Let’s Talk About The Intent of Art, Shall We?

I’ve been cleaning out my bin of “things Bill Schmalfeldt has said that need to be analyzed” and came across this little bit that I had missed posting. I don’t remember precisely where I was going with it, but I think it works as is. See if you agree. Or not. It’s all good. Everybody has their own opinion about things, right?

Well, apparently not if you are Bill Schmalfeldt. It’s either the truth or a LIE. Oh please!


If the intent of art, as Bill says, is to let the viewer/listener/reader come away with his or her own impressions, then why, oh why, does he have an issue when people actually DO come up with their own impressions about it?

Stating those impressions, whether it be in a legal document or on the interwebz or in a face-to-face conversation doesn’t change that it is an impression, and not – as our fabulous lying liar who loves to lie a lie and will call you nasty sexual names when you catch him in said lie – a (gasp!) lie.

It seems to be that Bill wants people to state every single time they say something whether they are stating objective fact or their opinion. Life doesn’t work that way. If people had to do that every single sentence (because really, that’s what they would have to do) no one would want to talk anymore because who wants to hear “In my opinion” every five words?

But fine. I’ll play that game. Here it goes:

In my protected, constitutional opinion, Bill Schmalfeldt has produced skits that can be classified as child pornography based on my opinions that I formed reading the transcripts of the three radio skits that he so helpfully submitted to the court as “evidence” attached to his FAC in the case that HE JUST LOST against me. So that you can form your own opinion, they can be read HERE, HERE and HERE. Those skits describe situations that can be characterized in my opinion as being sexually charged, which any modern-day feminist will tell you crosses the line into pornography in her opinion. They involve children in these sexually charged situations. Hence my personal opinion that they can be classified as child pornography.

Also in my opinion, even if it’s not something that can be classified as child pornography, these examples of his “art” are some of the most vile, puerile pieces of filth I have ever read and/or heard. If he thinks he is actually funny, in my opinion he really needs to get a grip and find a different hobby because in my opinion he is the furthest thing from funny. Parodies are supposed to be funny. These are not funny in my opinion.

Now, as to whether or not he should be criminally charged with creating/recording/broadcasting child pornography criminally? If indeed it falls into the purview of being a crime, I leave that to the appropriate authorities to determine. That is a fact, not an opinion.

Morally and ethically speaking? Yeah. Child porn. My opinion. Deal with it.


About The Dread Pirate Zombie

Member of the Zombie Horde and Lickspittle Minion. Out to eat your brainnnsssss. And a few other sweetbreads because they are so nomm-y. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
This entry was posted in Bill, Butthurt, Hypocrisy, Look Deep in the Mirror. Bookmark the permalink.

127 Responses to Let’s Talk About The Intent of Art, Shall We?

  1. I have differed — in stating that I think Bill Schmalfeldt’s comedy routines about people saying “boy” to black neighbors, or peeing on cub scouts or about one older scout abusing another… These are in bad taste, and reflect poorly on the character of the writer/performer. These are constantly worth debating as Bill continues to sell these items and sue people over their opinions.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Those are most *definitely* in bad taste as well. And yes, they are constantly worth debating as long as they are for sale on the open market.


      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Wanna buy a copy? Check out Amazon.com and search for my name. I promise to thoroughly shock and disgust you.


      • If anybody wants a copy of The Freak’s mental drippings, drop me a text (I know you all have my number) and I’ll link a torrent that has EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER “PUBLISHED.” I’ll send it to you gratis. I didn’t upload them, but I do know the torrents are valid. No sense paying The Freak a commission when you can DL it for free. Ironically, free is too valuable. Honestly, he should be paying other people to endure it.

        Liked by 4 people

  2. Jeanette Victoria says:

    I couldn’t finish reading because it was so disgusting but in my non-feminist traditional conservative woman’s opinion the above is vulgar, vile and it is most defiantly pornography.

    Bill Schmalfeldt has to be one of the most disgusting creatures I’ve has the displeasure of encountering.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      The first amendment gives me the right to be vulgar and vile. Why do you hate America?


      • omegapaladin says:

        That is probably the most idiotic way you could have responded to her comment. Posting incomprehensible gibberish would be better. Then again, when have you ever succeeded lately?

        This is the first you seem to be interested in free speech, given that you continuously rage at the thought of someone insulting you somewhere. Clearly you must truly hate America for yelling about whatever Hoge or Krendler or whoever else you are railing about.

