William Misunderstands how to Conduct Polite Discourse

Bill has a slight problem with females as a general rule, it seems. You see, he just doesn’t know how to TALK with them. Especially when he is trying to doxx them. Incorrectly. As usual.

This particular example happened recently where a young lady with a slightly similar screen name to my alter ego caught his eye. Not content with just being creepy, he had to go there. While not among his most egregious examples of misogyny (i.e. he didn’t call her a cunt or twat, thank God), he still had to insult her basic femininity because he just doesn’t know how to deal with the mysteries of the female body and thinks that by insulting that natural process he has REALLY gotten our goat. Here’s a hint Bill: Nope.

So, sit back, grab some popcorn, review for yourself and be educated. This is NOT how to strike up a conversation, and/or get the information you wish from someone.

Bill thinks he’s being polite here. Ok, I can give him that. At least he starts out being polite. Creepy – because she obviously doesn’t know him from Adam – but polite at least for Bill.

The reader you will have to pardon the threading of some of these comments. Bill likes to get ahead of himself and will oftentimes post several things before someone has a chance to even answer to one. I think he needs to slow down a little bit on a lot of things in life.

Dang. Let’s just ramp up the creepy tone here. And there’s the oblique insult right on schedule.

The young lady is not being intemperate. She is being sarcastic and mildly derisive because she has Sum Dude who she doesn’t know from Adam invading her timeline. And usually the best way to deal with weirdos is to brush them off. Like she’s doing.

And yes, for the record Bill, I think you are bothering her.

Ah, another oblique insult. This one directed towards me, your Zombie Queen. It should have made her start frothing at the mouth, if she were me, right Bill?

Oh, and for the record, Bill, it’s “horde” not “coven.” Witches have covens. I am NOT a witch. I’m too Catholic for that.

BKWatch steps in to do a very good thing here for Bill. As I am told, the young lady in question has some sort of connection with Anonymous and is known for bringing down a notorious online Troll. She apparently doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Bill is very lucky she didn’t turn her laser-like gaze upon him.

Then again, she probably wouldn’t waste her time on him. She has better things to do. But me? I’m just here for the FUN!

You just can’t help yourself, can you Bill? Oy!

Now, my question to the reader is, is this Bill giving HIMSELF a *gasp* DEATH THREAT!!!!111!1!1!!!111!!!! Lol, I slay me sometimes. Wait, I’m already dead. . .

Now, where would someone get that impression? Oh yeah. From right down here.

Yeah, that would be how they got that impression. SMH!

Yeah, because girls are all sorts of icky like that. The last time a boy tried to insult me with my period I think we were both 12. So much for someone who claims he is the grownup around these parts.

At least he didn’t say “Be Well.” But somehow I think this signoff was worse. *shudder*

About The Dread Pirate Zombie

Member of the Zombie Horde and Lickspittle Minion. Out to eat your brainnnsssss. And a few other sweetbreads because they are so nomm-y. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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95 Responses to William Misunderstands how to Conduct Polite Discourse

  1. Accipe remedium, Tremule! says:

    That’s our Blob, ever the misogynist!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. BusPassOffice says:

    Why is he who he is? ITs our fault of course – had we just let him bully people and do permanent harm to them on the internet – for a list of people – see – the entry under faildox, Bill S. in the United Amazon Butthurt Division Manual for the recently Banned

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, but because we don’t give him NAMES of those injured, it never happened. I just have to ask, because my mind just can’t wrap around the obtuseness here, but wouldn’t you think those people who have sought restraining orders could be counted among those permanently injured? Bill can start there. And in the end, it’s not up to me to list them for him. He’s the one with them on his conscience, not me, so frankly I don’t keep track. And I’m CERTAIN I don’t know the names or have even heard of numerous others that he has wounded. Because before there was an Interwebz, I’m fairly certain Bill’s behavior was much the same, just not as far-reaching thankfully.

      Liked by 4 people

  3. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    And again, I wait for Princess Dread Pony Sparkle to regale us with a list of people I’ve permanently harmed with harm that is permanent in it harm. Unless she’s a lying sack of shit. And insulting a female does not make one a misogynist. Insulting her BECAUSE she’s a woman is misogynist. Personally, I find 58-year old women pretending to be zombies an insult to intelligent women everywhere. But you can work on that with your therapist. Daddy issues, probably.


