You Shall Cease

Judge: Alright, if you would please stand up, sir. Alright, sir, based on the evidence and the testimony that I have heard this morning, I find that you have, ah, committed acts of unlawful conduct against the plaintiff in this matter. I am going to order number one that you not visit, assault, molest or otherwise interfere with the plaintiff. Number two, that you shall cease stalking the plaintiff. Number three, you shall cease harassment of the plaintiff. Number four, you shall not abuse or injure the plaintiff. Number five, you shall not contact the plaintiff by telephone, written communication, or electronic means. You are not to enter or remain present at the plaintiff’s residence, place of employment or her school. The terms of this order shall be effective for one year from the date of this order. That is the judgment of the court. The bailiff will instruct the two of you on leaving the courtroom. Please follow his orders.

Defendant: Yes your honor. And to whom do I appeal this decision?

Judge: I’m sorry, what?

Defendant: Do I have to…

Judge: You give notice to the clerk’s office.

About The Dread Pirate Zombie

Member of the Zombie Horde and Lickspittle Minion. Out to eat your brainnnsssss. And a few other sweetbreads because they are so nomm-y. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
This entry was posted in Bill, No-Contact Order. Bookmark the permalink.

61 Responses to You Shall Cease

  1. Curiouser says:

    He has no life. I cannot, and will not imagine what possesses him to continue on in this fashion. On what planet is this behaviour acceptable? I am truly sorry you had to go through this. Reading all of this, I doubt it will stop. I pray you have a year of silence from him.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. gb420 says:

    He actually asked to appeal the decision??!? Are you DUMBF5CKing serious???

    Accept it, William “stolen valor Parkinson’s faker adjudicated cyberstalker” Shmalfeldt, you LOST!

    Maybe if you put the energy you put into white knighting evil (who will throw you under the bus because it suits him) and STALKING and put into working on not being a shitbag you could avoid getting your life destroyed.

    YOU caused what is going to come down on you. Not Hoge, not Sarah, not team free speech. YOU!!!

    YOU made the choice to violate a settlement agreement “because reasons”
    YOU chose to faildox and harass people.
    YOU chose to support evil.

    Now, you’re going to pay for it and I CANT WAIT for the courts to be done with you.

    I got a 2005 St. Estiphe that’s getting cracked the day the guilty verdict comes down against you and I’ll be raising more than one glass to the first amendment and team free speech.

    Liked by 9 people

  3. Lauren says:

    Yeah, letting the judge know he’s going to appeal … that doesn’t AT ALL sound like something a bat shit crazy, stalking asshole would do.

    Liked by 7 people

    • onlooker says:

      Well, I heard this rumor he immediately tried to approach Sarah and talk to her, which totally proves he’s not the stalky type.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Grace says:

      “Yeah, letting the judge know he’s going to appeal … ”

      I know, right? Self-entitled, malignant narcissist, much? *smfh*

      I would have loved to have heard the tone in the Judge’s voice, and seen the expression on her face, when she asked…

      “Judge: I’m sorry, what?”


      Liked by 2 people

    • Pablo says:

      Oh, I did it once during my divorce. I had the notice of appeal drawn up before the hearing. (There are times that you just know you’re going to lose because you have a penis.) So I asked if I could file the notice with the clerk in the courtroom or if I had to take it into the clerk’s office.

      I won the appeal, btw.

      Liked by 6 people

  4. The 13th Duke of Wymbourne says:

    Ironic really, as he’s the least appealing person going.

    Liked by 7 people

  5. Hey, judge, I’m going to appeal your decision. Who do I appeal to?
    walking out
    Hey Ash, let me talk to you right here, right now.
    (Bailiff) Move along. You’re already in violation of the order you were given 23 seconds ago.

    Liked by 8 people

  6. theman9876 says:

    Ash—-Did Bill seem genuinely surprised by the Judges order? I sometimes find it difficult to tell whether Schamlfeldt is just playing his part or if he is a true believer. He must have known that the Judge would not allow him to bring all the blog crap into the protective order hearing. He has been the defendant in well over 12 protective order hearings in six states, I’m sure he knows what he is doing by now. Right?