        What’s even better is that she is merely stating her opinion (which I wholeheartedly share) She has not called for your arrest. You are free to spew whatever garbage you want out of that open sewer you call a mouth as long as it does not violate the law. Much like the Westboro Baptist Church, not censoring you is the price we pay for free speech.

        Still, we can mock you. Point out your relentless and ever-present failures. Point out how we enjoy watching your stupidity and evil backfire on you again and again. Describe how you are a person with absolutely no redeeming qualities – I mean your organs aren’t even worth harvesting, for crying out loud! And there is nothing you can do about it except flail and fail.

        Liked by 7 people

      • one handle and stick to it says:

        …and, as you’ve just learned from the asskicking Judge Joseph just gave you, the First Amendment gives US the right to call out Bill Schmalfeldt as a sick sociopathic pedophile, based on our OPINION of your vulgar and vile childporn fantasies! So, no, we LURVE the First Amendment! 😀 p.s. Do your neighbors at Canticle and Juniper Courts know about your enjoyment of writing vile, vulgar fantasies involving children?

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Jane says:

    Mine, too. And no decent person wants to think about young children engaged in sex acts with each other, or with adults; being photographed during those acts; or being urinated on. That’s depraved.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      It’s a long and revered tradition in my family to urinate on children. I urinated on mine before abandoning them, as my father urinated on me. If you knew my mother the way I “knew” (wink, wink) my mother, you would know that it was the highlight of my childhood. I’m sure it was also the highlight of my children’s lives as well, to be drenched in the loving warmth of my waste fluids. It was the only warm thing about me.


      • MJ says:

        Wouldn’t you have to pull the catheter out first?

        Perhaps you could click the little white button and have some nurse help hold it.. with tweezers.

        It’s probably the smallest thing on you. Even the moles on your ass are bigger.

        Go away, you big loser.

        Liked by 3 people

      • gmking222 says:

        Bill – you are pure filth, through and through. Thank God you will never be anywhere near the children of individuals on this site, and hopefully never near any children ever. Go crawl back in your hole, you filthy animal.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Minemyown says:

        It is a long and revered tradition in my family to give a “farm” to people who urinate on our children.

        This a a reply to Bill Schmalfeldt says: July 2, 2016 at 10:19 pm just in case Bill’s comment gets redacted.


    • Oh. My.

      Ash, I suggest giving that comment of Bill’s it’s own billing as a post so that anyone reading his profile who decides to google him will see his offer to urinate on children because he doesn’t like their mother.

      Liked by 2 people

      • LG, Bill’s comment has been redacted – but not without having a screen shot taken first, obviously. I will decide what to do with it when appropriate. Thank you.

        Liked by 3 people

        • The redaction was good too. 🙂 But really, who thinks like that? Certainly not anyone who is psychologically healthy. I wonder how the darling Cindy would feel if she knew that he offered to urinate on children? I know what he said wasn’t illegal, just gross and (sort of) threatening, but if it were my children, I’d be chatting with local LE or my SA’s office again.


          • Jeanette Victoria says:

            Just reading his vile screed he paints a picture of an extremely disturbed man. 50 years ago this man would be in a State Institution and medicated. Instead he is free harassing us sane folks

            Liked by 2 people

          • one handle and stick to it says:

            @Jeanette Until victims start filing appropriate paperwork with law enforcement and other authorities, Bill Schmalfeldt will remain free to post his pedophilic threats. That’s Lesson #1 from the Deb Frisch case.


  4. Neal N. Bob says:

    While it’s the funniest thing in the world that, despite six tries, Dipshit can’t file a lulzsuit that survives a Motion to Dismiss, it would have been kind of great for this one to go to trial.

    If nothing else, we could have seen the Johnnie Walker Red Baron look up a female federal court judge and say, without hesitation, that he isn’t a child pornographer, but rather a child rape comedian! I have no doubt whatsoever that he’d pontificate for twenty or thirty minutes about how the sodomy of pre-pubescent children is a laugh riot. Then I wonder how many pages of transcript that would take because I obviously have too much time on my hands.

    Never let it be said that drunk, stupid and biologically incapable of controlling his more self-destructive impulses doesn’t make Bill Schmalfeldt the greatest accidental comedian of all times!

