I Just Can’t Even


Can’t just sit by and let innocents get hurt. Hmmmmm.

Let’s talk about a few innocents for a moment here.

There was this couple in Arizona who didn’t know who in the hell William Schmalfeldt was from Adam. But he was CONVINCED that they were someone who was out to get him. So, he started contacting them, posting pictures of their child as a corpse, photo shopping the wife riding a cactus like it was a penis (or was it just riding an enormous penis? I haven’t seen the picture in a while so I forget), writing prose that described them being fed their DEAD BABY by Bill.

These INNOCENTS got restraining orders against him to stop his abuse against them. But according to Bill, they LIED to get the order. Hmmmm.

William Schmalfeldt. Protector of Innocents.

Pretendy land sure is nice, isn’t it?

Such a NICE way to start of the New Year, ain’t it?


About The Dread Pirate Zombie

Member of the Zombie Horde and Lickspittle Minion. Out to eat your brainnnsssss. And a few other sweetbreads because they are so nomm-y. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
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222 Responses to I Just Can’t Even

  1. Neal N. Bob says:

    Mental illness is mental.

    I suspect that Vinnie can elaborate.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Jane says:

      And there’s no cure for dementia, which gets progressively worse. Bill Schmalfeldt admits being diagnosed with dementia several years ago. In fact, Bill Schmalfeldt usually appears so out of touch with reality, downright addled even, that I sometimes wonder how much of the consistently false spew is deliberate and how much is dementia.

      Deliberate? Dementia? Even Bill Schmalfeldt doesn’t always know for sure.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Dr_Mike says:

        Yeah, he does a good job of faking innocence.

        Say, has he filed a DMCA on TurdsRFood yet, or does he or a friend run it as a false flag? This has answered my last doubts about his smarmy “did I do that?” innocent act.

        Demented? Not so much. Demonic… well yeah.

        Liked by 5 people

  2. gmhowell says:

    And the people who suffered a still birth whose children he tried to get taken from them.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Anahita says:

    Or the woman he threatened on Facebook with having her children taken away if she did not tell him who used a particular pseudonym.

    Or the woman he accused on Twitter of abusing her child.

    Or the medical he threatened to report to their professional board for alleged conduct not related to their ability to perform their professional duties.


    Do we really have to give more examples?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Anahita says:

      I meant to type “the medical professional”, not merely “the medical”.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kathy says:

        I know Lee and have spoken to him about this. It was unacceptable. No excuse. But now you all have become monsters yourselves.


        • Dianna says:

          No, we have not.

          Go away.

          Liked by 6 people

        • Jane says:

          Are any of us going to your blog to call you names? Or the dementia addled Bill Schmalfeldt’s blogs?


          These are good and decent people who are sick to death of an adjudicated cyberstalker and harasser causing real life trouble for people just because they came up in Bill Schamlfeldt’s doxxing lottery – contacting their employers, family, neighbors; creating vile and as described by Bill Schmalfeldt, “obscene” photoshops of people who’ve never heard of Bill Schmalfeldt, and more. How dare you call them monsters while defending a real and adjudicated monster! Do you really think SIX judges in multiple states got it all wrong but the admitted dementia patient even knows the truth, much less can tell it?

          Bill Schmalfeldt does all the freak accuses others of doing and oh-so-much more. Bill Schmalfeldt even put up a website specifically defaming its late wife, and including a photo of her near death – she looks like a corpse. Bill Schmalfeldt did that so as to create “proof” of what it wants others to believe. Please do go look at that site, and notice NONE of us have ever commented; most of us have never seen it. The only one promoting it is Bill Schmalfeldt.

          Bill Schmalfeldt was literally on the internet as she drew her last breaths, and we know because Bill Schmalfeldt told the world. Just like Bill Schmalfeldt told the world every humiliating detail of her suffering – soiling herself, urine up to her armpits, photo after photo after photo in a hospital gown or her underwear, etc. etc.

          The very day she died, Bill Schmalfeldt set up a new twitter handle: TheMerryWidower. You feel sorry for Bill Schmalfeldt, but just like we saw Bill Schmalfeldt live-tweet its own mother’s death, we watched Gail’s in real time and know Bill Schmalfeldt relished every bit of her suffering, and the attention Bill Schmalfeldt hoped it would bring. Within hours of her death, while many here offered prayers and condolence, Bill Schmalfeldt tweeted about re-branding.

          The only one tormenting her was Bill Schmalfeldt. And for what? For attention, because Bill Schmalfeldt is all alone after abandoning two families, and hasn’t ever seen most of its grandchildren. Bill Schmalfeldt’s own children want nothing to do with the malignant monster. Bill Schmalfeldt has alienated virtually all who’ve ever had the misfortune to learn of the freak’s existence.

          But you go right on ahead and take the word of a proven liar, an admitted dementia patient, who’s been banned from KOS and virtually every other site it’s dirtied by visiting. You go ahead and defend someone who wrote and performed “comedy” skits involving cub scouts, anal sex, and urine. Here’s your pal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93k-RIk1QcE Dare you to listen to it. And dare you to read that KOS link.

          There is much, much more and it all proves the real monster is Bill Schmalfeldt – and anyone who would defend such filth.

          Liked by 16 people

        • As Dianna says, no, we have not. We have all mocked the stupid things Bill Schmalfeldt does. Some of us, a very few, have informed his landlord as to what sort of things he does. More of us have reported his harassing activities to Twitter and other services he uses to conduct attacks. Some of us whom he has harassed have sought and obtained orders of protection from various courts around the country. Open your eyes. Look at the person you are defending. He is not a victim. All he has ever had to do to be left alone is to stop harassing others. That doesn’t mean he had to stop writing about people, in any way. He needed to stop making contact with people who asked him to stop. He needed to stop calling or emailing people’s employers trying to get them fired. He needed to stop suing people for speaking their minds about the things he did.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Pablo says:

            Let’s keep in mind that as far as we know everyone who has been in contact with Blob’s landlord has recently been sued by Blob. So, the IRL chain of events began with Dumbfuck.

            Liked by 2 people

  4. Kathy says:

    If you believe Bill Schmalfeldt to be disabled mentally why do you continue to engage? Even with your comments here, I don’t hear that he’s directly threatened you. He admits he’s flawed, but using a pseudonym to harass is terrorizing. Even this site is a violation of law. You can’t claim stalker if you continue to engage. Do you understand that from the outside, you all look like pathetic people acting like teenagers? Why not use you power for good and stop engaging? You engage, he comes back at you, do you see?


    • Oh, Bill has threatened me. He wants me to give him something that he thinks I have. I refuse to. Mainly because I don’t have it, but even if I did I wouldn’t give it to him anyway.

      Use my power for good? Oh yes, I’m using it for good. I’m providing a repository of the things Bill Schmalfeldt has said. In public. On the Internet. Where he can’t conveniently delete it.

      Go write that in your little notebook.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Kathy says:

        Do you see what you’re saying? You don’t have what he’s looking for but if you did he wouldn’t give it. You have become Bill’s prisoner. Every day without fail you think about him. You maintain a site about him, you discuss him with others. Why would you want to scour the internet looking for things on or about him. Why would you want to live with so much hate day in and day out? He’s one person and you have attached yourself to him 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Is that what you want your legacy to be?


        • Pablo says:

          Because he’s 1) a ginormous asshole 2) an unrepentant bully and 3) hilarious!

          Seriously, you should read his stuff. Try this! https://archive.is/Ko3je

          Liked by 4 people

        • popcornseller says:

          Look who is calling the kettle black. Who has attached themselves to whom? And didn’t you yourself just delete a whole bunch of tweets because you were flimflammed?