    Liked by 4 people

    • onlooker says:

      I go back and forth. If that’s the real Schmalfeldt shining forth, there’s one part of whatever is wrong with him that is getting worse and it was always bad.

      Liked by 3 people

      • gmhowell says:

        These transcripts are more fun if you read Bill’s part using the voice of the prosecutor from The Wall.

        On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 1:31 PM, BILLY SEZ – Adventures in Bill Schmalfeldt’s Pretendy Land Internet Courtroom. All Rise! wrote:

        > onlooker commented: “I go back and forth. If that’s the real Schmalfeldt > shining forth, there’s one part of whatever is wrong with him that is > getting worse and it was always bad.” >

        Liked by 3 people

        • theman9876 says:

          Is it true that Krendler is in talks to produce several episodes of dramatic readings from the official court transcripts of Ash’s protective order hearing staring Howard D. Earl as Schmalfeldt and Grace as the hard-as-nails Judge.
          Maybe even an episode or two from Hoge v Kimberlin staring AR1 as John Hoge and Peter Dinklage as Brett Kimberlin.

          Liked by 6 people

          • gmhowell says:

            Dinklage would provide the role with a greater stature than it is due.

            On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 4:19 PM, BILLY SEZ – Adventures in Bill Schmalfeldt’s Pretendy Land Internet Courtroom. All Rise! wrote:

            > theman9876 commented: “Is it true that Krendler is in talks to produce > several episodes of dramatic readings from the official court transcripts > of Ash’s protective order hearing staring Howard D. Earl as Schmalfeldt and > Grace as the hard-as-nails Judge. Maybe even an episode” >

            Liked by 5 people

    • It was obvious that he was genuinely surprised. He truly expected to win. But every ounce of the contact I alleged and he confirmed fit within the four walls of the statute. There was no getting around that.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Techno Jinxx says:

        can’t say that surprises me
        a major part of Shakey’s annoying personality is his belief that he can do as he pleases to others and NOT be held responsible for his own actions simply because……
        no real reason, no imaginary reason, just simply because he wants to believe that.

        I’d hope THIRTEEN RESTRAINING ORDERS would help him realize he cant, but I doubt it.

        dumbfuck’s gotta dumbfuck after all

        Liked by 5 people

      • Pablo says:

        There was no getting around that.

        Especially when he admitted to all of it. DUMBFUCK gotta DUMBFUCK.

        Liked by 4 people

      • onlooker says:

        He didn’t even pick up on the imminent order to understand NO and govern himself accordingly?

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Juiceman says:

    The sad part is the team garbage has gotten away with this type of behavior for as long as it has. Thank you Ash for standing up to them. I hope the anvil lands hard.

    Liked by 7 people

  8. I’ve said it before and it needs repeating.
    You are a fucking idiot, Shakes.
    Fucking sociopath.

    Liked by 9 people

  9. WWFD says:

    What is DF problem that makes it so he doesn’t understand No mean No? If someone doesn’t want you communicating with them there is a planet full of other people. Ok I’m guessing the circle of people thats wants to deal with the fake shakes is small but still why waste your time trying to talk to someone that doesn’t.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Grace says:

      “…but still why waste your time trying to talk to someone that doesn’t.”

      Because… he’s Bill f-ing Schmalfeldt, gdammit! And, he’s a f-ing “Investigative Journamalist,” gdammit!

      Oh. And, he gets his shriveled-up rocks off on trying to intimidate others.

      Poor SGotCU. Can you imagine? When he wasn’t crying and whining like a big, ol, fat baby (to paraphrase the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt from one of his past blog posts from long ago: “I’ve always been a big crier.”)… I’d wager there was some pretty salty, threatening, and abusive bullshit spewing from his hateful gob.


      Liked by 6 people

      • onlooker says:

        IIRC He cried (he’s always been a big crier) when G. just asked him to help her a little with the dogs. He apparently felt quite misunderstood and put upon.