    I’m thinking of setting up a Kickstarter to finance a documentary about him and his lulzsuits with me as David Frost. The working title is “Heart of Drunkenness.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • Jane says:


      “child-rape comedian” may win the internet today.

      Comments like this are why I, and others, whine when you’re away.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Yeah, a small part of me did want to go to trial because of the LULZ that that would certainly generate. You just couldn’t make it up, it would be so damn awesome.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

        Oh, we can STILL go to trial if you wanna. Case was not dismissed with prejudice. You just say when, and I will oblige.


        • Neal N. Bob says:

          Speaking only for myself, Drunkie. Let’s party.

          Waste some more money that I’m almost certain that you don’t have. Lose to a foreigner.How much more humiliation can you bear?

          Plus, I understand that it’s helping you get laid.

          Liked by 5 people

          • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

            A, I am not a drinking man. B. I wish each and every one of your a delightful Fourth of July Weekend. I unleash Hell on one of you on Tuesday. Who will it be?


          • Neal N. Bob says:

            Pat Grady. Again. And he`ll humiliate you. Again.

            You`re getting boring, Bill.

            Liked by 5 people

          • gmhowell says:

            What has any one of your impotent actions accomplished that should make anyone care about the impending ‘hell’ you are about to unleash.

            Still waiting for that visit by MoCo cops, federal agents, and postal inspectors.

            Liked by 4 people

          • popcornseller says:

            Bill Schmalfeldt says, “A, I am not a drinking man.

            Bill Schmalfeldt is a liar.

            1. We already proved it here.
            2. We repeated the accusation for a second time and you were unable to refute it here.
            3. Then on or around March 18, 2016, you asked your relatives on Facebook to “DROP BY every once and again, have a beer or coffee or pizza and just TALK!”

            Liked by 4 people

          • Dianna says:

            Oh, you poor fool.

            The only one who ever suffers by your actions is you.

            It’s called, “Picking up a rock only to drop it on your own foot.” It’s funny as hell to watch, but by about the tenth iteration, the bystander begins to feel this might be pathological.

            Get of the net, and get a life.

            Liked by 3 people

        • gmhowell says:

          Move the pointer from “you’re killing me Bill” to “badass Billy”.

          I’d say only two shots in at this point.

          Liked by 2 people

          • crawford421 says:

            He’s still a dumbfuck. If he *ever* gets one of his cases to court, his coming here to spout abuse will show he’s not really interested in this going away. He’s wallowing in the attention — but pissed that he’s not able to boss people around.

            Liked by 5 people

        • Minemyown says:

          In repley to Bill Schmalfeldt says: July 2, 2016 at 10:17 pm
          In order to sue Ash you will have to travel to N.C., just last week you filed a motion in court saying you can not travel. So did you lie to the court or are you just spiting billshit here?

          Oh yeah, before you sue anybody else it would behoove you to take that ruling from Judge Joseph and talk to an attorney, I understand that legal aid of Wisconsin has an office near the Federal Courthouse in Milwaukee.

          Liked by 1 person

        • one handle and stick to it says:

          LOL, so child rape “comedian” Bill Schmalfeldt wants another ass-kicking in court? Ha.


        • Pablo says:

          From what I hear, nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina….

          Liked by 1 person

  5. gmhowell says:

    The problem is Bill’s incompetence as a writer. His intent and goal can rarely be determined as our discussion here illustrates. Hell, his genre is usually a mystery.

    The problem is he has nothing to say. His only message seems to be ‘listen to me’. If he had some FOCUS that lasted for more than 72 hours, perhaps he could write often enough to hone both his message and his method.

    Liked by 3 people

    • JeffM says:

      Mr. Howell

      I second your opinion. Witless Willie is a terrible writer even though he has some of the skills of a good writer. He has an ample vocabulary. He can form coherent sentences and even paragraphs (when he bothers to). He can sometimes be funny (or at least recognize funny): Sister Mary Terminator was funny (assuming that was his own joke).

      But he is bone lazy. His research is slapdash and partial. His proof reading would shame a drunken blind man. His attention to detail is non-existent.

      And he is far too self-centered to edit his own work critically. Consequently, he cannot rewrite competently.

      And most of his attempts at humor fail (there is that word again) because he confuses vulgarity with humor.