    • Pablo says:

      That’s weird because it seems just yesterday you had her pegged as a 45 year old woman. It might be that it seems that way because it WAS just yesterday.


      When are you going to learn that you suck at doxxing, dumbass?

      Liked by 4 people

    • You misunderstand evil and hurt. When you do bad things, it does not matter if you have permanently or even temporarily harmed others. The reaction or effect on the victim doesn’t always matter. When you talk with strangers you frequently make it about sexuality. With women, it’s creepy. You insinuate incest or abuse. With guys, including scouts, it’s all about butts and bjs. The fact we don’t cower in the corner, claim butthurt or cry for you does not change the fact that your behavior is unacceptable in all settings.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        But the behavior that I am retaliating to IS acceptable?

        Liked by 1 person

      • lorddewclaw says:


        Fucking man up, you mewling pussy.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        That behavior is in response to you. You started every one of these fights. You chose the tone of your responses, and set the rules of engagement.

        If you hadn’t harassed Hoge,for example, he’d have never needed to seek a peace order. If you hadn’t illegally copied other people’s writings, you’d never have faced a copyright suit.

        Defending against you isn’t an attack on you.

        Liked by 4 people

        • Jeanette Victoria says:

          I only vaguely knew who Bill Schmalfeldt was and I had NO idea about these blogs. He went after me FAILDoxed me and screeching about some guy named Krendler who had never heard of and now I am here


    • Paul Krendler says:

      Hey, DUMBFUCK!

      Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, why don’t you take a moment to answer your own question.

      Since it is obvious that, in your constant state of emotional infancy, you FEEEEEEEEEL that some among us have done YOU permanent harm, why not describe
      – the nature of the harm,
      – the person who touched you in your emo bathing suit area;
      – when they did so;
      – how many hospitalizations and psychiatric therapy sessions it took to uncover these repressed memories?

      I guess that all boils down to this, DUMBFUCK: Have YOU suffered permanent harm?
      Which begs the follow up question: WOULD YOU LIKE TO?
      I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I have levels – so very many levels – that you haven’t seen and don’t want to.

      But…if you get down on your knees like Ash (no, not that one – the one in the Really Useful Urn) and beg real nice, I may accommodate you.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        It’s in the complaint, and I’ll be more specific in court.

        And fuck you, sociopath.


      • Rob Crawford says:

        Projecting again…

        Liked by 4 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Ignoring the boring idiots, I will address you, Grady/Krendler. I have contemplated your offer, and I cannot imagine what sort of damage you could do to anyone other than your son because of your drug use before he was born. Oh, you might be able to pay someone to do your dirty work, but you couldn’t do it yourself because you are a gutless wonder. A nutless wonder. You don’t have the sack to do actual violence — physical or psychological — to anyone who has a stronger will than you do. I am less afraid of you, Paul/Patrick than any other human on the face of the planet. I look forward to the day when I see you standing in Federal Court trying to explain your defamatory remarks, your intentional infliction of distress, and your false light invasion of privacy.

        Nope, just not scared of you. I’m stronger than you. In every way that’s important.

        So, do us both a favor and suck it real hard. There’s a surprise at the end.


      • Rob Crawford says:

        Your privacy has *NEVER* been invaded. Everything we know about you comes from material YOU published.

        If you don’t like it being known, don’t publish it.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Paul Krendler says:


        You know Vinnie’s is not the only photo you’ve put out there that you can’t get back.

        You should think real hard on what you’re FORCING ME TO DO.

        Liked by 7 people

      • lorddewclaw says:

        This coming from the whimpering sack of shit complaining to the court about how much ANGUISH (eleventy!!!!) PK caused.

        Which is it, Tub-O-Guts? Krendler either is a gutless wonder who you have no fear of… or he is the person you sued for causing you felony butthurt.

        If stupid was painful you would be in coma right now.

        Liked by 2 people

      • This Other Latin F*cker says:

        “I look forward to the day when I see you standing in Federal Court trying to explain your defamatory remarks, your intentional infliction of distress, and your false light invasion of privacy.”

        Not that Kendler has ever been Grady….but I seem to remember you running like a scared school girl BOTH times you had a chance to face Grady in court.

        Liked by 7 people

      • Pablo says:

        I am so not afraid of you, Grendler!!!