          Two things you’ve got wrong (out of so many more):
          1. We don’t have to scour the internet – he comes to TFS web sites every day. Don’t believe me? See the Login posts at Hogewash! and TMZ.
          2. We tried several times to stop and not engage. His answer is to write books about us and continue the fight.

          You appear to have a lot of passion. Too bad its for the wrong causes.

          Liked by 5 people

          • Kathy says:

            I delete tweets bc I hate long threads that personal. If ppl want to see what I write, they can go to my tweettunnel. I never said I knew the entire story. At some point though, I’m just saying that you choose your world. If this is what you want to do with yourself, fine. I don’t know any of you and I don’t know Bill. I’ve seen some horrible bullying. It’s not about him anymore, it’s about you.


          • popcornseller says:

            I don’t know any of you and I don’t know Bill.

            Did you really just say that? If you don’t know anything, if you don’t know the story and you don’t know the players, aren’t you KRAZY and STUPID for jumping in and taking sides?

            If this is what you want to do with yourself, fine.

            Je repete, Look who is calling the kettle black.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Grace says:

            You don’t know the entire story — not. even. close. But, that doesn’t stop you from inserting yourself and harassing individuals who had never even heard of you until you started defending the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt.

            You don’t care about Bill Schmalfeldt. You are using him to justify your continued cyberharassment of folks who gave you butthurt on Twitter. Bill Schmalfeldt is using you, too.

            A match made in Hell.

            You two deserve each other… and, anything and everything that may come as a result of you harassing and threatening good-and-decent people.

            Liked by 4 people

          • popcornseller says:

            I delete tweets bc I hate long threads that personal.

            Too bad you can’t delete your comments here, eh? Why don’t you say the real reason you delete your tweets? You delete them because you said something stupid without knowing the entire story and you screwed up.

            Do you understand that from the outside, you all look like pathetic people acting like teenagers?

            Do you understand that from the outside:

            – you look like a dummy that does not even bother to get all the facts?
            – you look like you seek to harass people you don’t even know?
            – you look like you seek to intimidate people (threatening them with jail) for exercising their rights under the 1st amendment?
            – you look like a KRAZY person who inserts themselves in things they know nothing about?

            Liked by 3 people

        • Dianna says:

          Actually, if you look, you will see whole days, and once or twice, weeks, go by without a post on this blog.

          However, Bill Schmalfeldt promises to go away forever about once a month. He never, ever does.

          I don’t hate BS. I do, however, detest shutuppery, and really, really dislke the way he behaves on line. The internet is full of people yelling at each other, and that’s less than ideal, but fine. Very, very few people are so vile in their interactions with others that there is not a single forum in which they have been a presence that will let them back in. Bill Schmalfeldt is that very unusual person.

          Seriously – look at it. Not one single site that Bill Schmalfeldt has been involved in will have him back on a bet or a dare.

          Think about that.

          Liked by 4 people

        • I have spent the vast majority of my life NOT worrying or caring about Bill Schmalfeldt. On the other hand, he obsesses about myself, and others, day and night. I spent 99.9 percent of today focused on one of my dear hobbies. It didn’t involve the internet, just so you know.

          And we don’t have to scour the internet to find him. He broadcasts it loud and clear. And we also don’t hate him. I used to pity him. Now I only feel the coldness of disdain. He crossed a bridge with me, you see, and I am implacable now as a result.

          He is the one who should be concerned about his legacy. But then again it’s already shot all to hell. So there’s that.

          Liked by 3 people

      • Jeanette Victoria says:

        Bill contacted my local sheriffs’ department about me claimed I was Grace and that I was stalking him. They laughed of course but that is harassment. I had no clue abut these blogs or “Paul Krender” until he sucked me him. Then he had the audacity to LIE and claim I was giving him names when all I did was send him a cease deist letter and filed a DCMA report for his theft of my copyrighted photo.

        FYI I am NOT Grace!

        Liked by 4 people

      • Grace says:

        Great Scott! 😂

        @1000girlfriends @GreatScottMedia @WomensPartyUSA @The_Girl_Army (plus many others since suspended) #KathyScott

        Liked by 4 people

        • Kathy says:

          Is this a threat Grace “You two deserve each other… and, anything and everything that may come as a result of you harassing and threatening good-and-decent people.” Noted and forwarded to Connecticut Law Enforcement.


        • Fuck Connecticut law enforcement. This broad is a really dense one.

          Liked by 6 people

          • Grace says:

            I only live in Connecticut this week.

            I can’t tell you the numbers of places I have lived in the past few months. Kray has had me living all over this great nation.

            I get around, apparently. 0.o

            Liked by 3 people

          • Paul Krendler says:

            Really? 😏😏😏

            What’s your number? You can DM me, baby!

            I heard you were a fugitive midwife from Louisiana once.

            Liked by 5 people

          • I wonder which CT law enforcement. I have friends….(duh, dun DUHH!) There are lot’s of LEOs in the SCA, and I am very good friends with the local baronage, as in I introduced them, or, as was announced at their wedding “It was all my fault”.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Grace says:

            LG — I can’t remember where in Connecticut I’m supposedly living.

            Apparently, I am now someone who goes by @GrayceTripodi on teh Twitterz and they live in CT or something like that… *yawn*

            Liked by 3 people

          • Dr_Mike says:

            LG – BBM?

            Liked by 1 person

          • Yep. You can blame me for that!. 🙂 I have been too busy the last few years to do more than attend the occasionaly meeting, and that’s not too often because of where they usually are held. But I’ve been active in the Barony on and off since ’88. I have very fond memories of Dance Practice on Friday nights at the UConn Student Union with Baron Salaamallah. And I was the Fennbrycg Treasurer for a short while in ’93.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Dr_Mike says:

            LG – if you were more active I’d shake your hand this summer.

            Liked by 2 people

          • DM me, and we’ll see if we can make that happen!

            Liked by 2 people

          • Grace says:

            “Really? 😏😏😏

            What’s your number? You can DM me, baby!

            I heard you were a fugitive midwife from Louisiana once.”

            Call you, maybe?

            *pfft* That was sooooo last year. Do try to keep up.

            I have been a leftist hairdresser from San Francisco since my Louisiana midwife gig.

            *sheesh* 😉

            Liked by 5 people

    • Dianna says:

      He sure threatened me.

      And now he’s filed a frivolous lawsuit against me and a charitable foundation.

      So, he is wasting the court’s, the foundation’s, and – oh, yeah – my money and time.

      You are a fool and a maniac.

      Go away.

      Liked by 6 people

    • No one here is harassing Bill Schmalfeldt, much less terrorizing him in any way. No threats whatsoever.

      This site quotes him. The comments often discuss the things he has said and done, generally in a mocking way because he is a terrible person who deserves to be mocked.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Rob Crawford says:

      “Even this site is a violation of law.”

      Cite the law or shut up.

      Liked by 6 people

      • She can’t, because it isn’t. It can NOT be defamation to simply quote what someone has previously said/wrote in a public space. And if you think someone quoting you is “defamation”, perhaps you should be more careful about what you say/write.

        Liked by 5 people

        • Rob Crawford says:

          Exactly. None of us claim to know anything about Bill BEYOND WHAT HE HAS PUBLISHED. The only “spin” we’ve ever placed on anything pales compared to what he has applied TO US.

          And it’s not “stalking” when you have to seek it out. If anything, Bill’s stalking Hoge.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Indded.

            What would Kathy call hunting the web all over to find old online photoalbums? Or hunting up peoples LinkedIn accounts. Or getting one of those pay services which claim to find out everyone’s past addresses, full work history, and full criminal history?