      Finally, he has nothing original to say. Even if managed to write something technically competent, it would be boring because any adult will certainly have heard the same thoughts before and probably heard them expressed better.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Share some of YOUR technique with me, George. How do you formulate a character that is believable to your readers? Because, doggone it, if sounds to me like you have some sort of expertise in this area.


      • gmhowell says:

        I generally keep to my area of competence.

        Of course, I actually *have* an area of competence.

        Now run along Bill, and get back to your drunken fantasizing about boys’ backsides. And enjoying your Scootypuff (it’s red, vroom, VROOM!) while you can, before John forces it’s sale to pay for your debt to him.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

          George. Do you realize how cartoonishly stupid you sound in that comment? It’s red? Vroom? Has John already won? I know he thinks he has, but he rewrote two state laws and I just don’t think the judge is going to care for that. Be that as it may, Grab your Ankles and Wait for Tuesday.
          I LOVE YOU ALL!!!


          • Neal N. Bob says:

            To another six months of your looking like a retard, misinterpreting American law in ways that even foreigners recognize before you do and stepping on your own crank again?

            I’m in!

            You really do make loving fun, William.

            Liked by 4 people

          • MJ says:

            Defendant Bill’s interpretation of law leaves a lot to be desired. So much so, that no judge has bought his arguments in any lawsuit.

            Liked by 2 people

          • gmhowell says:

            Well, John hasn’t won in the current case yet, but Sarah and Eric certainly kicked your ass, with the able assistance of Aaron, the worst lawyer in the world.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

            Actually, they had nothing to do with it. The judge ruled on jurisdiction, not the merits of the case.


          • gmhowell says:

            An issue raised by Aaron. You lost. Again.

            Now run along loser, I’ve got to rest for tomorrow is a lengthy day of cutting the grass and perhaps spending some time in one of my workshops.

            Liked by 4 people

          • Pablo says:

            You failed to state an actionable claim, Dumbfuck. That’s the merits, or lack thereof in this case.

            Liked by 1 person

      • Paul Krendler says:

        I ask myself, “What would Bill Schmalfeldt do to create a believable character?”

        Then I do the opposite of that.

        Liked by 4 people

  6. JeffM says:


    I missed the news yesterday about your victory in Wisconsin. I am very pleased for you and for BPO. That the suit was frivolous from the start does not mean that it induced no anxiety, no anger, no restless nights. And that is over. Of course with Witless Willie acting pro se, it also induced constant giggles and sometimes laughter bordering on the hysterical. And that we can cherish in our memories forever.

    The complaint against you was unbelievably tenuous. So I was very confident (but not certain because courts can be unpredictable) that the case against you would be tossed on a motion to dismiss. I worried a little that BPO might lose the jurisdictional argument; the judge, who clearly devoted far more time and thought to that argument than did Witless, decided rightly that his contacts with Wisconsin were too exiguous to confer jurisdiction.

    Anyway, I rejoice in spirit with you and BPO over your win. Willie will whine that it was only a procedural win. Nonsense. You won; he failed (AGAIN). It was karma disguised as chance that his letter requesting the judge to issue promptly what he expected to be a verdict in his favor was prompt release of a verdict telling him to get his fat ass out of her court.

    I must thank and congratulate Aaron for his successful representation of you both pro bono. That was generous. And I guess we now know that the world’s worst advocate is certainly not Aaron, who mopped the floor with Willie.

    Liked by 7 people

  7. one handle and stick to it says:

    And the REALLY scary part? Bill Schmalfeldt is trying to trap a woman via online dating…

    Liked by 2 people

    • JeffM says:

      This shows the innate good sense of most women. Most think more about potential relationships than most men do, and most women are more realistic in their thinking about relationships than are men. (We have all known horrifying exceptions to these generalizations.)

      A plausible interpretation of this report is that it took most women just a few converstaions with Willie to run screaming for the nearest cave. There are, however, other intepretations, such as that he had many conversations with Mark in Maryland’s sock puppets or that every friendly converssation with a potentially interested woman was simply pure wish fulfillment.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Mighty fine stalking there, dude!


    • Bill Schmalfeldt says:

      Is your Mom available?


    • crawford421 says:

      Ya know, he could make that drama go away by no longer harassing people. Pay the damages due Hoge, then never, ever, harass anyone again.

      You know, learn the lesson.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Grace says:

      “5. Every now and then, a potential match would reply. I would tell her my story, especially about the PD. Then I’d never hear from her again.”