        I am less afraid of you, Paul/Patrick than any other human on the face of the planet. I look forward to the day when I see you standing in Federal Court trying to explain your defamatory remarks, your intentional infliction of distress, and your false light invasion of privacy.


        Nice consistency, Blob.

        Liked by 5 people

    • howarddearl says:

      Giving [ …redacted…] was just in the course of a normal day, eh Shakes?

      Howard… not helpful. -the Staff


    • Kyle Kiernan says:

      “…people I’ve permanently harmed with harm that is permanent in it harm.”

      Hahahaha! Man you just can’t get good writin like that out of today’s GS-13 government writer/editors, you need the old school pro’s to deal the verbiage at that level.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Bill Schmalfeldt says:

    You write like an angry teenaged girl conducting an iPhone flame war. And you come off as blatantly stupid. You allow even stupider people to comment, and it brings down the IQ-average of your blog even further. I not only HAVE your goat, princess, I have slaughtered it, butchered it, and sold it to a Colombian family down the street that threw it on the grill over the weekend. Tasty goat meat.


    • Pablo says:

      You made it through a comment without an anal reference, Blob!

      Congratulations! We should do something special to mark the occasion. How about a parade?

      Liked by 2 people

    • Rob Crawford says:

      The stupidest person she let’s comment is the creep with the weird sexual and fecal obsessions.

      (That’s you, Bill.)

      Liked by 2 people

    • You know what’s funny? I’ve never claimed that this was going to be a blog that the average human being would have to do mental gymnastics to comprehend. All I ever claimed was that this blog would ruthlessly quote you, Bill Schmalfeldt. If you have issues with the level of mental prowess required to understand and/or discuss things around here, you should look at the source. That would be YOU, Bill.

      And frankly, I don’t eat goat. Now lamb? Mmmmmmm. Lamb. That’s *almost* enough to make me quit eating brainnnnssss. Where’s that barbacoa food truck I saw earlier. . .

      Liked by 5 people

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        You’ve done far more than quote me. You quote me and then leave the comment section open for people to apply their own meanings to what I said which, in many cases, has nothing to do with the context of what I said in the context in which I said it. You tell the part of the story you want to tell, and then you let your idiot commenters fill in the blanks. Not only is that grossly unfair, it’s cruel and disgusting. How about we tell your story 140-characters at a time? How about if I were to start a website quoting you out of context? Problem is, I don’t have readers motivated by hatred of you to comment about how each little snippet of your life’s story describes you in your entirety. This blog is nothing more than one cheap shot after another and you are responsible for the curating and harvesting of hatred from morons like Pablo and Toastrider and Rob Crawford whose idea of an argument zinger is “you play with poop.” You are not a zombie. You are an adult woman. I wish I could say you were acting like one. I don’t think you or Edgren were involved in the hyper-doxxing of me that took place under Grady/Krendler in the old secret blog. But YOU tell ME under what context you find it proper to post a picture of a widower’s recently deceased wife as a decomposing corpse? I know you’ve redacted comments where shitheels like Scot Hinckley wanted to take that step beyond and call Gail’s death my punishment for daring to address Hoge. But by continuing this blog, you are continuing a fight that I want to stop fighting. I have every intent to move to Milwaukee when all the paperwork is done. I want to live my life unbothered by filthy little trolls like Pablo and Howard Earl and the psychotic “Paul Krendler.”

        Now, are you and David Edgren reasonable people? Or will you continue to score blog hits by pandering to hate for hate’s sake?

        I guess that’s entirely up to you. But I will fight back.

        You said I have “permanently harmed” people, but you haven’t mentioned anyone by name. Could that be a result of the fact that I have NOT even come CLOSE to the technical description of “doxxing” anyone? Social Security numbers? Bank Accounts? Where the kids go to school? That kind of thing?

        Enough, Sarah.



      • lorddewclaw says:

        Shorter Bill….

        Nobody has taken you out of context, you snivelling mook. They have taken what you have made available and thrown it back in your ugly face. Maybe if you don’t want to look like a fucking moron, you should quit posting fucking moronic things on the interwebz.

        Just a thought.

        Oh…. and quit being such a whining pussy all the time. When you shift into tuffguy Bill mode after being such a sandy vagoo… it just makes it soooooo much more laughable.

