Past is Prologue

Myself and some fellow travelers were wandering through cyberspace history and found something, umm, interesting. Now, gosh, I don’t know about you, but how many times have we seen some variant or other on this particular theme?

Won’t go away. Won’t be ignored. Gonna get the MEDIA involved. Threat of public embarrassment. So easy to CLEAR THIS ALL UP. Give me what I want and I’ll go away.

Oh, and this was on a site that deals with CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIMS. Hounding people who work with and possibly are some of those who have suffered in one of the most awful, horrible ways possible. Because they said something about him/something he wrote that he didn’t like. The hell? I mean, who DOES this sort of thing? And then posts the evidence of it?

It’s all so very trite and pitiful. Sounding threatening and authoritarian to make someone else bow to their will. It’s worked on a few people to be sure. Mainly those who didn’t know the one making these demands. If I hadn’t of known what this writer has tried to do many times, I might have caved when he started bringing certain things up to get me to stop quoting him. Accurately, mind you.

But that’s why this site exists. Because now people CAN know what he’s done and the tricks he’s tried to pull and the tactics he uses to get his way. And all without him being able to push the little delete button on the evidence of his bad behavior. Like this bit.

About The Dread Pirate Zombie

Member of the Zombie Horde and Lickspittle Minion. Out to eat your brainnnsssss. And a few other sweetbreads because they are so nomm-y. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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52 Responses to Past is Prologue

  1. Neal N. Bob says:

    Since William is too obese to actually be a broken record, mental illness is the only viable explanation.

    That is how you define doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, right?


    Liked by 3 people

    • IDK, but it sure is crazy to me. Nevermind all the inherent arrogant assumptions about his “right” to things in the first place.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jane says:

      Yes, exactly, both of you.

      Though the OP includes the generous hope that the tactic has worked, possibly in some alternate universe, I highly doubt it. It seems much more likely to me that self-described HappyMyWifeDied TheMerryWidower has seen the method used successfully by others, most likely against its demented self. Then, being without an original thought (or personality, for that matter), did what it seems to do much too often, tried to imitate its betters.

      Or tried to copy something it saw on tv – old gangster movies would explain a lot!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Neal N. Bob says:

        Perhaps the most fascinating thing about William’s conduct, and we’ve seen almost a decade of it, is that there doesn’t seem to be an actual example of it ever working.

        The older examples of said conduct, though, are important in that the demonstrate that William was a a half-wit and a thug (albeit a sensational failure of one) months and years before he ever heard of Brett Kimberlin.

        It almost makes me wish that his lulzsuits were capable of surviving a motion to dismiss.

        Liked by 3 people

      • gmhowell says:

        Someone else from the moving pictures came to mind as Bill’s inspiration:

        On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 12:49 PM, BILLY SEZ – Accurate Quotes That Flow Like Fear Pee From the Keyboard of Wm Schmalfeldt wrote:

        > Jane commented: “Yes, exactly, both of you. Though the OP includes the > generous hope that the tactic has worked, possibly in some alternate > universe, I highly doubt it. It seems much more likely to me that > self-described HappyMyWifeDied TheMerryWidower has seen the ” >

        Liked by 3 people

  2. Dianna says:

    Evidently, he’d never heard of either 1) Guidestar or 2) The Foundation Center. Both maintain online databases of nonprofits.

    And he claims to be a journalist? Doing research?


    Liked by 3 people

  3. That has it all. The “fed to fed” claim of extra influence, the offer to go away if demands are met, request for information, and the thuggish “do we understand each other?” Add a doomclock and it’s a classic.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Bob says:

    Fort Useless gets a shoutout from the Batshit Crazy Tub ‘O Lard! It’s been awhile since I have seen that place.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Paul Krendler says:

    Liked by 2 people

  6. one handle and stick to it says:

    And notice the topic: Bill Schmalfeldt seems awfully EXCITED when it comes to sexually abusing children… Groundhog Day, anyone?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. one handle and stick to it says:

    Apparently, Billy was acting his drunken creepy asshole self on Hot Air, back in 2009:

    “But speaking of trolls, I know liberal343 got the hammer yesterday, but I also haven’t seen any posts since late Tuesday night from “Deep Brain”, aka Bill Schmalfeldt. Did he get the hammer too? Hw was tossing out cheap ad hominems like there was no tomorrow…”
    Del Dolemonte on August 20, 2009 at 11:30 AM

    Liked by 1 person

    • I note that the response further down the thread to that question was “No, the troll in question is all over the Kennedy thread”.(


      Liked by 1 person

      • one handle and stick to it says:

        The lack of self-awareness is on full display here!

        “Most of you wouldn’t know Mary Jo if you passed her on the street. Every day, young women are abused by their husbands, murdered by boyfriends, raped, beaten, and not a word from the yelping chorus of wingnuts.