      😂 Um… yeah. It’s ALL due to the Parkinson’s Disease. *SMFH*

      I’d wager if these women are capable of signing up for, and navigating an online dating site — they, too, are most likely capable of using Google. Google Bill Schmalfelt. Run screaming as if your hair is on fire in the complete opposite direction.

      I don’t care what his Dear Leader Obama has said in the past… Nice legacy you’ve got there, Blob. YOU built that!

      Liked by 4 people

    • Grace says:

      “Mighty fine stalking there, dude!”

      Says BILL SCHMALFELDT — owner of NINE RESTRAINING ORDERS for Cyberharassment and CyberSTALKING (one for being adjudicated as a TODDLER STALKER).

      The STALKING Sociopath Bill Schmalfeldt despises the fact his self-created enemies, and the victims of his harassment, STALKING, abuse, and threats, keep track of his online antics.

      Too. Freaking. Bad.

      If BS doesn’t much care for it… maybe he should stop being such an attention-whoring, over-sharing exhibitionist on the WORLD WIDE Web.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Dr_Mike says:

        Speaking of those nine restraining orders, I’m a bit curious about the terms of the order our hostess has against one of the commenters here.

        Like, is Bill violating the order by commenting here?

        Liked by 2 people

        • Grace says:

          “Speaking of those nine restraining orders, I’m a bit curious about the terms of the order our hostess has against one of the commenters here.

          Like, is a Bill violating the order by commenting here?”

          In the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt’s very own words…

          Liked by 1 person

        • From my perspective, there is a reason why I do not directly address Bill – I do not wish to give him a reason to contact me. Also, you will notice that I don’t respond to his posts here as I believe that it behooves me the person who obtained the RO not to contact the person who is not supposed to contact me.

          That being said, I believe that repeated direct addressing of me and my posts by Bill on my website is a violation of the RO. It is also the opinion of the Reidsville Police Department that it is a violation. And the St. Francis Police Department. Make of that what you will.

          Liked by 7 people

    • Grace says:

      “And the REALLY scary part? Bill Schmalfeldt is trying to trap a woman via online dating…”

      Liked by 3 people

      • one handle and stick to it says:

        Thank you for translating what Bill Schmalfeldt means by “Charmingly sinister” in the dating profile. Oh, yeah, and he manages to get in butt stuff and babies.
        Also, you must enjoy “comedy” …and never mind all that stuff about me when you google my name!


  8. In my opinion, Shakey’s protestations that he is not a pedo are probably false.

    Liked by 6 people

  9. Bill Schmalfeldt says:



  10. agiledog says:

    Bill should continue to make statements indicating the frivolous nature of his next lawsuit in a place where he has no control over their permanence. Brilliant!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Grace says:

      He. Is. Such. A. Freaking. Idiot.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Jeanette Victoria says:

      Bill and my Barnacle must share the same brain cell. They are both cry babies who believe it should be illegal to notice and comment on their public screen.

      Remember when we were kids and there was always that sissy who whet crying to their mother saying mommy mommy they talking about me make them stop. Nether Bill nor my Vero Beach Barnacle have gotten past the toddler stage.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Grace says:

        So… if I comment in response to any of your comments, Thomas Mix is going to show my words to his LOLyer and da judge and come after me with a LOLsuit next? 😂

        Good grief. Mix is simply a thinner version of the butthurt, vexatious, cry-bully Bill Schmalfeldt.

        Hey, Mix! GFY. And, while you’re at it… get the hell over yourself, too, you little bitch.

        Just another threatening, impotent asshole with a keyboard and an Internet connection.


        Liked by 2 people

  11. This Other Latin F*cker says:

    Let’s examine Bill’s friends, associates, and co-defendants shall we?

    Brett Kimberlin – Inappropriate relationship with a young girl leading to the death of two people. Carried on with young girls forcing a 16 year old to marry him using forged documents when he was in his 40’s. Writes songs about the joys of fucking young girls.

    Craig Gillette – Convicted of possession of child pornography. Somehow weaseled his way into living in a cramped basement with Brett Kimberlin’s two young daughters. No further information on whether he still diddles young girls.

    Matt Osborne – Admitted purveyor of child pornography. How else could he know that the child porn that got Gillette sent to federal prison “wasn’t so bad” if he didn’t have extensive knowledge of what “bad” child porn looked like?