        Liked by 7 people

      • Oh Bill. Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill. Such is the nature of commentary on the internet. You are perfectly free to think that I am an idiot for thinking what I think about you and your blatherings. Of *course* I tell the story that I want to tell. I talk about what *I* think is most interesting. Don’t *you* do the same on your blog? Somehow I think you do. The problem is is that I QUOTE YOU ACCURATELY.

        You keep claiming that there is this photo has been posted of your “recently departed wife as a decomposing corpse.” I believe this is the one you claim to have had mailed to you. Frankly, I haven’t seen it and I don’t believe it exists. You just keep on beating that drum, however. I’m sure it will get you lots of places. Lots and lots of places.

        I believe I answered your question about people you have permanently harmed in another post above. Start with the list of people who have attempted to take out peace orders against you. Then you go from there. In the end, it is YOU who have to generate the list, not me because it’s on YOU, not me. But you won’t, because of COURSE you never did anything of the sort, right?

        What this boils down to, William, is that you don’t like being done to you what you do to everyone else. If you want to stop the fight, you know where to start. You can only control you. But, of course, someone will ALWAYS drag you back in, won’t they? It’s always someone else’s fault, and never your own.

        Yes, Bill. Enough. You first.

        Liked by 7 people

        • gmhowell says:


          You say “You can only control you.” Bill has stated more than once that he cannot control himself. He has stated, in fact, that the vast undead lickspittle army controls his actions.

          On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 3:57 PM, Billy Sez – Adventures in the Billogicalness of being Bill Schmalfeldt wrote:

          > The Dread Pirate Zombie commented: “Oh Bill. Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill. > Such is the nature of commentary on the internet. You are perfectly free to > think that I am an idiot for thinking what I think about you and your > blatherings. Of *course* I tell the story that I want to tell. I talk about > “

          Liked by 4 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        Dude, YOU were the one who admitted to playing with your crap. I’m just commenting on the websites you’ve posted, and what impression of you it leaves. You don’t want public comment on your behavior, don’t do it in public.

        And the “secret blog”? They wanted you to find it, to comment on its veracity. They finally had to guide you to it by hand — and you verified it was accurate!

        Finally, people HAVE been named that you have harmed. How much of Hoge’s life has your harassment and lawfare and idiocy consumed? Why didn’t you follow your lawyer’s advice and leave Hoge alone two, three years ago?

        You’ve sent pictures that disgust judges to people, tried to get people fired on the flimsiest of pretenses, and spread obscene foulness everywhere you go.

        Change your behavior, and you won’t get pushback.

        Defending against you us not an attack on you.

        Liked by 8 people

      • Monkeytoe says:

        You quote me and then leave the comment section open for people to apply their own meanings to what I said which, in many cases, has nothing to do with the context of what I said in the context in which I said it.”

        The comments here are open to you (unlike your own blogs/twitter accounts which ban anyone who disagrees with you), so you can easily defend your comments or explain why the comments are not as silly as they seem. That is the nature of blogs, people comment. You tweet or blog the stuff people are commenting on – meaning it is public. If you don’t want people commenting on stuff you yourself are publishing, the answer is simple – stop tweeting those comments.

        It seems you want the ability to comment without anyone else ever responding to your Comments.

        I get that this site and other sites which exist just to make fun of you would get under your skin. Perhaps the answer lies in not coming to these sites, not engaging the commenters or writers, not tweeting to or about these people?

        It’s the mirror image of what you do to Hoge. He asks you to leave him alone and you refuse, claiming a right to contact him, to write about him, to tweet about him, etc.

        Why – in your mind – do you have an unfettered right to contact, write about, tweet about, Hoge and yet commenters here don’t have the same right?

        “You said I have “permanently harmed” people, but you haven’t mentioned anyone by name. Could that be a result of the fact that I have NOT even come CLOSE to the technical description of “doxxing” anyone? Social Security numbers? Bank Accounts? Where the kids go to school? That kind of thing?

        I think many of the people engaged in lawfare with you (both bringing actions and defending actions) feel you have harmed them. People you have doxxed were harmed (although you seem to want to rationalize it here by claiming it is not “the technical description of doxxing”).

        Why is it that your first instinct is to try and dox someone? When I commented at B.U. you jumped on and both you and the alleged writer there immediately started to dox me because I disagreed with you. Even though B.U.’s policies say they will never do that. It was your first instinct. To mention my son, to use my real name. At that point, I hadn’t insulted you, merely disagreed with you (of course, we can’t see those comments now because you and/or your cohorts at B.U. deleted them and banned me). You can claim your behavior is “technically” not doxxing people, but calling someone’s employer is just childish. Why not call their mommy?

