Good Thing I Didn’t Hold My Breath

Because “Above It All” Bill has been replaced by “They’re Trying to Kill Me” Bill. Because OF COURSE the ancient “Mr. Bill gets killed by anything and everything” meme is ALL about Bill Schmalfeldt. You can read the entire screed HERE. (EDIT – Link now goes to the right place. Durrrr)

You know, Bill, there are people out there that saw that tweet when it went out, and remember precisely what was going on around it. (HINT: I was one of them!) And it wasn’t a death threat (ELEVENTY!!!11!!1!) to you in the slightest. But you just keep telling yourself that at night, mmmkay? Keep telling yourself the “narrative” that we are all a bunch of right-wing nutjobs who have a hive mind that only believes the “narrative” that paints you as evil and “worthy of death.”

Oh! And now we are all apparently Trump supporters? Or something like that? Trump? Donald Trump supporters? Really? Dude, now you actually HAVE insulted me. But it just makes me laugh, just like the rest of your silly little whinge on the BBS site.

And another hint, dude. You are PAYING BBS to broadcast your podcast. Frankly, you go right on ahead with your bad self. Because far be it from me to tell them that you are a sure way to ruin their “brand.” They’ll discover it themselves, on their own. But then again, you are PAYING them. *snort* Way to effectively blow through your urned income like nose candy. How long until you are filing for bankruptcy now that StGotCU is gone and can no longer keep your impulses under control? I give you a year. Two, tops.

Never change, Billy-boy. Never, ever change!

About The Dread Pirate Zombie

Member of the Zombie Horde and Lickspittle Minion. Out to eat your brainnnsssss. And a few other sweetbreads because they are so nomm-y. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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29 Responses to Good Thing I Didn’t Hold My Breath

  1. Paul Krendler says:

    Well darlin’ you know he’s gotta spend all that insurance dough on something before he can file another IFP LOLSuit…

    Maybe a trailer hitch to pull his new Sea-Doo behind the scooter.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pablo says:

    Mr. Bill didn’t abandon his dog.


  3. Kobayashi Maru says:

    1. Bill Schmalfeldt has a habit of looking for stuff in the Internet and having found it, claiming that it was “sent” to him and is about him.
    2. It appears that he is about to start harassing his victim in Palatine, IL again – the one who has a restraining order against him.


  4. This Other Latin F*cker says:

    Stolen Valor Bill Schmalfeldt is a habitual liar and very stupid. This combination ensures that he can’t even remember his own lies and invariably stomps on his own dick time after time. Nothing changes. All his life, stomp, stomp, stomp. He blames it on others of course. It might be sad if he wasn’t such an evil prick fucking with people’s real lives and employment.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Gustavo Fring says:

    Remember when he told us he knew Krendler’s identity and was going to prove it? But then he pussied out? LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Minemyown says:

    Did he ever pay Grady his court costs and expenses?
    He is also on the hook still to live365.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. sharky says:

    You know, Palatine IL has recently made national news thanks to a male high school student who “self-describes” as a female. He gets to change in the girls’ locker room and play on girls’ sports teams, but he’s got the wrong equipment. He can self describe as female, but he’s still a dude according to his DNA.

    Just like Caitlyn Jenner.

    Self-describing as a sociopath doesn’t make you a sociopath if all that happens is some dude in another state pees his Pampers at the thought.

    Self describing as a charming, intelligent, retired happy his wife is deadmerry widower with well-honed pro se legal skills and a sterling reputation doesn’t make it true either.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I started a Twitter account. Krendler the stalker tracked it down and sent it to all his fellow-stalkers. I took it private, because I tire of writing his daily screed for him. I also do not wish to have my presence on BBS smeared by liars. If you can contain your bile here on this site or on Krendler’s happy little slime pit, I’m fine with that.

    But here’s a thought. Let’s all see who can go the LONGEST without mentioning the other. Bet I win.

    It’s nice to see the same old meme’s popping up, Lack of creativity is strong in this pack of weasels, You can all stop obsessing about a new lawsuit. Not interested in your paranoia. But a certain girl in St. Charles, IL is in for the surprise of her life on Dec. 22.

    OK. The contest starts…now.

    If you will excuse me, I have to get about my business of ruining the brand at BBS Radio. (Such a charming bunch of stalking slugs thou be.)

    Do yourselves a favor. Listen to the show. Learn something about the real me, not this cartoon villain you’ve created.

    And honey?

    EVERYBODY with a podcast pays to have it carried online.

    Unless you don’t want listeners.

    EVERYBODY pays.


    • Rob Crawford says:

      The people who can attract an audience don’t pay. They get paid.

      I guess you just suck at it.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Paul Krendler says:

      Hey, DUMBFUCK!

      I lose. I’m totally devastated by it, as you can probably tell.

      You had a long time and a very easy way to make me go away.

      That time is done.

      And I’d LOVE to watch you prove I found you and outed you. That would be FUN.

      In the absence of that, and it is entirely absent, I may have to find another FUN thing to do. Maybe I’ll take the 22nd off and go “Christmas shopping.”

      Liked by 3 people

    • Minemyown says:

      Did you pay Grady like the court ordered you to, money talks and bullshit walks.

      Liked by 2 people

    • This Other Latin F*cker says:

      But Bill, you PROMISED! You said as soon as your printer was fixed you were gonna sue the correct Krendler. Since you are taking the fun out of our Christmas the least you can do is tell us the “real name” of Krendler like you promised you would. Now surely you are a liar or a man who goes back on your word right? So go ahead and tell us.

      Liked by 4 people

  9. BusPassOffice says:

    I wonder if the Christian Newsom Brothers are aware of the content that will be played on their network….


    Liked by 1 person

  10. Rick Buchanan says:

    Did anyone else notice that Bill set the rules for his contest, started the clock…

    …and in the very next paragraphs, LOSES the contest by mentioning TDPZ and the horde?

    Fastest. Loss. Ever.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. rt895 says:

    twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, twitter, and…..

    wait for it…….



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