    William Ferguson – Publicly admitted to wanting to fuck a 14 year old girl. I do believe Ferguson to be in his late 30’s or early 40’s.

    William Schmalfeldt – Publicly admitted to wanting to press his penis against an underage boys “swollen anal tissue”. Wrote multiple skits where children and adults are involved in forced sex, and the kids are urinated on. Wrote a blog comment expressing his desire to urinate on young children himself. Was kicked off the far left website Daily KOS for a brutal anal rape fantasy he wrote. He snuck in under an assumed name as was banned again for trying to dox a lesbian, who wished to remain anonymous, because she wouldn’t give him information he thought she had.

    Now when we look at who Bill’s audience is made up of (HINT HINT it’s the guys right up there ^^^^ the only other people that have heard the skits have done it for legal reasons) it is a reasonable assumption that his child rape comedy can certainly be, in some peoples opinion, considered to be child porn based on his intended audience and their strange, creepy predilections regarding sex with minor children.

    Liked by 5 people

    • omegapaladin says:

      How the hell do you describe child porn with “wasn’t so bad” ? It involves exploiting children for sexual purposes by definition! Obviously, there are pictures / depictions of naked children that are not pornographic, like anatomy textbooks or surgical manuals, or some art. (I remember a Nirvana album cover that had a baby swimming in the nude)

      The law doesn’t go after those pictures. This is something different and more horrifying. Yet Bunny Boy said it wasn’t so bad.

      People like this are why I am glad there is a Hell.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Gus Bailey says:

        I am deeply concerned that he was commenting on the photographic quality e.g. composition, lighting etc.; rather than the moral objectionableness.


  12. Grace says:

    popcornseller wrote:

    “Bill Schmalfeldt says, “I don’t drink.”

    Bill Schmalfeldt is a liar.”

    And, don’t forget… immediately after the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt FAILED in LOLSuit VI he clearly stated: “I NEED A DRINK.”

    Liked by 5 people

  13. Grace says:

    “It seems to be that Bill wants people to state every single time they say something whether they are stating objective fact or their opinion.”

    I am going to respectfully disagree with our esteemed hostess on this point… but, only due to the fact that the Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt has spewed on numerous occasions that even a commenter prefacing a statement (you know… their opinion) with “In my opinion (IMO)” matters not.

    If the Whining (FAIL) Whale simply does not *like* what is being posted about him, he just bitches (like the little bitch he is) that any expression of one’s personal opinion is DEFAMATION!!1!!1! LIBEL PER SE!!1!!1! FALSE LIGHT INVASION OF PRIVACY!!1!!1! TORTS ELEVENTY!!1!!1! — whether they have bothered to clearly state it is their (very obvious) opinion, or they have just stated their (very obvious) opinion sans the “IMO” declaration.

    I laugh at BS’s pronouncements and accusations that it is folks on this side who loathe the First Amendment and hate America. Bill Schmalfeldt (and, his malicious band of malevolent misfits) have spent YEARS waging (and, epically losing!) their Shutuppery War.

    Classic projection, and Typical Bill dishonesty, at its finest.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Of course you are correct Grace. I was using normal people language. Which some people obviously don’t get. 😉

      Liked by 3 people

    • Techno Jinxx says:

      I especially like he takes it upon himself to get online, go to websites he can’t comment at/banned from, read whats there and THEN claim the owner/commentors are “harassing” him with their postings, on websites HE doesnt own, that HE goes to, when he doesnt have to, and isn’t forced to…

      he’s such a special morbidly obese snowflake innit he?

      Liked by 4 people

    • crawford421 says:

      I like the way he publicizes some event in his life, then proclaims any comment on it is “invasion of privacy”. And if the comment is negative — “FALSE LIGHT!!!”

      Again, Bill, publishing something MAKES IT PUBLIC. Don’t want it public? Don’t talk about it in public.

      Liked by 3 people

  14. JeffM says:

    I was not surprised to see that Witless Willie did the expected: he came here to announce that he did not lose on the merits. True, although the judge made clear what she thought of the merits of suing on a tort that is not even recognized by the forum state. It is a mystery, however, why anyone should accord his opinion on the merits any weight: he has repeatedly got wrong simple procedural items like how to effect proper service, which courthouse to go to, and how to avoid default. And someone might point out that he did not win on the merits. A deeply cynical person might believe that he deliberately made procedural errors so he could not be laughed out of the courtroom when the substantive issues were addressed.