        Are the things people say about you here nice? No. Are the things you say about people nice? No. Who started it all with you? I don’t know what the catalyst was. A lot of different people claim you went after them first on this site and others, which makes me tend to think perhaps that is true.

        If everywhere you have ever lived, you have fought with your neighbors, it does not mean you were unlucky enough to always have bad neighbors – it means you were the bad neighbor. there is one constant in that equation. It is similar here – you are the one constant.

        Now, I don’t know the truth of the matter, but I do know that at this point “who started it” is almost irrelevant. the easiest way to make these sites about you go away is to ignore them and stop responding to them. Let the lawfare die away. Go about your life. The people commenting here will then get bored pretty quickly and this will all be over.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Rob Crawford says:

        DPZ — the worst pictures of his wife are the ones Bill has taken and spread around. He complains about a Star Trek monster and “mother” from “Psycho”, but he was offering to take a picture of his wife’s corpse and publish it — within an hour of her death.

        He *did* publish the picture of her in the hospital, and the zombies and lickspittles have shown reluctance to publish it further — showing her more respect than Bill “I can see her from here” Schmalfeldt ever did.

        Liked by 4 people

      • agiledog says:

        Here’s one name for him:

        Louise Hinckley

        SHE has never contacted him.
        SHE has never emailed him, called him, posted about him, read his blog, read any of these other blogs, sent him tweets: nothing.
        SHE didn’t even know he existed until he called and emailed HER.
        And now she is in fear for her life because of him, because some psycho contacted her out of the blue. She googled him, and now fears he may do something crazy (now, why would that be, ya think?)

        And he claims: “I know you’ve redacted comments where shitheels like Scot Hinckley wanted to take that step beyond and call Gail’s death my punishment for daring to address Hoge.” He has no fucking idea what was redacted – this is a baseless claim, and a lie. I know exactly what he is referring to, and what I very specifically said.

        Liked by 13 people

      • lorddewclaw says:

        “How about if I were to start a website quoting you out of context? Problem is, I don’t have readers…”

        FIFY, you POS.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Rob, it was ME he offered to send the picture of his dead wife to prove she was really gone. And yeah, I turned it down, obviously.

        Lorddewclaw, also, *I* don’t go around and post my every waking thought, so there is no real way he can do anything to take me “out of context.”

        Agiledog, I am so sorry that your wife had to suffer this. It is reprehensible.

        Liked by 5 people

      • Toastrider says:

        Goat is pretty tasty. A few years back, I went to Taiwan with some friends on vacation. I really liked the barbequed squid though. I still think you could make that work here in the U.S.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Joe Smirnoff says:

      Well Fucknuts finally cracked the puzzle…time for everyone to go home.


  5. Minemyown says:

    BS stuck at the emotional age of two. He reminds me of every two year old I have ever known.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. A Reader #1 says:

    Bill Schmalfeldt said “But the behavior that I am retaliating to IS acceptable?”

    The implication here is that his obscene and degrading commentary is new, in response to alleged torts. It is not. This is who he is, and he looks for the slightest excuse to let the mask drop. Exhibit A:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Neal N. Bob says:

      The classics never do go away, do they?

      William is a typical lunatic, really no different than the homeless guy we’ve all seen screaming at trees in the park. What makes Schmalfeldt so compelling is his incompetence at virtually everything and the entertainment value it brings.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I want to apologize to the Zombie horde for accidentally clicking “like” on a Bill comment from 2:03. I thought I was getting a chance to respond. Bill asked “But the behavior that I am retaliating to IS acceptable?”

    The original post was about Bill’s behavior. It’s Morgana’s website, and she picks the topic.
    If you want to list the bad things that folks have done to you, it is her decision if she wants it here. The internet might already be full of your complaints already.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Paul Krendler says:

      I understand DUMBFUCK is a football fan of many years…as such, he should be very familiar with the notion that the guy who retaliated ALWAYS gets the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

      Liked by 4 people

  8. Neal N. Bob says:

    Y’ever notice how sane, sober litigants never publicly troll the people they’re suing?

    I have.