            I gather she claims to be a feminist and a supporter of women’s rights, etc., but she sure seems to jump at the chance to act like a typical stalker/abuser. Where was she looking to see if I had a service record?

            Liked by 5 people

    • Paul Krendler says:


      This is the one and only time I will ever interact with you. You are welcome to try to comment on my site if you can be reasonable, not repetitive, and above all, NOT BORING. My expectations are not high. Surprise me.

      A couple of years ago, Bill Schmalfeldt doxed a guy I know. As I recall, it happened because that guy left a comment on his blog that was so offensive and disgusting, Bill can’t remember it. I founded my blog because I felt Bill Schmalfeldt needed to be treated as he treats others.

      He thinks I am that guy now. I’ve stopped denying it because a) twice is plenty, b) I make it a policy to deny Bill Schmalfeldt anything he demands, and c) it reinforces his delusions, which is FUN. AND ALL I HAVE IS FUN. He will continue to think that I am that guy unless it briefly serves his delusion to think I am someone else that he can faildox. Lynn Thomas, Howard Earl, Vinnie Virgintino, Mathew C. Ryan, John Hoge. It will be somebody else when the moment calls for it. He’s always wrong, but he’s fixated. You surely wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?

      Did Bill Schmalfeldt tell you it once took him three tries to dox a guy whose WordPress avatar links to a blog that has his real name? That’s how stupid Bill Schmalfeldt is.

      Bill Schmalfeldt has said he will visit triple on others what people visit on him. Specifically, he has offered this figurative comparison: “If you throw dog shit in my yard, I will take a crap on your dinner table.”

      Here’s what I am: I am Bill Schmalfeldt’s Bill Schmalfeldt. I am to him what he is to others. When (not if) he (metaphorically) craps on ANYONE’S dinner table, I (metaphorically) BURN HIS HOUSE TO THE GROUND.

      It is entirely up to him. In fact, for most of the time my blog has been up, this had been my policy: I would take my blog down provided Bill Schmalfeldt vanished from the Internet entirely and remained dark for two weeks. After that event, my blog would remain dark for as long as he did.

      Just that simple, and yet my blog has never been dark.

      That should tell you something about how fervently Bill Schmalfeldt desires to “just be left alone.” Of the man who tormented Lee and Lauren Stranahan in the name of “journalism,” you should be asking yourself, Kathy, just left alone…to do what, exactly?

      Now, I know a great deal of information that I keep to myself. My interests are, shall we say, very narrow and very focused. A lot of things I know, I don’t write about because i just don’t give a fuck.

      Take a moment to realize that you have just been treated like an adult. Do me the same courtesy.

      Liked by 10 people

      • I have quite the zombie crush on you my dear. lol

        Liked by 2 people

      • This Other Latin F*cker says:

        “Did Bill Schmalfeldt tell you it once took him three tries to dox a guy whose WordPress avatar links to a blog that has his real name?”

        Keep in mind that on one his first tries he contacted people who had never heard of him and threatened them. He’s also went to people’s employers. He’s will try to destroy people’s lives due to his own stupidity and he doesn’t care.

        I guess that is the kind of people that she wishes to associate with. It’s very telling.

        Liked by 5 people

        • Jane says:

          Keep in mind that on one his first tries he contacted people who had never heard of him and threatened them. He’s also went to people’s employers. He’s will try to destroy people’s lives due to his own stupidity and he doesn’t care.

          I guess that is the kind of people that she wishes to associate with. It’s very telling.

          Bill Schmalfeldt will do anything within its pitiful, impotent abilities to destroy anyone who tells the truth about Bill Schmalfeldt, or quotes Bill Schmalfeldt, showing what a failure the freak is, hurting the freak’s fee-fees. And anyone who its dementia addled mind believes, at least for a moment, is someone who tells the truth about Bill Schmalfeldt, or quotes Bill Schmalfeldt, showing what a failure the freak is, hurting the freak’s fee-fees.

          Luckily, as in the rest of the freak’s bitter, miserable life, it FAILS, and at best manages to frighten the elderly faildoxxes until it decides its target is actually someone else; or makes such a nuisance of its foul self that it garners yet another restraining order when the malignant monster’s conduct escalates to the point of harassment, cyberstalking, and bullying.

          WRT your latter comment: It’s not just telling – she actually admitted she doesn’t care with whom or what she joins forces, so long as they’re united in harming our own darling Grace! Oprah Winfrey was right – people will tell on themselves.

          Liked by 3 people

  5. Kathy says:

    Why do I care? Because you friend @asideofbacon Grace – terrorized my family. That’s how I found Bill’s name. And I know what Grace is capable of and any association with her makes you all suspect. – Kathy – 1000Girlfriends


    • Suspect of what? Having a brain? And that we are willing to use it?

      Liked by 3 people

      • Kathy says:

        You are suspect. Meaning I think very little of anyone that associates with Grace. You know what she’s capable of, everyone does. You connection to her makes me think you are like her. She threatened to harm my child. She has terrorized my family. That is the kind of person this site attracts. All negative. You are better than that.


        • Grace says:

          Prove it. #Liar

          Prove where I threatened your child, and terrorized your family.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Kathy says:

            STFU Grace you POS.

            This is your first warning. I do NOT allow sniping like this in comments. – TDPZ


          • Grace says:

            “STFU Grace you POS.”

            Thank you for proving my point.

            You’ve got nothing, Kray. #Liar

            Liked by 4 people

          • popcornseller says:

            STFU Grace you POS.

            Do you understand that from the outside, you all look like pathetic people acting like teenagers?

            Do you understand how you look, Kathy Kray?

            Liked by 5 people

        • LLC says:

          Divide and conquer doesn’t work here.

          Liked by 7 people

        • Techno Jinxx says:

          Indeed, show us with a screencap/email/tweet , you know PROOF, where Grace threatened you, your child or terrorized your family, or be called a liar. That’s just how it works here.
          For everything the horde claims there are screencaps/emails/tweets of the shit Gail’s Former Abuser has done/said.
          For most of what Gail’s Former Abuser claims, well you’re just supposed to take his word for it mostly.
          Which is why he’s a lying liar who lies, and regardless of his repeated accusations, the horde isn’t.

          Liked by 6 people

        • Jeanette Victoria says:

          You are such a liar Kathy Grace NEVER threaten your family just like your were never SWATTED! Kathy Scott is just another pathetic cray cray crybully who has severe problems with reality.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Grace says:

            You are absolutely right, Jeanette. Kathy Scott was never SWATed — and, that fact won’t change no matter how many times she spews that particular lie.

            What KS claims was a SWAT was actually a Well Check visit by her local law enforcement. An individual (who is a mandatory reporter, btw) was so concerned by KS’s erratic and creepy behavior on Twitter, she contacted KS’s county PD and expressed her concerns. The official police report (which Kathy Scott herself has repeatedly posted to Twitter) clearly states the purpose behind the visit.

            BTW — The person who made the call is the victim of a sexual assault. She has always used a pseudonym online for safety reasons, however she used her real name when she contacted KS’s local law enforcement. The official police report contains her real name.

            Kathy Scott has been made aware of the fact this woman was raped, and has been asked to stop posting personal identifying information. Yet this self-proclaimed women’s advocate and feminist extraordinaire continues to splash this victim’s real name all over her Twitter timeline.

            Classy, eh?

            Liked by 6 people

        • Dianna says:

          You’re a maniac.

          Look, thinks of the internet and its interactions as a honeycomb.

          Everyone touches a number of different aspects.

          You’re the one who’s decided it’s your mission to ignore all the sides and commingle everything. That’s…not rational.