    Anyway, he is quite correct in stating that he is free to sue in the proper forum. So we shall see what he does next. Will he journey to North Carolina when it is so very inconvenient for him to journey to Maryland? And I strongly suspect we will get to see his capacity to deal with substantive law in Maryland because Hoge does not seem disposed to dismiss his own suit as others have sometimes done.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Grace says:

      Our esteemed hostess may find herself having to wait in line for awhile. The Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt has expressed, in no uncertain terms, that he is not done with WJJH — not by a LONG shot!

      There is BUSINESS that needs tendin’ to, by golly!

      “It’s humorous to me that you think this is the end of our association. It is not.”

      “See, the problem here, John, is that you think we’re done. We’re not. You and me? Not by a LONG shot! We have BUSINESS to attend to.”

      “You cats act as if the last song has been sung in this little operetta. We’ve barely started the second act.”

      Blah. Blah. Blah. *yaaaaawn*

      Second Act — Achievement Unlocked! Oooh. Skeery. 😂

      Impotent threats courtesy of an impotent blowhard. *pfft*

      Liked by 5 people

    • gmhowell says:

      One thing I can guarantee: he will NEVER sue in federal court again. He is pants shitting scared of what lawyers he may encounter there.

      Liked by 3 people

      • BusPassOffice says:

        state courts are worse, judges are not going to have that material he thinks is spicy in their courtrooms I seriously doubt he would leave a state court without a pic and some ink on his pinkys, even in Civil court. Also his fabricating ans lying isn’t going to be well received as the judge expressed some skepticism that he was telling the truth in the fed cases

        Liked by 2 people

        • gmhowell says:

          His only experiences in state courts have been in MD, where the stove is decidedly cool to the touch.

          Liked by 2 people

        • Jeanette Victoria says:

          My barnacle perjured himself and you should see what he considers proof. I think these two are truly deranged and believe their lies

          Liked by 1 person

          • paralleldino says:

            Malignant narcissists like them don’t have the courage or integrity to maintain a correlation between the real world and their perceptions of it. Instead they cling to an unfounded arrogance that by merely expressing their whims they’ll cause others to eagerly conform to their delusional viewpoint.

            That’s the whole point of the so-called “party line”. The rank and file demonstrate their obeisance and submission to the party elite by demonstrating their enthusiasm for the ravings of the party leadership–even in the face of abrupt party line reversals and obvious differences between the facts and what the party requires them to say.

            In other words, I agree with your estimate that they are deranged. What’s truly scary is their expectation and insistence that you and I reject the perceptions of our own senses (filtered through our experience and reason) in favor of their fevered derangements.

            In our world, the one eyed man is king of the blind. In their world, the insane man is king of the useful idiots.

            Liked by 3 people

  15. I think any second act will really be like a remake. Similar dialogue and outcome. I do look forward to the fire from the heavens, though. Tuesday. I’ll try to remember.

    Liked by 4 people

  16. one handle and stick to it says:

    Meanwhile, Bill Schmalfeldt is getting hurt fee fees about his public Facebook posts being read…


    • Jeanette Victoria says:

      The loons have no clue what REAL stalking is, reading and commenting on someones PUBLIC posts is not stalking. THIS would have been considered stalking had the anonymous troll really come into my town and did what she said she did. Note, the Vero Beach crybaby Thomas A Mix is thrilled at the idea that she really came into my hometown to “expose” me. Not only does he approve of off line stalking he is is cheering it. Yes, that is right he thought that the actual crime of real life harassment and stalking was just wonderful and he gave it his seal of his approval. (and note he has stated many time he believes that the anon troll@Nicolebonnet1 really did what she claimed)

      As typical of most liberals he is a hypocrite and simply posting about his online behavior elicits copious amounts of wailing and cries of “stalking!”

      Hurt feelz is not stalking and going to court because of hurt feelz just annoys the court.

      Liked by 2 people

  17. A lawyer/librarian friend of mine just posted this link: https://lawyerist.com/119949/evidence-wayback-machine-admissible-kansas/

    I think many here will find it of interest.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. Pingback: Bill Schmalfedt Said: – The Thinking Man's Zombie

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