    Liked by 8 people

  9. “So, do us both a favor and suck it real hard. There’s a surprise at the end.” — Bill Schmalfeldt 7/20/2015

    You know, sometimes context really doesn’t matter.

    Liked by 8 people

  10. Dontwannaknow says:

    “Problem is, I don’t have readers. ”
    Here, fixed it for you.


  11. Pablo says:

    This blog is nothing more than one cheap shot after another and you are responsible for the curating and harvesting of hatred from morons like Pablo and Toastrider and Rob Crawford whose idea of an argument zinger is “you play with poop.”

    It works because it’s true. But my zinger today was that you can’t manage to keep your faildoxxes straight from one day to the next, because you’re a Dumbass. That one also works because it’s true.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Toastrider says:

      He’s so thin skinned it’s hysterical. If /cow/ gets a hold of him, they’re going to eat him alive.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Russ says:

        I had to look up what /cow/ is. Oh. Em. Gee.

        That led me to https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Lol-cow

        The most wonderful examples of lol-cows are when the lol-cow initially tried to set themselves up as a formidable internet entity.

        If that doesn’t apply to Witless Willie, I can’t imagine to whom it would apply.

        Liked by 1 person

        • gmhowell says:

          If you ever delve into the story of CWC (Sonichu, Christian Weston Chandler) you will find Bill’s true soulmate (although CWC is probably not evil)

          On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 9:46 PM, Billy Sez – Adventures in the


    • Pinwheel says:

      This blog is nothing more than one example after another of how BS earned his demented cyberstalker reputation through quoting his own moronic words as BS continuously attempts to flush his idiocy and failure down the memory hole.

      Liked by 3 people

  12. Paul Krendler says:


    I’m sorry if you feel threatened by my promises, DUMBFUCK. Next time I’ll try to mention baseball bats, tire irons and tossing folks into traffic so you understand that I’m only trying to be satirical.

    I know how much trouble you DUMBFUCK NUTJOBS have appreciating satire.

    Liked by 5 people

  13. Gus Bailey says:

    ‘Tell ya what. Bill, I forgive you. You have done terrible things, awful things, despicable things; but I forgive you.

    Remember that GOD the Father Almighty loves you and gave his only Son to die for your sins. You have only to ask and He will forgive you too. Turn away from your evil ways. Recant the abuse of the Stranahans, the Hoges, the Gradys, and the dozens of other people whose lives you’ve actively meddled with.

    GOD loves, you Bill; he will forgive you. All you have to do is believe.

    Liked by 7 people

  14. wpdavidd says:

    How is someone who goes by asherah supposed to know anything about someone else who may go by ashterah?

    Is there some sort of clearinghouse for screen names that requires one to get explicit permission from another user to be able to use a similar screen name?

    Asking for a friend….

    Liked by 7 people

  15. Perry Mason says:

    Your “law” thingy frightens and confuses me. How does someone who has filed lawsuits claiming emotional damage and other flavors of Butthurt then manage to go to those very websites and call out the people who have damaged him?

    Willy, you’re your own worst enemy.

    Liked by 4 people

  16. Avenger Watcher says:

    I’m really sad that BKWatch stepped in and did him that huge, ginormous, altruistic favor.

    There is a huge favor owed to BKWatch. Not that I think it will ever get redeemed.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Avenger Watcher says:

    Let’s see. Taking statements and slightly applying different contexts and meanings…

    Wait, I know that concept! That’s SATIRE!

    Isn’t there a knight or Duke or something like that of Satire around… Surely he could explain.

    Liked by 5 people

  18. Tao says:

    ThIngs to consider when you’re feeling a little down:

    A. At least you haven’t pissed yourself, especially in front of a cop.
    B. At least you haven’t pooped in your pants when sitting on your mother’s padded chair.
    C. At least your mother and father loved you.
    D. At least your children still love and respect you.
    E. At least you have real friends who want to visit you.
    F. At least you know for sure that your children are your real issue.
    G. At least you are smart and creative enough not to have to plagiarize other people’s material.
    H. At least do don’t have to create sock puppets as evidence that a relative somewhere still cares about you.
    I. At least you are smart enough to be able to discern enablers and know how to deflect them.
    J. At least you are smart enough to know how to brew less coffee in a coffeemaker.
    K. At least you have enough self confidence in yourself that you don’t have to fulfill your ego by putting down everyone else in the world. As Dirty Harry once said, “A man has to know his limitations!”
    L. At least you worship God in all His glory, rather than living a life of filth and blasphemy.
    M. At least you can forego the Internet when a loved one is in crisis.
    N. At least you can engage your problems directly without having to resort to anonymous torture and persecution.
    O. At least you can resolve your personal problems and issues without having to resort to bullying, intimidation, harassment, stalking, threats, slander, libel and other forms of violence.
    P. At least you can love and find good in your fellow man.

