refuse. – TDPZ[/i]

        I’m talking more about the commenters than the site itself. I’m trying to lay out the argument from Bill’s perspective. He argues in response to things you write things like “but they posted pictures of my dead wife” or some such. In other words, he is arguing “but they did it first”.

        As between him and the commenters here – his argument appears to be “what have I done to you personally?” or “I’m nasty to you because you are here posting things about me” (things he perceives to be mean).

        I understand that Schmalfeldt is a bully, and is nasty, and has done nasty things. But, he is also a pretty sad little figure – apparently fired from almost every job (and those jobs at sad little outposts with limited circulation at best), apparently living off of SS, allegedly suffering from Parkinsons, living in a trailer park, posting to a blog nobody but his enemies read and creating podcasts nobody but his enemies listen to – all to make fun of him further. He has no influence and his ability to intimidate and bully (if it ever existed) is long gone. His recent attempts to doxx people appear to routinely blow up in his face and his lawsuits all get dismissed. His writing indicates a low level of intelligence and low education level. He is simply an old, sad, lonely, bitter man. If anything, these sites give him a feeling of importance and give his life meaning – despite all his protests to the contrary he would likely have nothing if the lickspittles suddenly abandoned him. In a sad way, the lickspittles are likely his best friends.


      • popcornseller says:

        And so begins the text walls.

        The concern troll is back. This time the concern is that we don’t understand Bill Schmalfeldt’s perspective.

        If you think BS has no ability to dox people, no ability to hurt people and is sad and lonely and you should pity him, please ask Agiledog about that. You say you’ve been reading? Really? Hard to believe. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Bill has libeled me in a book which he won’t take down because it’s “investigative reporting”. In said book he includes my legal name and complete street address. The only possible reason for that would be in the hopes that one of his fellow travellers might read it and decide to do what Bill himself doesn’t have the balls for.

        Bill has published a photo of my child taken from a long forgotten photobucket account and accused me of abusing her. His concession to her anonymity, which wouldn’t be great anyway since he was telling everyone who I was by full name and town, was a thin bar over her eyes, which didn’t mask her identity at all. (Of course he also tried to mask the guinea pig’s identity, but I don’t think Mr. Nibbles cares.)

        He has written me FOUR extortionate emails, all of which the court’s Victim Advocate agreed needed to be forwarded to the FBI. The ONLY reason he doesn’t have a fourth restraining order on him right now is that CT law doesn’t believe in non-family orders for out of state harassers unless there is a blatant threat of physical harm. Threats to have your job or job prospects destroyed, or to make a false report to LE for crimes you didn’t commit don’t count yet, much to the annoyance of the VA and the local SAs.

        Bill gets his jollies by trying to make others fearful and anxious. Unlike Bill, some of us can point to medical bills caused by our dealing with his attacks and lawsuits.

        Some Lickspittles have had to spend time which they will never get back, and/or money which they will never recoup either. That isn’t permanent?

        Do NOT tell me or any of the Lickspittles that he is “harmless”. He is a rabid dog, and while he may not be able to physically chase us down, he can still cause damage, and for that reason alone, he needs to be stopped.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Gus Bailey says:

      In my 60-years on this planet the only people I have had trouble communicating with are stupid people who think they are smart.

      This is, perhaps, the very nadir of self awareness.

      Liked by 4 people

  7. My Native American friends have sayings too. So I guess that makes me a Native American witch. /smh (I wish. Being able to tick that “Native American” EEOC box would have made job hunts a lot easier.)

    Can Bill show us his MENSA membership?

    He really needs to stop trying to prove how smart he is; every attempt to show how he is so much better than anyone else is just one more illustration of his lack of IQ and common sense.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I’d show you my MENSA card, but it’s no longer good. You see I had the unfortunately happenstance to get pregnant a couple of times and the babies – all four of them – ate my brain. Especially the twin boys. They were RAVENOUS. Why else do you think I’m a zombie now.

      Liked by 3 people

  8. This Other Latin F*cker says:

    I seem to remember him photoshopping an innocent woman on a huge cactus penis. Does he really question why he gets pushback?

    Liked by 6 people

  9. Based upon what I see above, Bill knows that Morgana is really Patrick Grady, but he still thinks Patrick is a kinda goth looking vampire woman, who is somewhere in her 40’s to 50’s, who has all the “red flags” of being a woman with a naughty daddy, but who is also a man in Illinois who has a Peace Order on Bill, and who will be coming to Baltimore to testify in a court case about how some people have made Bill sad, including someone, SOMEONE named Sara, who might be Ash, or certainly might be anybody named anything close to Ash. Also, if you know anyone who is Wiccan, then you must be a witch.

    Plus quoting Bill is wrong because of CONTEXT, as if that magic word helps Bill be understood. In fact, the more you read from Bill, the more context you have, and the less you enjoy yourself. He also only has communication difficulties with stupid people who think they are smart, though he’s been married three times.
    Oh, and Bill is capable of more heinous things — but up until now, he just wasn’t angry enough. Now, good heavens. He’s gonna write the piss outta some snappy article, which no one will read except the one person who happens to be Paul, Grady and Morgana. All three of them will cut and paste the article into a motion to dismiss, and NOBODY has to go to Baltimore. No, thank you. Focus. Be well!

    Liked by 13 people

  10. I see that Bill is getting all uppity and trying to snark that our beloved pirate isn’t acting her age, or even adult.

    This same being is on twitter calling us all “cowardly pee-holes”.

    It fits right in with “poop flakes”, and all the other butt stuff he loves, which I’m sure he’ll be argue is the height of mature discussion. That’s why we hear those and similar terms all over the place in the Capital building, and the UN and in board rooms across the world.

    Oh. Wait. We DON’T!

    He really needs to try growing up, just a little bit, before he dies.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Techno Jinxx says:

    Actually, Stinky doesn’t have to turn off his computer, just not come here or TMZ or Hogewash.
    And stop harassing people who say things he doesn’t like.

    Then all his troubles (with the lickspittle/zombie horde at least) would just fade away.

    NOW if you think he’ll every do that short of going toes up first, I got a nice bridge in Brooklyn for sale that you might be interested in, cheap.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Does Bill really not think that deleting twitter accounts and blog posts might not come back to bite him in his more than ample ass?

    I guess it got through even his dented skull that attacking someone’s non-party child, in particular one who has a restraining order against him, might not be in his best interest. Sadly it didn’t register with him until after he had put it all out there and the internet had archived it forever.

    Too bad, so sad. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving piece of crap. He had better hope that LE steps in and does something about his behaviour before all the mama and papa bears his pissed off decide that they need to do something themselves. He might not like the judicial results, but I’m sure he’d find them preferable to what a bunch of appropriately angered parents who are at the end of their tethers because of the lack of action by LE might do to him. Folks might not contact Guido or Vinnie or Sergei when he talks smack about them on the net, but when he starts going after kids…. Though maybe he that might be preferable to just how prisoners are said to … appreciate … those who go after children.

    Liked by 1 person

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