          Liked by 2 people

        • You know, I’ve actually seen what you consider “terrorizing.” Let’s just say that I’m not impressed. You are yet another “cry-bully.” Saying that you want me arrested for the mere crime of owning a blog that ACCURATELY QUOTES SOMEONE? Yeah, cry-bully.

          Someone flushed all the heads of your Barbie dolls when you were a little girl, didn’t they?

          Liked by 5 people

          • Kathy says:

            I never said I wanted you arrested. I’m telling you cyber bullying is gaining more focus and what law enforcement looks at is conduct. You have created a place to harass. I’m sorry if you misunderstood my intentions. I don’t care what you do. You’ve never done anything to me. I wish you no harm.


          • She doesn’t want you arrested, she just announces on Twitter that you should be arrested. She doesn’t wish you any harm, she’s just reporting you to WordPress and your local police.

            She still hasn’t told us if she considers it to be bullying to post peoples photos, IRL names, and full addresses and/or phone numbers on Twitter and tell lies about them asking others to go after them, exactly the way she is going after us (e.g.. threatening to call police). .

            I guess if she was going to honestly answer that question, she might not like the answer.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Grace says:

            “I never said I wanted you arrested.”


            Liked by 3 people

          • popcornseller says:

            Wow. So much FAIL by Kathy Kray Kray Krybully in just one comment. She LIES and misrepresents her bad actions and then claims honorable intentions – “I was just offering you a service/some advice.”

            Even if what Kray Kray Krybully said was true (but it wasn’t), did The Dread Pirate Zombie ask for her advice? Why NO, NO she DIDN’T.

            BTW, as others have asked here, when did accurately quoting someone become harassment? This is not a place to harass. This is a place to point, laugh and mock.

            Liked by 3 people

      • Jane says:

        You give it too much weight and credit to describe it as “Nonsense” dear Dianna.

        After we spend years getting to know our darling Grace as a loyal friend, devoted to her family, always willing to help any who ask and many who would never ask, cheerful, FUN, happy, kind, thoughtful, selfless, and so much more that add up to being honored to call her a friend, we’re not only supposed to forget years of first-hand knowledge on the unsupported claim of a total stranger, but on the unhinged claim of a total stranger who defends adjudicated cyberstalker and harasser, cub scout anal sex urine ‘comedy’ enthusiast Bill Schmalfeldt!

        Acme pro tip: Don’t just put up the zero credibility of a total stranger against the all possible credibility of a proven and beloved friend and expect to be believed – no, no, no – as a total stranger make sure to start out with negative credibility by ignoring all actual evidence to defend a freak and a monster first!


        Liked by 5 people

  6. JeffM says:

    I can’t quite follow. How does this woman deserve a judgment?


    • I think he’s implying that he is the one who deserves the judgement, and he is trying to get 1000Whatsits to help make it happen.

      Liked by 2 people

      • JeffM says:

        Thanks LG. I caught up about the same time you posted. Sorry about my error.

        Liked by 2 people

        • No problem. It’s not like he can be expected to write so that his audience always understands what he’s trying to say, he was only a GS13 writer and editor. 😀 And we know he thinks that anyone who disagrees with him deserves judgements against them by anyone who agrees with him.

          Our tax dollars at work. /eye roll.

          Liked by 1 person

    • JeffM says:

      Lost the thread there. It’s WILLIE saying he deserves a judgment. Sorry. He has always been on about if people diagree with his online speech, that is a tort or perhaps even a crime. He has disagreed with my speech. I guess that means I deserve a judgment against him.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Why yes, yes you do!

        Somehow I don’t think the FPC will agree with you on that though; in his pretendy land he is only ever the victim, never the perpetrator.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Jane says:

          Yet multiple judges in multiple states see it as the exact opposite – at least six people were granted an injunction to protect them from Bill Schmalfeldt’s harassment, cyberstalking, and general refusal to leave decent people alone.

          Liked by 3 people

          • Neal N. Bob says:

            Sure, but judges are really gullible. Everybody knows that, especially where William is concerned. There’s something about law school and years on the bench that just predispose them to believing all the worst things about him.

            Same thing applies to Microsoft and even the Daily Kos. It’s a wide reaching conspiracy, to be sure!

            Liked by 5 people

          • A.B. says:

            Neal N. Bob–

            Don’t forget about the U.S. Navy and National Personnel Records Center having no information on those additional medals BS claims to have.

            You know information contained in archived military records which have sat untouched in storage for 30+ years until people decide to fact check BS’ claims.

            I guess both those federal entities are in on oppressing poor Biwwy as well.

            Liked by 3 people

          • LLC says:

            We can add one more to the total after this morning.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Funny how the “victim” she claims to support has been on the recieving end of at least six restraining orders from at least four states (there may be more in the past we don’t know about), but NONE of the people she claims are doing all the harassing have garnered even one.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Jane says:

            There may be more currently – the freak has a lot of empty time on its hands. Hopefully, any in progress will be added to the pile, and hopefully the malignant monster will be stopped – either through injunctions, or at some point, criminal charges.

            Liked by 1 person

          • MJ says:

            To be fair, he did file for a restraining order against Patrick Grady. Of course, he ran with his tails between his legs when he found out Patrick Grady would actually show up and defend himself.

            Bill gloats how he defeated John by going to court. Of course, he got lucky because he had found a legal argument by pure chance. Of course he whined that John was trying to kill him by making him travel in the winter time.

            He has the option to travel to defend his name. He even gloated about traveling for Lynn’s and make the most fantastic case against her! And yet, he turned into a big pussy and then filed motions that essentially destroyed his own non-relevant case.

            Bill, give it up. You aren’t good at any of this. Time to retire with your losses and enjoy what’s left of your pathetic life.

            Liked by 2 people

  7. Jeanette Victoria says:

    LOL the loon is clueless. WordPress.com hardly ever takes a blog down. Now even the blog that claims I have an indictment for human trafficking and used a simple complaint as their evidence.

    Behold delusions of adequacy http://imgur.com/6O4AsuI

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Grace says:

    I see that #1000voices is attempting to get “Billy Sez” taken down, and has taken to Twitter to cyberharass our hostess.

    This unhinged loon is using the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt. She is using him as a tool to attack others.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeanette Victoria says:

      And she implying that you are me or is it I’m you?

      Liked by 1 person

    • DaraLundy says:

      Has anyone mentioned the immense number of BS’s twitter handles that have been taken down?

      Liked by 5 people

      • Specifically suspended due to his willful and frequent violations of Twitter’s TOS.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Jeanette Victoria says:

          That doesn’t necessarily mean anything . I’ve lost a dozen twitter handles with less than a 100 tweets and I wasn’t tweeting about anyone, just commenting on politics of the day. I just have a dedicated crew of progressives who mass report me for abuse. In fact they report people who aren’t even me.

          As far as I’m concern I say let Bill have a twitter account and he can spew his filth for the entire world to see. But folks are also free to comment on his drek as well. That is what freedom of speech is all about

          Liked by 1 person

          • Fair enough. Of course you weren’t falsely accusing people of committing crimes either. 🙂

            Liked by 4 people

          • Jeanette Victoria says:

            No actually I was the victim of progressive #FreeKate loons who aggressively supported adult sex with a minor who kept claiming I was a criminal stalker a felon a pedophile and a danger to children. Noting their continued abuse got me suspended https://goo.gl/POJlxE

            Liked by 2 people

          • Toastrider says:

            The Twitter TOS staff is riddled with SJW types. There’s been some fairly serious run-ins involving Sarah/Nicholas Nyberg, an MtF trans and admitted pedophile, versus Milo Yiannopolous, the most fabulous man on Breitbart.