        Kennedy has a snootful and accidentally drives off a bridge with a girl in his car. And you clowns twist that into intentional murder.

        Kennedy clearly mishandled the event. But you clowns insist on presenting facts that are not in evidence. You say she was pregnant. You have proof? You say Teddy intentionally killed her. You have proof?

        Can we deal with facts, or has your hatred made facts irrelevant?

        When you cut through the bullshit, you don’t hate TK for what he did to Mary Jo. You hate him because he’s a liberal… and a very successful one… and one who is beloved by people on BOTH sides of the aisle, except for those tainted by the stain of unreasonable hatred.

        You talk about how Kennedy would be in jail if he were not a Kennedy. And maybe that’s true. He WOULD have been jailed for vehicular homicide or second-degree manslaughter if he hadn’t been a Kennedy.

        But the fact of the matter is (and there’s that word FACT again) is that what you cats keep harping on is CONJECTURE. And it’s colored by your hatred.

        I realize I am wasting my time by pointing this out, and that I will be ridiculed as a result. And that’s fine.

        But those of you who still have a heart and a soul need to examine both. Look at YOUR sins. Clean up YOUR lives.

        Mindless hate degrades YOU.

        bschmalfeldt on August 20, 2009 at 10:28 AM”

        Liked by 1 person

        • gmhowell says:

          I wouldn’t know Kopechne if she passed me on the street, as I’ve never seen a ghost, and she’s been one since before I was born.

          And Teddy was a fucking limousine liberal of the first order.

          On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 3:51 PM, BILLY SEZ – Accurate Quotes That Flow Like Fear Pee From the Keyboard of Wm Schmalfeldt wrote:

          > one handle and stick to it commented: “The lack of self-awareness is on > full display here! “Most of you wouldn’t know Mary Jo if you passed her on > the street. Every day, young women are abused by their husbands, murdered > by boyfriends, raped, beaten, and not a word from the yelping chorus” >

          Liked by 2 people

        • Boston Bob says:

          Does anyone claim that Kennedy intentionally murdered her?

          The worst I’ve seen is that he made no attempt to rescue her, didn’t report the accident, and thus let her die. I’ve heard oft mentioned on the Howie Carr show (hardly an unbiased source, naturally) that they found evidence that she not only survived the crash, but tried to claw her way out of the car for an unknown period of time.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Gus Bailey says:

            Gee, it’s almost like he had a rolodex of numbers at the National Institute of Health, but chose to spew hate on the internet, or something…


        • Gus Bailey says:

          @Boston Bob;
          It’s a nice straw-man Bill built there; be a shame if something were to happen to it.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. Rob Crawford says:

    What was the back story on his tantrum? Anyone know?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This Other Latin F*cker says:

    Bill seems to keep finding his particular brand of humor, filth, and arrogance unwelcome at each venue he appears at. Even the far, far left ones. Now smart people would do a little self examination and figure out how to modify their behavior. But Bill is the World’s Stupidest Man™ so he just goes on his merry way fucking himself over time after time and always blaming it on others. You really can’t find another example of human that displays such a mix of stupidity, narcissism, hubris, and just pure vileness.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Neal N. Bob says:

      It’s a lot of fun to watch!

      And now it appears that, after a three year interlude, William’s back to harassing a child sex-abuse victim’s charity.

      Say it with me, teenagers. STERLING CHARACTER!

      Liked by 3 people

      • Neal N. Bob says:

        It might be wise that their award-winning investigator has also won a record-breaking NINE stalking-no contact orders in five states. Context is important!


      • one handle and stick to it says:

        I hope Team Zombie has an outreach project to contact Billy’s victims and let them know (a) the background of the sick asshole who’s stalking/harassing them and (b) the contact information for Billy’s landlord and the St. Francis, Wisconsin police department…

        The more the authorities are informed about Billy’s criminal behavior, the sooner critical mass (read: “arrest”/”eviction”/”forced psych commitment”) will be reached.

        Liked by 1 person

    • one handle and stick to it says:

      And speaking of filth, arrogance, stupidity, fascination with child sex abuse and Bill Schmalfeldt…

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Dr_Mike says:

    Where is he injecting that hot cheddar? There’s a needle on that syringe, you wouldn’t need that if you were “feeding Lemmiwinks.”

    Asking for a very, very, sick friend. But he’s Italian, so he’s interested in Mozzarella, I’m trying to upgrade him to Romano…


  11. Sputnik is still up there says:

    Bill claims that reading things he wrote and published on the Internet is “stalking.” Therefore, he is admitting that he is stalking Ash and Hoge every single day.


  12. onlooker says:

    Same ridiculous jerk he ever was. But the thing that interested me: “I have some friends there.” He doesn’t have many friends. If he has any, he only has the usual suspects.


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