        Liked by 5 people

        • Grace says:


          Liked by 2 people

        • Grace says:

          IIRC – The Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt (also) cried like a little bitch when he once asked SGotCU to get up and come over to watch fireflies with him, and she didn’t want to or some such petty nonsense.

          Good grief. The Blob is too pathetic for words. 😂

          Liked by 2 people

          • paralleldino says:

            That’s consistent with malignant Narcissism, where every communication is intended to cause negative feelings in its recipient. In this case, guilt.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Grace says:

            Excellent point, dino.

            BTW – Here is the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt confessing to being a weepy, crying, little bitch because… Parkinson’s Disease 🙄 (although he, too, confesses to being as much well before his “PD diagnosis”).


            “I’ve always been an easy cryer. The other night, I felt weepy when Gail wouldn’t get up to look at fireflies with me but I managed to keep the waterworks turned off for that event.”

            Parkinson’s Disease… used as both a shield and a sword for lying liars who lie.

            Liked by 2 people

      • Curiouser says:

        What does SGotCU mean?


        • gmhowell says:

          Saint Gail of the Clockwork Urn

          On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 5:47 PM BILLY SEZ – Adventures in Bill Schmalfeldt’s Pretendy Land Internet Courtroom. All Rise! wrote:

          > Curiouser commented: “What does SGotCU mean?” >

          Liked by 1 person

          • Grace says:

            This. And, if I could remember which Zombie Lickspittle coined SGotCU… I would give them full credit and props.

            But, I cannot remember. Maybe I gotz the Parkinson’s Disease Dementia that’s going around.


            Liked by 1 person

          • Curiouser says:

            Thank you.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Pablo says:

            Grace, if you think you might have caught the Hodgkinson’s, get yourself to a shrink in a hurry and stop watching politics ASAP. That shit is deadly!

            Liked by 2 people

          • Grace says:


            But, just think, Pablo… if I have the Parkinson’s Disease Stage Eleventy!!1!!1! versus the Hodgkinson’s:

            I can live all by myself after my “cannot-live-without” caretaker passes.

            I can move furniture, clean the house, and pick up after myself.

            I can go shopping, make my own schnitzel, and go to restaurants.

            I can live without one of those “necessary” Life Alert systems.

            I can get a driver’s license, use rental cars, buy a hoopty, and drive all over the country.

            I can create podcasts and GoFeedMe fundraisers and blog and tweet all day everyday.

            I can get a job at a radio station after I retire (due to being unable to work any longer).

            I can file numerous LOLsuits and earn dozens of Restraining Orders for myself.

            I can walk all over parks and parking lots and train/bus stations and courthouses.

            I can move over and over and over and over and over again.

            I can stuff my gob with anything I want and drink alcohol to my black heart’s content.

            I can decide I don’t need to see doctors nor take any of those silly PD medications.

            I can try to figure out where I put that darn DBS Controller I just gotz to have!*


            * “Chandler called my name and led me back to an examining room, where Dr. Charles was waiting. I brought along my Access Review Model 7438 Therapy Controller (It looks like a garage door opener, and IT WILL BE MY FAITHFUL FRIEND AND CONSTANT COMPANION FOR MY REMAINING DAYS)…”


            Liked by 3 people

          • gmhowell says:

            I bet he can’t produce this device within ten minutes of reading it.

            On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 12:27 PM BILLY SEZ – Adventures in Bill Schmalfeldt’s Pretendy Land Internet Courtroom. All Rise! wrote:

            > Grace commented: “Right?! But, just think, Pablo… if I have the > Parkinson’s Disease Stage Eleventy!!1!!1! versus the Hodgkinson’s: I can > live all by myself after my “cannot-live-without” caretaker passes. I can > move furniture, clean the house, and pick up after ” >

            Liked by 2 people

          • Grace says:

            Ya think? lol!

            Nice Doom Clock there, gm… it would be a shame if anything happened to it.


            Liked by 2 people

          • gmhowell says:

            The joy of post by mail.