            (Seriously, have you seen Milo’s hair? Dammit. 🙂 )

            Liked by 1 person

        • Gus Bailey says:

          You forgot, “…with malice and forethought…” he did violate the TOS.


    • Dianna says:

      I wish them joy of each other.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Jane says:

      I still think that if she ever finds out how she was lied to and used, she will finally have the vengeance she’s been seeking all along. And the target of that vengeance, Bill Schmalfeldt, has richly earned it.

      If she’s smart, she’ll figure it out, and the recreant will finally get a taste of its own bitter, cruel medicine.

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Adding 1000Boxlunches to his stable of lunatics will work out just fine, Shaky.

    That’s right, ya daft skank. I said Shaky.

    Now go bitch at your dildo.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. JeffM says:

    You know: that statute cited by Willie in his latest LOLsuit clearly applies to him because, unlike most of us, he actually does live in Wisconsin. I guess most of us should be calling on the DA in Milwaukee County to prosecute Willie criminally for abusing us electronically. He called me a monster (what else would you call a being with an alligator mouth and a canary ass). That certainly is abusive and, in Wisconsin, apparently criminal. Furthermore, I have a phobia about birds so that factual allegation, which is totally false, caused me a great deal of emotional distress.

    Supposing (unlikely as it may be) that the court finds it has jurisdiction and also embraces Willie’s reading of Wisconsin law, the counter-claims are going to be awesome. Ash, you alone probably have dozens, maybe hundreds, of instances of being abused by Willie.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Shhhhh! Don’t educate the DUMBFUCK. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Kathy says:

        You’re all idiots. Jesus you do have a zombie brain. Yes, please do go and get a lawyer and counterclaim bc it has to involve a course of conduct not words. This site stalks him. It’s a pattern of harassment. What people say is irrelevant unless it is proven to be criminally defamatory. Sarah, you are stalking him. Like it or not, this is a crime that will ruin you. Unless you are a career criminal and have no problem adding one more charge.


        • Techno Jinxx says:

          until you fill in the other side of the equation IE all the cyberstalking/harassing/threatening Gail’s Former Abuser (that would be Bill btw) has done to numerous people, many of them simply for commenting on blogs in a manner he didn’t like, you really can’t claim to be informed on this subject.

          It is not stalking or harassment when you have to GO LOOKING FOR THE BUTTHURT as Bill does multiple times a day.

          While Gail’s Fomer Abuser LOVES to claim that people saying stuff he doesnt’ like in response to his own web droppings is harassment/defamation/libel/butthurt eleventy!!11!!
          in reality it’s not and if he’d leave people alone then they would’t be talking about him.

          But I get that you are invested in his version of “teh narrative” and will probably ignore all the evidence that Bill is just reaping what he himself has sown.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Kathy says:

            That is fucked up. “Gail’s former abuser?” Why bring in a kind woman is is deceased. You’re a POS.


          • Techno Jinxx says:

            I get that you don’t think having your dying wife wait on you hand and foot because you claim to be “completely disabled” (even though AFTER the wife dies you can miraculously take care of yourself), while harassing/threatening people online instead of making sure she gets quality medical care till she finally drops dead is abusive.

            I do.

            Agree to disagree, or not, I frankly don’t care.

            Liked by 5 people

          • She doesn’t understand, TJ. Her husband is a dildo. That is a noun not an adjective.

            Liked by 4 people

          • Dianna says:

            Kathy, You would need to seek out a bunch of really revolting and disturbing archives to discover why people call him “Gail’s former abuser.” It’s only a little over the top.

            Frankly, he was dreadful to her, both when she was more-or-less all right and even more when he was dying.

            Search the archives of this site. On more than one occasion, we begged him to get up from the computer and go spend some time with her. He assured us he could see her just fine as she was watching TV.

            But we’re the monsters. Yeah, right.

            Go away.

            Liked by 3 people

        • Jeanette Victoria says:

          Kathy Scott need an education on the First Amendment. It is NOT stalking when exposing DOCUMENTED posts and abusive behavior of a adjudicated harasser.

          Liked by 3 people

        • agiledog says:

          So, did William M. Schmalfeldt Sr. tell you about the 16+ unsolicited, harassing contacts he made to me after I sent him a cease and desist? Did he tell you about the Harassment Prevention Order I obtained against him? Did he tell you about contacting my wife at her business, or at her personal email, or threatening to ruin her business? Did he tell you about the libel he committed when he stated that I falsified evidence in the court hearing for the Harassment Prevention Order? Or the defamation when he reported me for criminal stalking to my local police (which requires a physical presence, when he and I have never been in the same state)? Did he tell you about publishing my name, address, phone number and email on the internet? Did he tell you about publishing my personal photos (that are copyrighted) on his blog and on his now-suspended Twitter account? Did he tell you about calling my house? Did he tell you about suing me and then dismissing the suit with prejudice?

          Bill is a liar, an adjudicated harasser, and a defamer. Go ahead and support him.

          Liked by 9 people

          • Details, details, AD.

            I’m sure he didn’t tell her about hunting up an old Photobucket account of mine (I had competely forgotten it existed but that isn’t stalking), taking a picture of my daughter and covering her eyes with a tiny pink bar which did NOTHING to hide who she was, and then posting that photo with my name and address on Twitter accusing me of abusing her. (The kid is much older now, saw that and laughed saying “God, he’s a moron.”)

            He didn’t mention the FOUR emails he sent me demanding that I give him information I didn’t have or he’d file a police report which he knew was false and he was guaranteeing that I would be end up doing time in Federal prison because I didn’t tell him what he wanted to know.

            He didn’t mention how he stalked my LinkedIn account to find out more of my background. When I clicked on the “this person viewed your account”, he used that to claim that I was stalking him.

            He didn’t mention that he took an article from my local paper’s website (in violation of their TOS, but hey, who cares) with a photo I own the copyright to, and published it in an ebook, telling people what a “dim” person I am, and how stupid I am, because I didn’t win a seat on the Board of Ed, with the implication that only stupid idiots don’t win elections. I filed a copyright complaint with the publishing platform over the photo, but they took the book down because it violated their TOS. (Sensing a pattern?) Soh e took the photo out, and put in my full street address and republished it on a different platform. Why would he publish my full street address unless he was hoping that someone would “pay me a vist”? But that isn’t a threat, oh no.

            People who don’t contact him directly, whom he has to hunt out, and who would love to spend their time chatting about fun things like families, and recipes, and zombie movies, have to deal with this monster’s illegal, harassing, and abusive behaviour, and this Kathy person has the fucking nerve to say we‘re the bad guys?

            Someday I hope Karma pays her a visit in the form of either her own Bill who won’t stop bullying her even after she’s gotten a restraining order, or the lawyer with an unlimited budget who works for one of the people she goes after to help people like Bill.

            Liked by 5 people

          • Grace says:

            Perfectly stated, LG.

            Notice how KS has disappeared since the real stories and the real history of Bill Schmalfeldt have started coming out?

            Again — KS doesn’t give a shit about Bill Schmalfeldt. She hates me, and tripped over BS while scrounging for information on me. She’s using him, and harassing The Horde in the process because of the connection.

            Just like her new friend (the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt), Kathy Scott is attacking people who have done nothing to her solely because she knows their real names and is on a mission because… butthurt.

            Liked by 4 people

        • Dianna says:

          That is utter lunacy.

          He could simply ignore this site, and leave people alone, and in a month, tops, no one would care.

          Seriously, though, it’s impossible to “stalk” someone if they have to seek the material out.

          Liked by 2 people

        • Darlin’, you have no clue. Really and truly. Go play somewhere else, mmkay? I do not stalk Bill. I do not email him. I do not phone him. I do not call relatives of his and ask for information about him. I do not post his address online, along with photos of completely uninvolved relatives.