    A personal note for Broadway Bill:

    Bill Schmalfeldt, aka the Elkridge Horror, you remind of a Pigeon in your approach to life. As with you, playing chess with a Pigeon is difficult because the pigeon has no concept of the game. Instead it struts around the board making insensible and irrational noises while it knocks over all the pieces and then shits all over the board before flying off to perch somewhere continuing to make inane, insane and unintelligible noises. It goes without saying that the chess game, for others, is ruined.

    You, Bill Schmalfeldt, are a disgusting abhorrent leech on all of society with no redeeming value whatsoever, in my opinion. You simply have no useful purpose other than to merely fertilize the fields for something more of value than you are or ever will be.

    In addition, you are a piss-poor radio personality. The only thing you do well at is to create tons of dead-air. Your skits are both purloined and plagiarized from other and, quite frankly, more adept and entertaining artists. You are an absolute disgrace.

    You are the poster child for abortion!

    Should you opt to sue me for my constitutionally protected opinion, let me assure you that your reputation and course of conduct in your life will most definitely be an issue before the jury!

    I am curious, Tubby…..do you ever cry?

    Liked by 4 people

  19. TwittyBang says:

    So Blob can lie in email pretending to be someone else, but he follows a rabbit trail of shit, and it’s someone else’s fault.
    Blob takes pictures of his dead wife (ew), then he bitches that someone photoshops a picture of his wife while alive.
    Blob harassed Lee’s wife to no end over her dead child, but he deserves sympathy when his wife dies.

    The beauty of all of this is the fail that is Blob’s life is now chronicled on the Interwebz. For all to see. It’s his living legacy to be mocked forever. Anyone googling him looking for his obit (fat chance) will be gifted with his butt fetish and rape stories.

    Yes, this is your legacy, Schmalfeldt! Be proud!

    As for any court proceedings, ain’t happening. Discovery will only shine more light on Bill’s putrid life, and he doesn’t want that. I can only imagine the faces of a jury who gets a glimpse of Life Schmalfeldt. This is a ruse taught by Kimberlin to get settlements, a ruse that is failing on a grand scale.

    Liked by 4 people

    • This Other Latin F*cker says:

      I just feel sorry for all the other people named Schmalfeldt. Think of what their friends and family must think when they run across Bill.

      Liked by 2 people

  20. I see that this morning Scrug is claiming that he only sent a copy of the photo to agiledog, and therefore that must be how PK got ahold of it. But when he first sent it out he informed everyone that he had sent copies to LE and Hoge too.

    So, was he lying then, or is he lying now?

    He also needs to man up (right, like that would ever happen) and admit that he didn’t send the picture to agiledog, but rather to agiledog’s wife and her co-workers. I know if some creep I didn’t know were to send me a photo like that, the entire email, including said photo, would have been turned over to my local LE (and possibly the FBI) within minutes of my first opening it.

    Liked by 3 people

  21. BusPassOffice says:

    I’m remembering the dead Andrew blog, and twitter account and the picture of a decomposing Breitbart – word is it was sent to Andrews Children – hope that’s just a rumor – also remember someone blaming Malones death on his exposing the bitter angrey creepy side of Bill

    Liked by 3 people

  22. I went and found the post with the email on John’s site. In it Bill is specifically telling LE that if the picture (which he enclosed but which John opted to redact out of respect for GS) were to show up anywhere it was going to be John’s fault. But now it’s agiledog’s?

    Really, calling the man a moron, an imbecile, or stupid is an insult to morons, imbeciles and stupid people.

    Liked by 3 people

  23. Neal N. Bob says:


    Au contrare, Fat Boy. We adore watching you smother your latest lulzsuit in the crib. The stupidity remains nothing short of breathtaking!


  24. Pingback: Billy Sez Top Ten Posts of 2015 – #3 | Billy Sez – The Fevered Ravings of The Cry-Bully Cyberstalker Wm. Schmalfelddt

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