            On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 2:29 PM BILLY SEZ – Adventures in Bill Schmalfeldt’s Pretendy Land Internet Courtroom. All Rise! wrote:

            > Grace commented: “Ya think? lol! Nice Doom Clock there, gm… it would be > a shame if anything happened to it. [image: 😜]” >


          • gmhowell says:

            Now that I understand the doomclock reference…

            Anything longer would give him time to dig it up. I’m sure he has it somewhere. But if it’s actually used, I think it would fall quickly to hand.

            On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 2:29 PM BILLY SEZ – Adventures in Bill Schmalfeldt’s Pretendy Land Internet Courtroom. All Rise! wrote:

            > Grace commented: “Ya think? lol! Nice Doom Clock there, gm… it would be > a shame if anything happened to it. [image: 😜]” >


          • Pablo says:

            Well, hell. I might wanna catch that. It comes with disability benefits, right?

            Liked by 1 person

  10. Grace says:

    “Number two, that you shall cease stalking the plaintiff.”

    Notice the judge did not say “you shall not…” She clearly stated, “you shall cease stalking…”


    “Number three, you shall cease harassment of the plaintiff.”

    Notice, again, the judge did not say “you shall not…” She clearly stated, “you shall cease harassment of…”


    So, what now? All The Blob can really (and, in a “legal” sense) whine about is the usage of “DERANGED” and “SOCIOPATH” – of which, both of his weakass arguments have been shot to shit numerous times over by the Zombie Lickspittles using truth and facts…


    Deranged Sociopath – Thy name is Bill Schmalfeldt.

    He’s so screwed. 😂

    Liked by 8 people

  11. Paul Krendler says:

    Liked by 8 people

  12. John “Minemyown” Doe says:

    bill some advice:

    Of course, you might also consider reaching down, taking a firm grip on both ears, and tugging until you see daylight, but that’s up to you.
    From: FILE 42: Your Wife–The LawDog Files

    Liked by 4 people

  13. John “Minemyown” Doe says:

    bill some advice:

    Of course, you might also consider reaching down, taking a firm grip on both ears, and tugging until you see daylight, but that’s up to you.
    From: FILE 42: Your Wife–The LawDog Files


  14. Dianna says:

    My favorite part: Number two, that you shall cease stalking the plaintiff.

    You can’t see my blissful smile, but it’s here. Phone, train.

    Liked by 6 people

  15. JeffM says:

    What did he think that he was going to appeal?

    His semi-cogent argument that his contact had the legal purpose of determining her correct address was blown apart by himself when he ADMITTED on the record that he already had the correct address. Try that one on appeal.

    His fatuous argument that his contact as a “pro se prosecutor” (STOP LAUGHING) had the legal purpose of determining when she moved was not relevant to service of process of the suit filed in South Carolina or to its substance. If by some chance the timing of her move may become relevant to an amended complaint (it’s not, as he already knew by his OWN words at the hearing), he can ask it during discovery and be answered by her lawyer without ever contacting her. Try that one on appeal.

    As has been pointed out before, his suit in South Carolina, which was already hobbling, has been crippled through the North Carolina’s court ordering him to “cease” stalking and harassing. Courts can do strange things, but it will be a rare court that will find credible the argument that what people have said about him showed a reckless disregard for the truth.

    There is one thing that may work on appeal: incompetent representation.

    Liked by 7 people

  16. agiledog says:

    People want to know why Bill thought he could appeal? (He can’t now, because of his own stupidity.) Here is why he thought he could appeal, in his own words: “… and I maintain, your honor, that I have a First Amendment right unless enjoined by a court, to get information from a pro se defendant. ” His view of the world is so skewed by his own belief in his self-importance that he thinks the First Amendment right to speech gives him a right to “get information” from someone. No reasonable or rational person has every thought that, but that is what Bill thinks. And that is why he is the subject of double digit restraining orders. Does the Guinness Book of World records track the most number of restraining orders collected by a single person? Bill has got to be in the running.

    Liked by 8 people

  17. Do they make lucite trophys for that?

    Car. Driver’s seat. Swerving.

    Liked by 10 people

  18. I found something that Bill may find useful in the joint…

    Liked by 1 person

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