          BUT! This and more , much, much more – is what Bill Schmalfeldt does. If he did not do what he does, I would not need to exist. He seems to think he can get away with being a harassing, stalking crybully (hmmm, much like yourself!) and just be able to wipe the slate clean. Not anymore.

          Liked by 5 people

    • But the FPC can’t possibly be accused of harassment or abuse! Ash isn’t handicapped! She isn’t “100% disabled”! She isn’t a professional writer who understands satire! She isn’t an investigative journalist who knows it’s OK to threaten to file false police reports to coerce people into telling you stuff they don’t know! She doesn’t understand that it’s completely legal to reprint anything you find on the internet, without any attribution, because no-one can claim copyright on anything that they then publish! She doesn’t even know as much about the law as he does, because he knows that butthurt is a criminal tort!

      Of course some of the Failed Political Candidate’s victims are actually disabled (parking placard, crutches, walker, wheelchair, anyone?). Some are (or have been) professionals writers and editors. Some are (or have been) radio professionals. Some are (or have been) professional journalists. Some are (or have been) LEOs and lawyers. Some have even had to deal with copyright law in their professional lives, being the person in their organization folks come to with questions on what’s legal and what’s not.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Kathy says:

        I hope she’s not getting advice from you because you make no sense. You think this is about copyright? Actually IDK WTF you’re talking about.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Pablo says:

          Actually IDK WTF you’re talking about.


          Liked by 4 people

          • Techno Jinxx says:

            LG doesnt make sense to you because you don’t know the “rest of the story” as it were.

            You’ve just be spoon fed Bill’s lies, and apparently couldn’t suck them down fast enough before you were off to the races, slamming any and all who have stood up to his cyberthuggery and shutuppery.

            Only you can educate yourself to the rest of the story.

            or you can just keep shoveling his shit down your gullet.

            You feel that?
            We’re done here.
            Be well.

            Liked by 5 people

        • Of course you don’t. You haven’t bothered to read the back story on this man’s behaviour for the last decade. Ask Karoli Kuns who published stuff last year about how folks were being mean to the poor disabled vet, (the one who is so disabled he moved across country on his own into a NON-assisted living apartment), only to discover that she didn’t have the whole story and drop everything quickly and quietly.

          He hates women, especially women who are successful in their personal and/or professional lives. Did you know that women with advanced degrees and six figure salaries are dim and stupid? And just wait until you disagree with him over something and he starts calling you a cunt or a twat or a slit, or if you’re lucky, just a bitch. Maybe he’ll tell you to drink rat poison.

          He is jealous of anyone who is successful, and at the start of one of his lawsuits (the ones withdrawn or dismissed by the court) he was crowing about how he was going to own all of the defendants’ houses, cars and wives. Did you know that as a woman you are a man’s possession, one which can be won in court, just like a slave? That’s all he thinks women are.

          That you support him so blindly tells us far more about you than it does us.

          Liked by 7 people

          • Jeanette Victoria says:

            What he did to his wife is MONSTROUS posting and emailing photos of her wasting away and looking like death. That is just too evil fro words and now he is using his decease wife who he claims to have love and a cudgel. The man is demented.

            Liked by 4 people

          • While she was alive and DYING (something he wouldn’t let anyone forget) she still had to do all the housework, run all the errands, and take care of the dogs, because he was too disabled. Almost the instant she died, he was able to travel alone by train to a new, solo, apartment, where he takes mile long (and longer) walks, and hasn’t been talking about all his doctors appointments like he used to.

            He posted one photo of his wife in her bra. He posted one taken of her in the hospital looking worse than most corpses do, even before the mortician has prepped them for the viewing. He sent this photo to a woman who has never, ever commented online to or about him, while threatening to destroy her business because he didn’t like her husband.

            And he’s the one who is always the victim. Bah.

            Liked by 5 people

          • Kathy says:

            And what you think of me defines you. Not me. Listen to yourself. Are you really this rattled by him? You all have so much pain, but it’s not Bill that has made you think way. He is a symptom of what is wrong with you. You are all in such a dark place. That’s why you’ve gravitated here. Together you feel more powerful.


          • I see Kathy believes that the victim of abuse has always brought it on themselves. Which could make her an abuser too: “If you just did what Bill told you to do, I wouldn’t have to do awful thing X to you!”.

            Bill only went after Lee Stranahan and Lee’s family (dear God, Kathy, he published Lee’s home address and made sure that everyone knew his wife was home alone with four small children right after a suggestion that Lee was safe from being raped, but was his wife) because Lee was being a real journalist and looking into Brett Kimberlin.

            I guess Kathy must support Kimberlin too, a guy who is still on parole for setting eight bombs in Indiana, one of which injured a decorated Viet Nam Vet so severely he ended up committing suicide from the intractable pain. Kimberlin also hid his money, and even went back to prison rather than pay any of the judgement against him for Maj. De Long’s death.

            I was doing just fine until Bill showed up in my life. I’ll do just fine when he’s gone. He’s the one causing any “pain” you think you see here. And if he’d go away, as has been suggested many times, by many people, within a week, no one would be talking about him, or writing anything either. But he has nothing except us. He has no friends; for heaven’s sake he lives in a retirement community, they must have tons of social activities, but all he does is spend his time online attacking people and planning how to use the courts to steal the possessions (and wives, cant forget the wives!) of those he hates because they are more successful.

            Liked by 5 people

          • Grace says:

            LG — Back in late September, Kathy Scott started attacking a friend of mine on Twitter. A few of us entered into the fray for support. This was obviously enough for KS to proceed to attack anyone and everyone who dared to call her out.

            KS became absolutely obsessed with me and apparently went a’googlin’ and ran across the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt’s faild0x of me (the one where he accused me of being JR). KS went bonkers thinking she had d0xed me good. I informed her she was running with a Team Kimberlin faild0x, posted a SS of a newspaper article concerning Brett “The Speedway Bomber” Kimberlin, and generously warned her that she most likely did not want to get herself wrapped up with the likes of the TK goons.

            She started screeching DEATH THREAT ELEVENTY!!1!!1 and including @FBI and @DHS in her tweets. Heh.

            Fast forward three months… Quite apparently, KS chose not to heed my advice as evidenced by her newfound friendship and support of Brett “The Speedway Bomber” Kimberlin’s rectal mouthpiece Bill Schmalfeldt.

            Ya just can’t help those who won’t help themselves. *smh*

            Liked by 4 people

          • I see you haven’t been visited by @FBI or @DHS. Kathy seems to have as much pull with them as Bill has with the Postal Inspectors. It’s been over a year, and I’m still waiting (not holding my breath though). 😀

            Liked by 5 people

          • popcornseller says:

            And what you think of me defines you. Not me.

            Even more Krazy talk. What we think of you is based on your own actions and what you wrote yourself. It does not define us at all.

            He is a symptom of what is wrong with you. You are all in such a dark place.

            Wrong again, Kathy Kray Kray Krybully. We are here to laugh at him. We point at him and mock him every day. Our motto: All we have is fun.

            We only get serious when people blindly walk in having sucked down Bill’s lies. BTW, does that last sentence sound familiar? Just seeing if you can pass a self-awareness check. 🙂

            Liked by 5 people

        • Dianna says:

          That is because you jumped in with both feet and an open mouth, instead of actually discovering that Bill Schmalfeldt stalks, threatens and harasses complete strangers for no reason.

          But hey, close that mind and keep running that mouth.

          You know what? I don’t much like Lee Stranahan’s work, and I was utterly apalled at BS’s attack on him. That’s why I’ve been following this story.

