For Every Action…

There is a re-action. Not necessarily of the same magnitude, mind you. And sometimes a reaction isn’t even necessary, mainly because… *yawn*

But for those unclear on the concept: when someone who says that he wants people to leave him alone; and then keeps on F5-ing their websites, as well as doing everything they can, even using those dreaded foreign TOR nodes (*gasp* Not Foreign TOR NODES!!!!11!!1!); and then those people remark on said visits, well, you get what you get. For a certain special snowflake, that apparently means butthurt. And outrage that someone would dare tailor their ban page to deliberately get a rise out of him. (Didja press the button DUMBFUCK? I think you did! Actually, I KNOW you did!)

And of course, the cherry on top of his shit sundae, cries of “they’re STALKING MEEEEE!1!!1!


(For the record, it’s not stalking to observe and then remark upon who visits your site. Words have meaning, as someone is so fond of saying. The problem is that he can’t make them mean what they don’t really mean. SMH)

It makes me wonder if he’s just trolling for people to listen to his podcast. More than likely the answer is yes. Frankly, I have no desire to, so someone else can bite the bullet. I have a Landsknecht wams, smocked chemise and split-brim beret to complete instead for crown tournament next weekend. Vastly more interesting and definitely much more FUN than listening to the re-invention of some of the English language.

About The Dread Pirate Zombie

Member of the Zombie Horde and Lickspittle Minion. Out to eat your brainnnsssss. And a few other sweetbreads because they are so nomm-y. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
This entry was posted in Bill, Butthurt, Hypocrisy, Laughing at Losers. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to For Every Action…

  1. Neal N. Bob says:

    I love that he visits his “stalkers” – and by definition, that’s what he’s doing to by going to these blogs – and thinks that this makes his ridiculous cases stronger.

    He did came by the moniker of the Diminished Capacity Kid honestly, you know.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Mr Minority says:

    Willie is just an attention whore, he is the Kim Kardashian of Shitsville in Weaseldom.
    He has no family (or at least none that want to talk to him), thus he lashes out at others to bring attention to himself. He writes crude and vile material, written at a 3rd grade level, just to get a reaction from people, thus attention.

    I really think if everyone quit ridiculing and laughing at him, and just ignore him, he would just dry up like a dog turd left in the desert sun.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jane says:

      Since we’re all the loathsome loser has, the grotesque ghoul escalates until it gets our attention. We’ve tried it, repeatedly, and demented drunkenstein will start going after random others if we don’t give it the only attention it gets in its miserable, wasted existence.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Paul Krendler says:


      …has a nice ring to it, when used in the correct CONTEXT!!!!

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Paul Krendler says:

    And by the way, tune in to TMZ at 12:45 Pacific time…something FUN might happen.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Dr_Mike says:

    Far, far easier to just translate Chauceur from Middle English to modern.

    And more fun, too. Especially if you speak German, and can recognize Middle English as the halfway between the two.


  5. Jeanette Victoria says:

    Crybaby progressive believe simply READING their public posts is “stalking” and if one comments on their screed it is HARASSMENT! Call the FBI


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