          Shall we talk about the threats he made against Agile Dog’s wife’s business?

          Shall we talk about his invading this blog to regale people who begged him to stop with every agonized moan and twitch his poor wife suffered?

          Shall we discuss his sending her all over hell’s half-acre on errands when she was desperately ill?

          You didn’t investigate, you just jumped.

          Go. Away.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Grace says:

            Shall we talk about how someone on Twitter who was constantly harassing LS made a rape threat against LS and his wife, and shortly thereafter the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt posted a picture of LS’s home including their address?

            Kathy Scott calls LS a friend — yet supports the monster who terrorized his family.


            Liked by 5 people

          • DaraLundy says:

            Not to mention he still calls LS a pimp and his wife a whore. All according to something no one else can see.

            Liked by 7 people

          • This Other Latin F*cker says:

            Not to mention that he’s made several recording for sale saying that the Stranahan’s underage daughter was available for paid sex. What kind of a monster makes recordings for sale saying underage girls are for sale for sex?

            Oh right…Bill Schmalfeldt does. After all, he’s friends with a man who writes songs about how great it is to screw underage girls and who lets a convicted pedophile live with his young daughters. THAT’S who Bill Schmalfeldt is.

            Liked by 6 people

          • JeffM says:

            I agree. I find Lee Stranahan’s work, at least some of it, to be morally appalling. In my opinion, the moral difference between Stranahan and Schmalfeldt is not enormously great. That does not mean that I will not repeatedly condemn those who have threatened his wife with rape, facilitated threatened rape, implied that his wife is a whore, or tried to separate a family out of malice or delusion.

            It is possible to believe and argue that Lee Stranahan has been morally wrong, as I do, without engaging in what is complete moral evil. Nor is it defamation or stalking or any other wrong to respond to public utterances by Witless Willie.

            As for the new commenter Kathy, she was met with vigorous but generally polite disagreement. Eventually she was responding with STFU on a blog belonging to someone else, who graciously had let Kathy have her say, thereby proving that Kathy is devoid of argument, lacking civility, and censorious.

            Liked by 8 people

        • Actually, in some parts, it IS about copyright. Go figure.

          Liked by 2 people

  11. Microsoft took down Bill’s Outlook account. No one here has that ability.

    Correct me if I am wrong but the email he posted from them mentioned the reason being illegal acts and child porn, did it not?

    Is Microsoft now also evil?

    Liked by 6 people

    • I guess he’ll be adding Microsoft to his latest lawsuit as a defendant.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jane says:

        And those rwnj at KOS:

        ha. i tried to reason w/ him at one point. (7+ / 0-)

        i recall he wanted to do a story on a fellow kossack (something about exposing things at her place of work). he harassed and pressured her, and clearly ‘stalked’ her. demeaned her…because she wouldn’t give him the story that would likely elevate him to the levels of woodward/bernstein…or something.


        Liked by 4 people

    • Jane says:

      Yeah, that rwnj Bill Gates…

      Liked by 5 people

    • Kathy says:

      Yes Microsoft is evil, but that’s another story. I didn’t see the word porn on the letter. Having said that, I’m trying to give you all a gift from an outside point of view. Take it or leave it. I guarantee your families miss you. And I definitely know that you would be so much happier if you would end you addiction to Bill Schmalfeldt and he to you. I told Bill to contact his local police. Good luck.

      “We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”
      ― Charles Bukowski


      • Grace says:


        Reading is FUNdamental, Kray.

        Liked by 7 people

        • theman9876 says:

          She saw it, but it goes against her narrative so she must act as if it’s not there. Otherwise this entire weekend is a bust for her and she would have to admit she was/is wrong on the Bill situation. Think of how many tweets & comments she has written in the past 72 hours. She has a lot invested in the “Bill is the victim” version of events.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Grace says:

            “She has a lot invested in the “Bill is the victim” version of events.”

            She has even more invested in her “Kathy is the victim” version of her life.


            Liked by 3 people

      • Re-read the letter carefully this time. The word in the letter isn’t porn, it is 2 words -“child pornography”.

        Not regular porn, “child pornography”

        That image was posted by Bill himself. We have no authority over Microsoft, and that image was posted by Bill himself

        Liked by 5 people

      • Dianna says:

        Kathy, read the deceased Mike Malone’s blog.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Mr E says:

        “I guarantee your families miss you.”

        Oh, Nth Mommy! We don’t abandon our families. In fact, our families still talk to us, and we enjoy spending time with them. Ask Little Baby Bill about his family!

        “I told Bill to contact his local police. Good luck.”

        I am sure Bill’s local police appreciate you sending him their way AGAIN. The really funny thing is that Bill talks to police departments all over the place and nothing happens to anyone afterwards! Well, that’s not exactly true. Sometimes Bill has to send them an email claiming that he “forgot” how a particular incident occurred. Did he fall over and get an ouchie while petting a dog? Or was it because someone sent him a container full of horse poop that?

        Speaking of poo…isn’t it time you make sure Little Baby Bill’s diaper is clean?

        Liked by 2 people

      • popcornseller says:

        I’m trying to give you all a gift from an outside point of view.

        A “gift?” ORLY?

        How about taking a reading comprehension course?
        How about making an effort to find out the facts first?
        How about stop harassing/threatening/intimidating people?
        How about stop pretending you have any moral authority here?
        How about stop contradicting yourself (Oh, what he did to Lee S. was bad, but I’m going to defend Bill anyway).

        How about stop acting stupid and Kray Kray?

        Liked by 5 people

        • Because people are far more likely to accept “gifts” if they aren’t the “gift” of someone telling you “God you are a pathetic loser who has no clue and no life and you need to stop fighting back against the guy who is bullying you and threatening your family just because he’s a vet and he’s disabled so you’re just a big meanie if you want to hold him responsible for his behaviour”. (Never minding that she doesn’t know what your military ID card looks like, nor does she know whether or not you are disabled.)

          I don’t put up with that sort of crap from family members, so I sure as Hell am not going to accept it from some person I’ve never heard before of on Twitter.

          Liked by 4 people

      • This Other Latin F*cker says:

        “Microsoft disabled your access to your account due to a violation of the Microsoft Services Agreement. Serious violations of the Microsoft Services Agreement, such as using your account for illegal activity, to spread malware, or to view/distribute child pornography result in yuour account being permanently closed.”

        Liked by 5 people

      • Toastrider says:

        Now we see the concern troll in its native habitat.

        Liked by 5 people

  12. Hey!! SHAKY!!!

    So how is recruiting this dingbat working out for you?

    CALL ME!

    Liked by 5 people

  13. Perry Mason says:

    Kathy, Billy wrote this long before any of us came along:

    What was his excuse?

    Liked by 3 people

    • http://imgur.com/8NDlYK7
      With the bit from the bottom where he does his usual threat to send everything to the Media tomorrow!!
      Unlike Bill and Kathy, the media a) usually throws press releases from unknown kooks in the circular file, or b) actually, you know, investigates, talks to both sides.
      Whichever it was, if he did send it to the media and it wasn’t just more of his empty, extortionate threats (wasn’t this the post that got him kicked off FaceBook?) they ignored it, just as they’ve ignored all the press releases he’s sent out since then (written in the third person to give them more authority) about people he’s suing.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Grace says:

        Kathy Scott fancies herself part of the media.

        Doesn’t that sound eerily familiar? *SMH*

        KS did manage to sell her “cry” to some boneheads at Fox5Atlanta while conveniently leaving out her “bully” side out of the story… but, once Fox5 was clued into the WHOLE story (like facts and stuff) they removed any and all remnants of it ever being aired in the first place. #15MinutesofFameFail

        BTW — KS likes to write/post stories written in the third person, too. 😂

        Good grief. Is there some Deranged Cyberstalking Handbook out there somewhere or what?!

        Liked by 5 people

        • Rob Crawford says:

          Lunatics follow trends just like everything else. The press has a huge amount of power and a moderate amount of respect — a GREAT deal of respect on the left — so lunatics try to borrow some of that for themselves. They’re “journalists” so you must respect them, right? Bullies especially love the idea of being allowed to intrude into peoples’ lives, threaten them, and act as if they’re justified to do it.

          Younger lunatics are declaring themselves to have boutique sexual identities for the same reason — it gives them power, costs nothing, and insulates much of their behavior from criticism.

          Liked by 3 people

        • Jeanette Victoria says:

          She is quite the idiot….I’m the one who has contacts with the media as she found out!

          Liked by 1 person

        • If she’s the media, she forgot about the “investigate” part, or else, (more likely) she defines it the same way Bill does, “make shit up to fit the story I want to tell, even (especially) if it’s wrong”.

          Liked by 2 people

  14. Dr. Dan says:

    …What happens when Bill runs out of money to pay this individual to write this fluff for him?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Grace says:

      Oh. I don’t believe she is getting paid at all. She has quite the fondness for this type of behavior based on her vast internet footprint. I believe her reward comes solely from attempting to intimidate others. It must make her feel important and powerful and stuff.

      Besides, she informed a bunch of us awhile back that she has a trust fund.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Dr_Mike says:

      I will point out again, Dr. Dan has become Fr. Dan to harrass Father Paul Lemmen.

      Same icon, different screen name.

      Make of it what you will, go back a bit to when Fr. Paul had first snowfall last November. Lucky him, I had it in October when my skylights were being replaced.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Yeah, not everyone has found it in them to forgive Fr. Paul for his past. For consistency’s sake, I don’t see the occasional criticism, or even cheap shot, as harassment. Until Dan starts sending unwanted emails, making calls, etc., it’s not harassment.


  15. Perry Mason says:

    Here is his “termination” notice from the Examiner.com:

    Look at the wording Kathy. “Yet again”, “make your……articles personal”, “reply in an antagonistic manner”. All this happened even earlier than the rest, yet he continues to behave in the same manner. And there’s plenty more, some that date back to the mid ’00s. Exactly the same behavior.

    It’s just now he had the misfortune to (1) tie himself to a truly reprehensible person, Brett Kimberlin (“my excellent friend”), and (2) pick on people who aren’t afraid to fight back.

    Liked by 5 people

  16. In regards to Micorsoft pulling his Outlook account and their comment about “child pornography”; she needs to look at Bill’s associates on “Team Kimberlin”

    Brett “Speedway Bomber” Kimberlin – Convicted perjurer; convicted bomber; murder suspect; admitted drug dealer; adjudicated pedophile and a guy who admitted in his own AUTO-biography that he sabotaged military equipment (You say you support the military though)

    Craig Gillette – Convicted for possession of “child pornography”

    Matt Osborne – Once said that Craig Gillette’s child porn wasn’t that bad. How did he know what the content of the child porn actually was?

    William Ferguson – On Twitter admitted that he would “hit that” when someone posted a picture of a young girl they said was only 14 years old.

    A fine crew to have as an “excellent friend” or two.

    As has been stated before, even Karoli has abandoned the pirate ship.

    Liked by 4 people

  17. wjjhoge says:

    I have blocked @1000Girlfriends on Twitter rather than continue to engage with her. She’s an notorious wacko who doesn’t let the facts get in the way of her delusions. As far as I’m concerned, she’s a wast of bandwidth who isn’t worth any further notice unless she actually causes a real world problem.

    Liked by 8 people

  18. Pingback: Zombie Party at Billy Sez | Dave Alexander & Company — Ukuleledave and David Edgren

  19. Occam's Toothbrush says:

    I cannot possible be the only person to have noticed that “FrendoDaPeeples” should more properly be called FREDOdapeeples. Can’t you just hear Bill saying “It ain’t the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… I’m smart and I want respect!”

    FIFY. Mmmwah! – TDPZ

    Liked by 1 person

  20. JeffM says:

    Reverting back to Witless Willie’s actual words. Notice the plural “innocents,” Is that referring to the staff and residents of his place of abode, who according to Willie, have been “terrorized” by some unspecified gang? Willie likes to throw unspecified plurals around. Notice that in his latest LOLsuit he is necessarily implying (by joining 28 different persons) that they all participated in some unspecified series of transactions.

    For those named or threatened to be named in the latest LOLsuit, I would ponder joining Willie’s living facility and its staff both as mandatory plaintiffs and as permissive defendants in a counter-suit. There are several reasons to do so.

    First, Willie can truthfully assert that each of the named or to be named defendants terrified the facility only if it told him so through one of its agents acting within the actual or apparent scope of her authority. In my own case, I am completely confident that nothing I have done could possibly have terrorized any reasonable person. Thus (assuming Willie is being truthful in his assertions and correct in his joinder) the living facility has defamed me. Unlike Willie, they quite possibly have the resources to make a counter-suit financially viable; even if the living facility is owned by a single-asset corporation, the facility itself has economic value to be realized upon.

    Second, It is of course conceivable that Willie was told no such thing. In which case, the facility’s answer will almost certainly contain a denial of the alleged terrorism. It is impossible for the suit to sustain itself if the plaintiff putatively harmed denies being harmed. Moreover, it opens Willie up for sanctions if he simply made up a story about others being terrorized. As someone (GM Howell ?) pointed out a few days ago, it was an interesting tactic for Willie to appoint himself as the DA and grand jury to vindicate the supposed rights of others.

    Moreover, it should be possible to avoid imposing unwarranted expense and trouble on the facility by offering to drop it from the suit if it denies having told Willie what he has alleged about the facility having been terrorized and if the judge consequently dismisses with prejudice all claims based on the alleged terrorism. In those circumstances, the facility’s unavoidable expense and trouble will be due to Willie alone.

    Obviously, each defendant and potential defendant will need to assess his or her own options with his or her own lawyer. But I see no reason not to share some of my thoughts with those who are also subject or potentially subject to the latest LOLsuit.

    Liked by 2 people

    • gmhowell says:

      That observation sounds far too lucid to be mine.

      On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Billy Sez – The Fevered Ravings of The

      Liked by 1 person

    • Gus Bailey says:

      Didn’t he claim conspiracy?

      Liked by 1 person

      • JeffM says:


        He mentions conspiracy once or twice in the complaint. It is far from clear what he is alleging the conspiracy was about. It is totally unclear who the alleged conspirators were. Given the joinder, the assumption seems to be that it was a conspiracy by all named parties to commit all the alleged causes of action.

        I have no idea why he complains that people consider him drunk: it is a perfect excuse for the incoherence of the complaint. I, however, take him at his word that he is capable of being that incoherent while stone cold sober.

        Liked by 2 people

  21. Paul Krendler says:

    I think this will wind up in the top 2 posts of 2016!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. MJ says:

    OMG, this site is still here! I figured Kathy had managed to convince the WordPress Overlords to bring the BANHAMMER. (Just kidding.. bat shit crazy is just that.)

    BTW: I was out yesterday doing family stuff and watching football. I try to take one day off every couple of weeks from the internet. Does wonders for your sanity. I see she did not help hers nor Biwwy’s case. Oh well.

    Liked by 6 people

  23. Toastrider says:

    And Cabin Boy racks up order number SIX.

    Really, Bill, is this how you want to spend your waning years? This is pitiful.

    Liked by 3 people

  24. JeffM says:


    Good luck today

    Liked by 2 people

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